GTP Awards® 2011 - THE RESULTS!!!

  • Thread starter DQuaN
Arrggh, dammit I missed voting this. :lol:

Congratulations to everyone, especially W3HS, T-12, and Azuremen.
I voted you as frendliest Tom.;)

Cheers, I think I voted for you as friendliest and Dax as funniest, although you do have your moments. :sly:



Cheers Omnis, I'll abuse it and be thinking of you. House party tonight, perfect maiden voyage!

Are you off to lbs's gaff then? :lol:
The best!

You've been talking to the wrong people! Probably AT...

Saying that, it's only mid week if your week begins on Monday. Mine began today so start of the week p!ss up! Moar fun (and trouble considering when I got home compared to when I said I would.) :scared:
Suggestion DQ - Either post all your numbers (which I personally wouldn't do) or don't tell anyone anything. If they didn't "win" it doesn't really matter if they were voted for or not.

But that's just me...
One vote for most likely to become a mod.

That was the one award I would literally fall on the floor with shock if I got it, I doubt I even got a vote for it though.
Did I get any for anything?

One for frendliest, one for funniest and four for best new member (runner up)

I'm a little curious too.

Sorry no.

Suggestion DQ - Either post all your numbers (which I personally wouldn't do) or don't tell anyone anything. If they didn't "win" it doesn't really matter if they were voted for or not.

But that's just me...

I don't want to post them all up as it would give away any suprise! Also I don't want to find out if I made a mistake!

Did I get anything?

Sorry no.
I would ask but I definitely didn't get a vote. Unless TB gave me one for trying to drive him crazy :dopey:.
I'm curious if I got any votes, but there's no category for "Most Canadian" so I don't really have anything I could have won.
Yet another reason you should have won funniest. :lol:

That's where my vote went!

I'm curious if I got any votes, but there's no category for "Most Canadian" so I don't really have anything I could have won.

New goal for 2012 - be more Canadian than Noob616.

Congrats to all the winners - thanks again for using my banner, DQ. I believe Famine mentioned it in the nomination thread, but what are your thoughts on first having people sending in their votes for each award, then having a poll with all nominees for each one? It'd likely get a higher turnout of votes, since the "heavy lifting" of actually nominating would be taken care of for most of the community :)
Well done everybody - to all those who didn't quite make the grade; there is always next year!

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