gtd | A Cross The Universe: The Final

  • Thread starter gtuned
I started at your first post and just looked over your last set... It shows so much improvement and a lot of talent .. you've done such a great job with your set up of the gallery as well.very easy to navigate.. I hope to get to that point.. but until then I thank you for giving me a place to gather musings!
You are aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive. I r waiting.

Awesome :drool:
Had no idea you still was on here Garrett, but you do seem to have outlived at least my stay in the photomode gallery section. :P

And then we get to the picture(s), and yep, they're fantastic. 👍
Welp, it's been nearly 7 months since the last set.
In that time, I got addicted to Forza, killed my PS3 again, and got banned from Forza.

So much didn't happen. But I'm back, and going to be a lot more active on the forums (How I manged to save my 3,000th post for my first set back is amazing, especially on my birthday. :lol: )

This set is the last set I had shot before my PS3 died back in March. And with it back up and running, it's only appropriate to have it be the first back, and it may be one of the best yet. Hopefully I haven't lost any of my skill, or if it'll match the standards today, but here it is. Hold Your Colour.

Wonderful set, gtuned. Pictures #1, #6, #9, #10, #12, #17, #18 and #21 are my personal favourites. :) 👍

And of course: Welcome back!
Finally this happened ! Welcome back ! :)
Wonderful shots ! First one is so awesome :drool: :drool: :drool: I'm really glad to see your work again.

Happy Birthday :cheers:
In my head, in my head, in my head, in my head....tuuuuuututututuututut I cannot be sure.

Haha, Summer Chords mix is in my head :D

Really love your last set.
So awesome to have you back Garrett! 👍
You most certainly have not lost any of your skills - if anything they have improved. The set is utterly fantastic - every image is a masterpiece! :drool: :bowdown:
Oh :drool: You never disappoint, Garrett.
I just can't find words to describe these pics. Users before me said everything.
Great work! 👍
I can report that you are still as amazing as before! :bowdown:

Fantastic return, Garrett! Happy (belated) Birthday man! :cheers:
Wow. Welcome back :cheers: This set is superb. Some of these shots (the first one for example) are incredibly realistic 👍 All have great composition and sense of speed or motion. The toning is on top on the colored shots and the b&w ones are very well done with a great play on contrast and light & shadows. I alos like very much the work on typography on some shots.
Great job ! 👍 👍 👍
Got worse? Oh heeeeell naw. I'd say you've got even better (if it's was ever possible to improve perfection). Your new signature 'style' just makes your pictures more professional and realistic IMO. Look forward to seeing more from you. :)

BTW, what do you mean by "banned from Forza"? :lol:
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Wow. Welcome back :cheers: This set is superb. Some of these shots (the first one for example) are incredibly realistic 👍 All have great composition and sense of speed or motion. The toning is on top on the colored shots and the b&w ones are very well done with a great play on contrast and light & shadows. I alos like very much the work on typography on some shots.
Great job ! 👍 👍 👍

This pretty much resumes my opinion. :)

Great to see you here 👍