GTP Cool Wall: 1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

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That isn't the point, you said 'SEE, THAT VIDEO SHOWS WHY FWD SUCKS' completely missing the fact that the car in question doesn't have that drivetrain. More alarmingly, you put the thread together and found the details for the car in the first place. And now you're just going 'oh yeah, the MR layout is good I guess'. I can see why the more erudite - no, in fact, every other member - gets wound up by your reasoning for your viewpoints.

My response there didn't really have anything to do with the AZ-1. The main reason I bothered to comment at all is because, during a previous CW thread regarding the early-90s Lotus Elan, I'd cracked on it for being FWD and people responded by saying Lotus had done tests and found that FWD was always faster or something.

Otherwise, yes, I know the AZ-1 isn't FF. I knew it all along. That and the use of a manual transmission are the only two things this car does right.
How many individuals, especially teenagers, kill themselves every year, every month, every week, because they're afraid of what other people will think of them, say to them, do to them?

I uh...yeah...
It was, actually. If you've seen these threads before, you'd know I have a bad habit of continuing arguments between threads and trying to settle old scores.

Doesn't seem to get you anywhere, clearly, since you do the same thing every time; give your opinionated response based purely on engine size/power/drivetrain, wonder why we don't like that view, accuse everyone of wanting to live in a dystopian future, rinse and repeat.

No one is gonna have a go at you if you don't find it cool. If it's because of the looks, how you'd look whilst driving it, the image associated with it, whatever - those are legit reasons. Constantly going 'hurr, small engine, must be those eco mentalists, SU' is not gonna make things better.
Unintentional or not, I see these two posts in sequence, and it positively slays me:

Defense mechanism: Change the subject by replying to a tangential snippet of the conversation in a dry, literal way.
Post updated with response.

@Toronado No offense if it's your video, but:

Actual 480p (my old CRT TV probably displays at this or the next lower one)
Arcade cabinet
YouTube 480p

Also, notice how half the time, the corners are ruined by the car either flying off the handle or snapping out of oversteer too quickly. That is why FF is hideous no matter how much data is compiled saying it's faster than FR/MR.

The AZ-1? I'm going to quickly get my vote in as cool, before I spend the rest of Friday night having a few beers and playing Enthusia until I pass out. Thanks a lot, @Wolfe and @Tornado :P
On the subject of Enthusia...
Also, speaking of, I think the Chevrolet Astro is a bit of fun on Dragon Range in that game. Just loose and skatey enough to almost pivot around the inside wall on the tighter turns, given a bit of parking brake.
If you can have "a bit of fun" running the Dragon Range in a 4700lbs. van, try the Dragon Range downhill in the Honda Beat. Then explain what made your experience in an MR kei car so "awful". At least it'll be backed up by something.
It was, actually. If you've seen these threads before, you'd know I have a bad habit of continuing arguments between threads and trying to settle old scores.
So an argument from a thread from 3 months ago about the raw handling capabilities of FWD sports cars was "continued" as a "rebuttal" to a joking video post of a 4000 pound luxury sedan?

I'll post this:

Can I now hear a tirade about how the 1971 Pontiac LeMans was a superior sport sedan because its glorious RWD drivetrain allowed it to totally keep up with an elevated train that one time?
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Another very very easy sub zero. Also, another serious lol at White&Nerdy, Mustang Fanatic and the guy with the truck.

Really guys, you make these threads absolute golden. Keep it up 👍

Perhaps you should show more respect to the guy taking time out of his day to research these cars and make these threads.
Apologies for the double-post.

However, I'm open minded.

Seriously. Politics and cars have little to do with each other beyond very boring (but important) things like environmental controls, traffic planning and such like. Keep it out of the cool wall.

I don't think you understand what open minded means. Not that I am open-minded.

Politics and the automotive industry are closely intertwined. The U.S. Government helped fund Fisker and Tesla and bailed out GM and Chrysler. The highly controversial "Cash for Clunkers" program, started by President Obama, destroyed countless old cars.

And due to the stereotypes of people who drive certain cars, the coolness of those cars is affected. Example: Homosexual men driving Miatas. You can't just ignore politics when viewing cars.
How many LGBTQI individuals, especially teenagers, kill themselves every year, every month, every week, because they're afraid of what other people will think of them, say to them, do to them? How many are murdered or otherwise brutally assaulted by others driven by completely irrational hatred? (particularly in the case of trans* folk) Too many. Far too many. Even one is too many, but what we have, it's disgusting.

