I still think it's interesting that the same people who think cute cars are cool are the same ones who have turned the homosexuality thread into a depressing echo chamber, where the ritual posting of relevant news and regurgitating of pro-gay opinions is broken only by the occasional lone challenger getting ganged up on by about 10 people at once.
This has gone on long enough.
You are, without a doubt, one of the most narrow minded pedastal pushers I have ever encountered.
You're not Glenn Beck. God forbid anyone
wants to be. I sincerely hope you take the chance to reflect on your posting styles and your beliefs in life.
These forums would be better off without your poison; spouting ridiculously inaccurate cliches about manliness and gayness, telling us how gold has no intrinsic value, heavily hinting that you don't believe in peak oil, then crying persecution when someone challanges you on it.
Yes, that's right. Liquid disagrees with you. As do many others on this forum. That should be enough of a clue for you to think that maybe you need to retune or readjust things. If your attitude is "These people are all negative attributes X, Y and Z" then you need to have a look at yourself and how you treat people.
I've already told you that you keep falling for the false consensus effect; the error in thinking that everyonr else thinks the same as you do. You seem constantly flabbergasted that other people can have different opinions to yours.
Which threads spill over to this same old 🤬 ? Ford Fiesta, Mazda MX-5, Mazda AZ-1. Oh I wonder why? I don't think the GTP "core group" takes over a Mustang thread and uses it as a "pro-homosexuality" platform. Funnily enough, they talk about
the car.
Grow up or leave. I'm hoping for the second option.