GTP Cool Wall: 1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

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United States
Wasilla, AK
1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1




2-door coupe

F6A 40 ci/657 cc turbocharged DOHC inline 3 (rated 63 HP & 63 lb-ft, though probably had more horsepower than that - then again perhaps only slightly, or not at all. Who knows.)

5-speed manual

Mid-engine, Rear-drive

Suzuki Cara

Was featured in Toyko Xtreme Racer Zero (and, probably, 2). It may have been one of the slowest kei sports cars in the game, even when fully upgraded

My Take
Do you even have to ask? Seriously Uncool without hesitation. Kei cars are seriously uncool to start with due to being limited by Japanese law to 40.28 ci and 63 rated horsepower, which smacks of environmentalism, or perhaps safety nannying. This one has the added disadvantage of a somewhat cute outward appearance. Belongs in the lowest section of the wall as far as I'm concerned.
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Do you even have to ask? Seriously Uncool without hesitation. Kei cars are seriously uncool to start with due to being limited by Japanese law to 40.28 ci and 63 rated horsepower, which smacks of environmentalism, or perhaps safety nannying. This one has the added disadvantage of a somewhat cute outward appearance. Belongs in the lowest section of the wall as far as I'm concerned.


I love kei cars but I'm not sure they're cool. I'll have to think about it before voting.
OP strikes again...

This is a very cool kei car. It's mid-engined, has gullwing doors, and would look funny with angry eye headlights.

Also, Mazdaspeed version.


It also was part of when Mazda went nuts ~20 years ago. Mazda also made the FD3S RX-7, Amanti, Eunos Cosmo, the NA Miata, and won Le Mans with the 787B and created a legend at the same time.

I say Sub-Zero.
I didn't know they made a Mazdaspeed version. It looks so much better without the bottom part of the car in that gross grey color.
which smacks of environmentalism, or perhaps safety nannying
It's neither - it's actually because Japanese cities are incredibly crowded and parking spaces are at a massive premium. Keis are designed to ensure those with no dedicated parking space for a larger vehicle can still get about the place, and maneuver around tight cities, while costing less to run for those on limited budgets.

Of course, had you researched that rather than making snap-judgements based on pre-existing bias then you'd have known that anyway.
Once again, OP's decision revolving around horsepower despite the fact that these have major track potential. OP also fails to research that this isn't that much of a Kei car to begin with; was too expensive & too cramped, putting it into a market that didn't actually exist at the time.

Gets a cool from me. As noted, several of these are tracked due to ideal layout, weight, & the fact that because of these 2 things, you don't (or can't really) have to get crazy with the power. Boost the 63Hp to 100-120Hp, and these things at 1,600lbs. with some extra umph, some sticky tires & an aftermarket suspension/brake setup, should definitely cover almost any track without much work.
This one has the added disadvantage of a somewhat cute outward appearance. Belongs in the lowest section of the wall as far as I'm concerned.

Hang on, why does a car being 'cute' make it uncool? The original versions of the Minis and Fiat 500s are very cute cars that both get a solid cool in my view.

By suggesting something needs to be big, brash and manly in order to be cool just makes it sound like you're compensating for something.
Seriously uncool. Ugly, gutless little car.

Let me guess on the school yard you see the small scrawny smart kid standing there and you think, what a gutless boy he is? I'm just curious cause every time one of you muscle car nuts talk about other cars that don't have the power you always end up using the term gutless. I mean to me what's gutless is the idea that you have to so much power under your ass that you don't know what to do with it, just to get through the day.

So just like the kid analogy you see cars in the same light they're small, under power (to you), but do the job intended or possibly not intended but well in a smart reasonable aspect. However, to you that's just not right.

So what, you think only cars that gush out testosterone are cool? What simple-minded narrow nonsense.

You already should know, unless this is your first cool wall.
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I've certainly seen a few of his posts, and I guess I've given him a little too much benefit of the doubt.

Oh indeed you have this is the guy that makes irrational leaps in claiming that by liking a certain car you end up being some tree hugging liberal that has it out for certain other cars, or you in league with socialist or the one other time he called a car either a hitler mobile or commie machine...something like that. All in the cool walls from this year.