That's why anyone who says anything which could even be interpreted even slightly negatively about LGBTQI individuals will be defined by me as hate speech and I will be perfectly prepared to have EXTREMELY strong words with them about what I think of their outdated, idiotic, bigoted ways.

However, I'm open minded. I understand that many bigots are for whatever reason, insecure, and I see it as the duty of any reasonable person to help people beat their insecurities and live as happily as I can.

If you are gay, or bi, or pan, or trans*, or anything else, but in denial, don't be. Accept who you are and love yourself for it, and if others don't, well, then, they're not the sort of people one should be associating with. Even if they're family, if your family are awful, get away, get them arrested if you can, it can only help.

Rant over.

Seriously. Politics and cars have little to do with each other beyond very boring (but important) things like environmental controls, traffic planning and such like. Keep it out of the cool wall.
Quoted because awesome. All of you who think that a car is uncool because you think homosexuals drive it disgust me. It makes me sick to think that there are people who would judge others based on their sexual orientation.

I used to be able to laugh at the stpidity in these threads, but they've gone too far. I hope those of you here for the show enjoy yourselves, I'm going.
Also, speaking of, I think the Chevrolet Astro is a bit of fun on Dragon Range in that game. Just loose and skatey enough to almost pivot around the inside wall on the tighter turns, given a bit of parking brake.
Oddly enough, one of my real-life driving experiences is about as close as it's possible to get to driving the Astro on Dragon Range in Enthusia. Mainly because I've driven a real Astro (the one in my avatar) on some of the best roads in California.

It's a truly awful vehicle. It doesn't go (despite having an engine almost four times the size of my current car), it doesn't stop, it feels like it's about to fall over all the time, it overheats, and the auto gearbox in this particular Astro delivered every gearchange with an amusing clunk.

However, it was still great fun to drive. Mainly because anything is fun to drive when you put some effort in. I drove the thing down Highway One and it spent most of its time on the left-hand side of the road, overtaking tourists in convertible Mustangs. The only real problem with it is that driving it like that, cutlery kept crashing around in the back and all my beer got shaken up.

It does rather neatly lead me on to this, though:
On the subject of Enthusia...

If you can have "a bit of fun" running the Dragon Range in a 4700lbs. van, try the Dragon Range downhill in the Honda Beat. Then explain what made your experience in an MR kei car so "awful". At least it'll be backed up by something.
Wolfe is right. If I could have fun in two tons of camper-van converted Astro with a broken gearbox, I'm damn sure I - and almost certainly even you - could have fun in something like an AZ-1. Despite its "weak" engine. The unfortunate thing is you're too set in your ways to give vehicles like that a chance.

The daft thing is, given the spurious reasons you give for deciding on a car's coolness, I'd be pretty sure you'd actually decide it was "cool" if you ever became open-minded enough to drive and enjoy something similar.
I don't think you understand what open minded means. Not that I am open-minded.
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This is what happens when a manufacturer's engineering department gets hold of a list of regulations and says "Bollocks to that, let's make a sports car".

And when the lead engineer is a good enough politician that he can talk marketing into green lighting it.

Pretty much this.

Subzero. Though I'd still rate a Suzuki Cappuchino much higher.

Is it me, or do people give out SZ's and cool's way to easily? I understand people having different taste when it comes to cars, but c'mon, nearly every car that gets posted has a huge amount of Sub Zeroes, considering that in Top Gear (from where the cool wall was inspired) only a handful of cars get rated that high.

These things always even out. The whole point of the cool wall is to sort through those votes to come to a consensus. As opposed to the original cool wall, in which he who shouts loudest wins.

There will be people who will SZ or SU a lot of cars. But the Cool Wall always balances them out.

Don't try to build a sports car unless you can put horsepower in it. This doesn't, and it's also ugly. Seriously Uncool. Not even gullwing doors can save it.

You do know many of the most iconic sports cars have less than two hundred horsepower? And that many of them have less than a hundred? When your car weighs nothing, you don't need big power. This is why Caterhams and Radicals make such a mockery of so-called supercars on the racetrack.

And due to the stereotypes of people who drive certain cars, the coolness of those cars is affected. Example: Homosexual men driving Miatas. You can't just ignore politics when viewing cars.

So... what's wrong with homosexual men driving Miatas? Consider your answer very, very carefully.

The "gay car" stereotype is incredibly overblown. As a long time member of dozens of online car clubs, including a number of Mazda clubs, the percentage of gay men with Miatas is no greater than the percentage of gay men with SUVs, crossovers, regular sedans or other sports cars.

