GTP Cool Wall: 1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

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One of the sub-zeroest of sub-zero cars I've ever sub-zero-voted. đź‘Ť Small RWD cars are cool. A sporty MR kei car that looks like this is cryogenic. If only this car had appeared in Enthusia Professional Racing with the Beat and Cappuccino...the closest I might ever get to experiencing one.
Is it me, or do people give out SZ's and cool's way to easily? I understand people having different taste when it comes to cars, but c'mon, nearly every car that gets posted has a huge amount of Sub Zeroes, considering that in Top Gear (from where the cool wall was inspired) only a handful of cars get rated that high.
Perhaps I'm a textbook case of what you mean? In the past 10 years or so I've grown to be quite open-minded about cars, or so I'd like to think. My personal principles are mostly the same (eg. manual transmission or nothing; RWD/AWD is always better than FWD, all other things equal) but I've learned to acknowledge/appreciate the qualities of other cars and find interest in the unique history/technology of something I wouldn't necessarily care to drive myself.

I don't think I hand out an excess number of SZs, but I do think a lot of cars are cool. Many of the ones that show up in these polls are unique or different in some way, whether they're odd, sporty, old, rare, or never sold in my country. Those are cool qualities to me.
Cool. I don't really like kei cars all that much, mainly because they all look rather cartoonish to me, but I can understand the appeal of them. Also I find it really funny the people are complaining about the power, or what they think is the lack-there-of. You don't need a million horsepower in something that weighs next to nothing to have a fun, fast car.
Sub-Zero, nothing lower is worthy of this machine. It has gullwing doors on a 657cc engined Kei-ish car, that's almost as cute looking as the Miata (Deviation from the usual sporty car=agressive RRRRRGH ANGRY) and really light. You can also turn heads in this thing anywhere except maybe Japan.
Intended to vote really high meh or cool because it's such a great car for learning to drive. I mean, how can you go wrong with MR format, low weight, and low power?
However, while I considered my position between Meh and Cool I noticed the W&N ignorance/ hate speech and decided a SZ would be the only appropriate way to respond. đź‘Ť
This car grew on me like nothing. At first I thought it was rubbish, but now I appreciate it's appeal. I love kei-cars, a nice solution for a big problem and the fact it's gullwing, MR, low power, low weight only enhaces it's cool factor. Sub-Zero
Blindly hating anything and then speaking of it is hate speech imho. :P

I agree, applying political/socioeconomic rhetoric to cars is the height of ridiculousness.

I'm sure the irony has already passed overhead on its way to Russia.

Can he see it from his backyard?
Can he see it from his backyard?


Ask gnomefromnome, he might be able to see Russia on a clear day.

>'So to see it applied to cars seems like the height of ridiculousness to me'
>thinks the honda insight symbolises everything wrong with 21st century america

The reason I say that is, you're not going to hurt a car's feelings. So to say "hate speech" like it's a discussion of race or sexuality seems pretty stupid.
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Defense mechanism: Change the subject by replying to a tangential snippet of the conversation in a dry, literal way.
Post updated with response.

@Toronado No offense if it's your video, but:

Actual 480p (my old CRT TV probably displays at this or the next lower one)
Arcade cabinet
YouTube 480p

Also, notice how half the time, the corners are ruined by the car either flying off the handle or snapping out of oversteer too quickly. That is why FF is hideous no matter how much data is compiled saying it's faster than FR/MR.
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The reason I say that is, you're not going to hurt a car's feelings. So to say "hate speech" like it's a discussion of race or sexuality seems pretty stupid.

'Hate' just means an intense dislike, nothing to do with 'feelings' at all. A 10 second Google search clarified that. Considering you're giving an intense spiel about the negative connotations of nannying or whatever, I'd say that qualifies for a hate speech.

Also, notice how half the time, the corners are ruined by the car either flying off the handle or snapping out of oversteer too quickly. That is why FF is hideous no matter how much data is compiled saying it's faster than FR/MR.

