Thanks everyone! It's great to be back, and even better to see all the appreciation!
For this set, we're ditching the EDM for a set, and going into some RnB/Rap.
Ant introduced me to Frank Ocean a while ago and I got hooked on his music, not to mention a good majority of his songs
have car references, and the fact that he's a major gearhead helped too.
So I wanted to do a set to match his first release, Nostalgia, Ultra, which features a bright orange E30 M3 on the cover.
Seeing as there's no E30, I made my own Hybrid E46, Stanced it, and gave it M5 power,
and took it to Kyoto/Eiger for the shots to best suit each song.
Some of the songs have some explicit lyrics, so you've been warned.
So here it is,
Nostalgia, Ultra.