They're just more visible because... OMG... open top.

Gay people like nice cars. Just like anyone else. Just ask

Oh... snap. Somebody better tell Chevy to man up the Camaro... :lol:
The highly controversial "Cash for Clunkers" program, started by President Obama, destroyed countless old cars.

Something tells me that very few ACTUAL classic cars got destroyed in the "Cash for Clunkers" programme, and they were probably mostly crappy rusty sedans and pick-ups.

We wouldn't be talking about politics here if it weren't for W&N going Bachmann-guano crazy.
Gay people like nice cars. Just like anyone else. Just ask

Oh... snap. Somebody better tell Chevy to man up the Camaro... :lol:

Looking around that site, I found that the same list for this year includes the Dodge Challenger, and that the best selling car among the American LBGT community last year was the Ford F-Series:

When it came to specific models, pickups made a strong showing, though they were outnumbered by sensible sedans. LGBT consumers’ top five makes and models last year were:

1. Ford F-Series
2. Honda Accord
3. Chevrolet Silverado
4. Toyota Camry
5. Honda Civic

Turns out gay people look for the same things in a car as straight people do: reliability, safety, value, and practicality.

Who'd have thought it.

Oh, and the little Mazda? Cool.
The "gay car" stereotype is incredibly overblown. As a long time member of dozens of online car clubs, including a number of Mazda clubs, the percentage of gay men with Miatas is no greater than the percentage of gay men with SUVs, crossovers, regular sedans or other sports cars.

They're just more visible because... OMG... open top.

Gay people like nice cars. Just like anyone else. Just ask
It's just struck me when you mentioned this that the vast majority of gay people I know are either on this forum, or they're car journalists. Both groups like all sorts of cars, as far as I'm aware.
It's just struck me when you mentioned this that the vast majority of gay people I know are either on this forum, or they're car journalists. Both groups like all sorts of cars, as far as I'm aware.

Funny enough, I don't know any gay auto-journalists here (though there are a number of high profile LGBT journalists in the local scene)... While that might be because we're the types who "don't ask don't tell"... there's also that the local auto-journalism scene is still very much a male-oriented one... an "old boys club", so to speak (and all the chauvinism, dirty jokes, unprofessional "hitting on the ladies" and other stuff that goes along with it)... though there are some great women in it, too.
Uncool. Never been a fan.

I've no doubt it's a good car, I just don't see it as a cool one.
Seems like a fun activity for many.

So you don't know how these threads are made...okay that's cool good job at putting your foot in your mouth.

If you want to be accurate, neither of us do because we've never made them.

Something tells me that very few ACTUAL classic cars got destroyed in the "Cash for Clunkers" programme, and they were probably mostly crappy rusty sedans and pick-ups.

Not my point; I'm trying to say that politics affected the car world.

So... what's wrong with homosexual men driving Miatas? Consider your answer very, very carefully.

I didn't say there was. What led you to that assumption? It's just like the rednecks in pickups stereotype.
I think all kei cars in general are very cool. They're rare fruit being limited to Japan and they're also rather unknown here in the US. Seeing one would be a mystery to people on the streets and they would likely be interested and ask questions. They're also not fancy or expensive which is the main thing that results in a car being uncool. Pretentiousness is never cool. Having something different and interesting that everybody can respect and enjoy is cool. Plus, this particular one is a great little sports car that is fun to drive even when you're going slow. Good gas mileage, fun to drive, inexpensive, rare and interesting. Sub-zero.
I didn't say there was. What led you to that assumption? It's just like the rednecks in pickups stereotype.

When you say it affects coolness, the question is: why? A redneck affects the coolness of a car because "redneck" is a description of attitude and behaviour.

Gay isn't. It's a simple description of gender.

This is like saying whether a car is driven by men or women affects its coolness.

I'm sorry. That doesn't work. My aunt drove a Viper to work for several years. Another aunt drag-raced turbocharged rear-wheel drive Lancers in the 70's and 80's, and drove an S4 in the 90's (not only female, but a lesbian, to boot). Jeremy Clarkson's wife once raced a Lotus in road rallies.

There are gay NASCAR drivers. Gay Corvette owners. Gay Jeep drivers. It's the 21st century. I don't see how this actually has anything to do with coolness, at this point.

Now, if the MX-5 were the choice car of full-on, feather headdressed drag queens, that might be a different story. But it isn't.