How many LGBTQI individuals, especially teenagers, kill themselves every year, every month, every week, because they're afraid of what other people will think of them, say to them, do to them? How many are murdered or otherwise brutally assaulted by others driven by completely irrational hatred? (particularly in the case of trans* folk) Too many. Far too many. Even one is too many, but what we have, it's disgusting.
That's why anyone who says anything which could even be interpreted even slightly negatively about LGBTQI individuals will be defined by me as hate speech and I will be perfectly prepared to have EXTREMELY strong words with them about what I think of their outdated, idiotic, bigoted ways.
However, I'm open minded. I understand that many bigots are for whatever reason, insecure, and I see it as the duty of any reasonable person to help people beat their insecurities and live as happily as I can.
If you are gay, or bi, or pan, or trans*, or anything else, but in denial, don't be. Accept who you are and love yourself for it, and if others don't, well, then, they're not the sort of people one should be associating with. Even if they're family, if your family are awful, get away, get them arrested if you can, it can only help.
Rant over.
Seriously. Politics and cars have little to do with each other beyond very boring (but important) things like environmental controls, traffic planning and such like. Keep it out of the cool wall.