...are you broken? The AZ-1 is MR. YOU did the research for this thread.
'Hate' just means an intense dislike, nothing to do with 'feelings' at all. A 10 second Google search clarified that. Considering you're giving an intense spiel about the negative connotations of nannying or whatever, I'd say that qualifies for a hate speech.

Literally speaking, you're right, but here in the U.S. at least "hate speech" is a liberal stock phrase used to label things said or written in opposition to the left's social justice cause of the month. Usually LGBT.

...are you broken? The AZ-1 is MR. YOU did the research for this thread.

But just the fact of it being MR alone is not enough to make it cool. Yes it has a good layout and probaly handles very well, but there are a lot of other things making it uncool.
It's a thread about a car on a forum about a game with cars in. Remind me, why exactly did we need to bring up liberals, leftists or anything that has nothing to do with a 1990s Mazda kei-car?!

I was just explaining why I thought using "hate speech" in a discussion about cars was stupid.
@Toronado No offense if it's your video, but:
It's not my video.

Also, notice how half the time, the corners are ruined by the car either flying off the handle or snapping out of oversteer too quickly.
And approximately 100% of the instances where that video was posted was to make a joke. I even was kind enough to quote the post I was responding to to make the fact that it was a joke even more obvious. By all means, talk about how a 4000 pound FWD car won't handle as well as a 1600 pound MR one. It isn't as if that was the entire point or anything.

That is why FF is hideous no matter how much data is compiled saying it's faster than FR/MR.
I wonder how many full sized mid engined luxury sedans you can buy on the market today.

Also, again, the car that this thread is about is MR, so what's the problem again?
It's not my video.

And approximately 100% of the instances where video was posted was to make a joke. I even was kind enough to quote the post I was responding to, no less.

I wonder how many full sized mid engined luxury sedans you can buy on the market today.

Also, the car that this thread is about is MR, so what's the problem again?

A lot of them are FR though.

I was responding to the video primarly as an aside. Also once again, the Autozam is too weak and cutesy to be cool, MR or not.
Also, speaking of, I think the Chevrolet Astro is a bit of fun on Dragon Range in that game. Just loose and skatey enough to almost pivot around the inside wall on the tighter turns, given a bit of parking brake.
But just the fact of it being MR alone is not enough to make it cool. Yes it has a good layout and probaly handles very well, but there are a lot of other things making it uncool.

That isn't the point, you said 'SEE, THAT VIDEO SHOWS WHY FWD SUCKS' completely missing the fact that the car in question doesn't have that drivetrain. More alarmingly, you put the thread together and found the details for the car in the first place. And now you're just going 'oh yeah, the MR layout is good I guess'. I can see why the more erudite - no, in fact, every other member - gets wound up by your reasoning for your viewpoints.
How many LGBTQI individuals, especially teenagers, kill themselves every year, every month, every week, because they're afraid of what other people will think of them, say to them, do to them? How many are murdered or otherwise brutally assaulted by others driven by completely irrational hatred? (particularly in the case of trans* folk) Too many. Far too many. Even one is too many, but what we have, it's disgusting.

That's why anyone who says anything which could even be interpreted even slightly negatively about LGBTQI individuals will be defined by me as hate speech and I will be perfectly prepared to have EXTREMELY strong words with them about what I think of their outdated, idiotic, bigoted ways.

However, I'm open minded. I understand that many bigots are for whatever reason, insecure, and I see it as the duty of any reasonable person to help people beat their insecurities and live as happily as I can.

If you are gay, or bi, or pan, or trans*, or anything else, but in denial, don't be. Accept who you are and love yourself for it, and if others don't, well, then, they're not the sort of people one should be associating with. Even if they're family, if your family are awful, get away, get them arrested if you can, it can only help.


Rant over.

Seriously. Politics and cars have little to do with each other beyond very boring (but important) things like environmental controls, traffic planning and such like. Keep it out of the cool wall.