My quick recap. Results aren't in yet but I have some of it by memory and best to publish before I forget entirely what happened!
I had a Brno practise session with raeggee early last week, but no Imola, so I went in a bit cold. However, the short time we had before the start of quali was iluminating. The Nissan LM I was familiar with and Imola didn't stand out as particularly tricky for that car (found Brno more difficult TBH)
I don't remember much about quali, don't even know where I placed (I do remember raeggee did pole, xeronima 2nd IIRC) but I noticed how close the times were for the entire field, something that wouldn't be possible at Brno.
Race 1 - Finished well down the order, but it was an ok race. I knew the GTO field would grow last night and so it happened that raeggee and xero were the first to fall into our Ace company. Solid drives everywhere, no big surprises.
Race 2 - The reverse grid (plus less two GTE cars in the field) could give me a chance but then 2 things happened: 1) Ricardo (
@GTP_RPREGO ) crashed from 1st and I, going 2nd, crashed into him. By the end of lap 1 I was last

2) for some odd reason my car wasn't the Nissan LM, it was the NIssan IMSA. And I don't know what it is that makes them different, but THEY ARE! And I had the most frustraing race fighting a car that was almost the one I knew, but that almost part threw me off many times. I thing I ended the race in penultimate place (I guess
@IfAndOr wanted pole position for the last race ...

) and about 40 seconds behind the leader (
@half_sourly, promoted to Ace there and then

Race 3 -
Return of the LM, and my first victory in a GTO. In a stunning turn of fortune, and driving the proper car this time, I somehow managed to overtake Paul's BMW at the end of the long start/finish straight, and from that point on I even managed a healthy lead over the field. Come the last few laps I went maybe a bit too cautious and my lead diminished to about 2 or 3 seconds, but it was worth it, I was getting nervous with the fear of wrecking anoher race!
All in all, a good night, with its ups and downs as it should be. 👍
(not sure about standings, raeggee must have collected an impressive haul of points so maybe he leads now, I'll wait
@half_sourly 's verdict table!)