EDIT: He also told the guys that write about cars for a living that subsequently thought the first gen Honda Insight was cool, were not true car enthusiasts which obviously sat well with them.

I like the car, but it's a no for me. Because i won't fit. And that's a major fact for me and cars. I'll still cool the Midget though.

Exactly my thoughts. Being a shark stuffed into a sardine can is never cool, no matter how cool the can is.
Me in all my 1,86m glory would highly likely not be able to fit in one either, but that can be said for most older Japanese and British sports cars. I don't think that it has anything to do with the car's coolness on it's own though but, granted, you wouldn't look particulary cool trying to squeeze in and out of one of them. Awesome car nevertheless.
Absolutely love this car to bits. Yet another kei car with bags of character and a 3 cylinder you can rev the nuts off of without smashing speed limits.

Uncool though. Don't get me wrong, I adore the design and small size and I can appreciate its eccentricity unlike some people. But I imagine other non-motoring types won't think so highly of it and would assume it's a weird-looking kit car. It's amusing how cute it is, but "cool" it does not scream IMO.

tl;dr Too kawaii for cool. Too sugoi for SU.
How tall are you?

Nearly 6'4". But it's not just the height. I run on average a healthy 240lbs. Now imagine me getting out a kei car. Seriously uncool. No matter how you spin it, no matter how cool the car is, I'd still look like a tool.
It's a bit lighter, and bit more powerful than my first car, which was a Peugeot 106... it was kind of a fun car, but you did have to smash the crap out of it (metaphorically speaking) to feel like you were actually getting anywhere in it, which lead to engine repair bills, bits falling off, and lots of tyre wear - which is not cool. I would imagine a 'sporty' kei car car would be the same - you have to totally beast it to get the pleasure out of it. I'm going to go cool, because I kinda like the way it looks, and I'm sure it would be fun for a little while.
Sub zero, love the gullwing doors and it's a Kei Car, and they're always cool because we don't really have them here in Germany :D
I voted cool. Kei cars are crazy in their own right (most of them being turbocharged and 4WD means they have potential, and I'd imagine are quite nippy as standard), and this having gullwing doors and looking like a mini Ferrari-esque design is so cheesy that it becomes even cooler. Plus, turbo 3 cylinders sound nuts.

Kei cars are seriously uncool to start with due to being limited by Japanese law to 40.28 ci and 63 rated horsepower, which smacks of environmentalism, or perhaps safety nannying.

Okay, seriously? Normally I keep my mouth shut when I read stuff like this, but i can't help but address some of these points. Who measures engines in cubic inches anymore? It's the 21st century. Plus, it only has 63 horsepower because that's all it needs. Did you not even read the weight listings? Not everywhere is America. Not everywhere has (or rather, had) cheap fuel. Not everywhere has massive streets and highways. Think of where this car was designed for. Small, tight, smog-filled cities, like Tokyo. A small, turbocharged, sporty coupe with crazy doors that is light on fuel, insurance, size and taxes that average citizens can buy is much more appealing over there than a land yacht with a big block which was only put in there to lug the weight around. I'm not saying that makes land yachts bad, but you have to contextualize and realise not everyone will like or necessarily desire a car with a thumping great V8 in it.

Okay, seriously? Normally I keep my mouth shut when I read stuff like this, but i can't help but address some of these points. Who measures engines in cubic inches anymore? It's the 21st century. Plus, it only has 63 horsepower because that's all it needs. Did you not even read the weight listings? Not everywhere is America. Not everywhere has (or rather, had) cheap fuel. Not everywhere has massive streets and highways. Think of where this car was designed for. Small, tight, smog-filled cities, like Tokyo. A small, turbocharged, sporty coupe with crazy doors that is light on fuel, insurance, size and taxes that average citizens can buy is much more appealing over there than a land yacht with a big block which was only put in there to lug the weight around. I'm not saying that makes land yachts bad, but you have to contextualize and realise not everyone will like or necessarily desire a car with a thumping great V8 in it.


Unfortunately you're preaching to the deaf.