GTP Cool Wall: 1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

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I still think it's interesting that the same people who think cute cars are cool are the same ones who have turned the homosexuality thread into a depressing echo chamber, where the ritual posting of relevant news and regurgitating of pro-gay opinions is broken only by the occasional lone challenger getting ganged up on by about 10 people at once.

The fact that in your head you are able to make a link between a person's opinion on coolness and their opinion of homosexuality just shows how immature you really are.

us stupid rednecks & teenagers just don't get.

By the way, teenagers aren't cool. As a teenager I liked Fred Durst.
Literally defined, it means the simple opinions that there is nothing unnatural or morally wrong with same-sex sex, and that marriage can and should be redefined to include same-sex relationships.

For clarity, what you're defining as "pro-gay" there is actually "normal". It is "normal" to be accepting that human beings love each other, that sexual acts that take place between them with consent are not immoral and that marriage has already been redefined to suit the requirements of religious institutions that held a monopoly on the practice until recently and should not be used to exclude any two consenting humans from making a contractual bond. It's "normal" because that is how things are.
In this site's homosexuality thread, however, it tends to take the form of synchronized Christian-bashing whenever anything LGBT-related hits the news, or whenever someone speaks in opposition expecting a normal discussion and not a 10-on-1, or whenever someone looks at the poll results.
In other bad news for you, one of the most prominent Libertarian (and thus "pro-gay" by your definition) posters is a practising Christian.

Again you're displaying significant evidence of a major psychological issue regarding persecution and I will again, as genuine advice, suggest you seek psychiatric help. Even if it's only counselling.

For clarity, what you're defining as "pro-gay" there is actually "normal". It is "normal" to be accepting that human beings love each other, that sexual acts that take place between them with consent are not immoral and that marriage has already been redefined to suit the requirements of religious institutions that held a monopoly on the practice until recently and should not be used to exclude any two consenting humans from making a contractual bond. It's "normal" because that is how things are.In other bad news for you, one of the most prominent Libertarian (and thus "pro-gay" by your definition) posters is a practising Christian.

What you define as "normal" here is actually the belief that there either are no concrete rights or wrongs, or that those rights and wrongs are set not by a higher authority than man but by whatever feels right to our limited understanding of the world. Such a perspective scoffs at the idea that anything, including sex, is sacred or should be treated with respect, substituting such excuses as "safe sex" and "as long as it's consensual" for actual correctness. And just in case someone brings this up, I never condoned physically attacking homosexuals or encouraging them to commit suicide. It is possible to take issue with the things people do without hating them personally.

Again you're displaying significant evidence of a major psychological issue regarding persecution and I will again, as genuine advice, suggest you seek psychiatric help. Even if it's only counselling.

Would you like me to find and quote examples? I'm not joking or sniping here, this is a serious offer. Because given enough time I could probably find enough to prove my point.
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What you define as "normal" here is actually the belief that there either are no concrete rights or wrongs
or that those rights and wrongs are set not by a higher authority than man but by whatever feels right to our limited understanding of the world.
Such a perspective scoffs at the idea that anything, including sex, is sacred or should be treated with respect
Would you like me to find and quote examples? Because given enough time I'm sure I can find plenty.
Yes, providing you either do it in the thread designated for it or by the use of the Report button.
Well, I can't use the report button, because (unfortunately) dogpiling itself isn't actually a reportable offense. Technically, there's nothing in the forum rules to prevent a 50v1 battle as long as the individual posts themselves don't cross any lines. Especially when it's a religion or an idea rather than an individual person that's being targeted, which tends to happen when an inflammatory news article attracts the attention of the usuals. It's at the point where I won't even bother to go in there unless I have an alert for that thread, because I know I'll just find:

a. "Anyone who says anything against homosexual acts is evil/unevolved."
b. Some poor guy having to respond to 10 seperate but extremely similar messages for every one he posts (which will be me soon enough if I say anything)
c. More recently, discussion of pedophillia, to which I just say "pedophillia is bad, no exceptions" and don't bother going any further. Honestly, I don't think that should even have to be debated.

None of this changes the point, which is that the people bringing a... let's just say overly-sophisticated definition of coolness to these threads tend to be the same ones teaming up to repel all opposition from the homosexuality thread. Which was an aside to my original point, which was that there is a certain group of people here that, with few exceptions, tends to lavish Cool and Sub Zero votes on every cutesy toy car that comes along while slagging off muscle cars and supercars for many and various reasons, most of which seem to boil down to "not subtle enough".
Well, I can't use the report button, because (unfortunately) dogpiling itself isn't actually a reportable offense.
"Christian bashing" is:
You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
Unless you mean "Christianity questioning", which is just as fine as questioning any other ethos or set of rules.
It's at the point where I won't even bother to go in there unless I have an alert for that thread, because I know I'll just find:

a. "Anyone who says anything against homosexual acts is evil/unevolved."
Find it and report it. Stop vacillating.
b. Some poor guy having to respond to 10 seperate but extremely similar messages for every one he posts (which will be me soon enough if I say anything)
Participating in a discussion is not "Christian bashing".
c. More recently, discussion of pedophillia, to which I just say "pedophillia is bad, no exceptions" and don't bother going any further. Honestly, I don't think that should even have to be debated.
Everything is viable for discussion. Paedophilia pops up quite often in homosexuality threads because strongly anti-homosexual people can't distinguish between a guy who loves a guy and a guy who wants to rape children.
None of this changes the point, which is that the people bringing a... let's just say overly-sophisticated definition of coolness to these threads tend to be the same ones chasing everyone who doesn't agree with them out of the homosexuality thread. Which was an aside to my original point, which was that there is a certain group of people here that, with few exceptions, tends to lavish Cool and Sub Zero votes on every cutesy toy car that comes along while slagging off musclce cars, even if it is unofficial.
I already went over why that is wrong. You either chose not to read it or have read it and chosen to ignore it - which once again speaks volumes for that persecution complex.

Go speak to someone. Anyone.
I still think it's interesting that the same people who think cute cars are cool are the same ones who have turned the homosexuality thread into a depressing echo chamber, where the ritual posting of relevant news and regurgitating of pro-gay opinions is broken only by the occasional lone challenger getting ganged up on by about 10 people at once.

This has gone on long enough.

You are, without a doubt, one of the most narrow minded pedastal pushers I have ever encountered.

You're not Glenn Beck. God forbid anyone wants to be. I sincerely hope you take the chance to reflect on your posting styles and your beliefs in life.

These forums would be better off without your poison; spouting ridiculously inaccurate cliches about manliness and gayness, telling us how gold has no intrinsic value, heavily hinting that you don't believe in peak oil, then crying persecution when someone challanges you on it.

Yes, that's right. Liquid disagrees with you. As do many others on this forum. That should be enough of a clue for you to think that maybe you need to retune or readjust things. If your attitude is "These people are all negative attributes X, Y and Z" then you need to have a look at yourself and how you treat people.

I've already told you that you keep falling for the false consensus effect; the error in thinking that everyonr else thinks the same as you do. You seem constantly flabbergasted that other people can have different opinions to yours.

Which threads spill over to this same old 🤬 ? Ford Fiesta, Mazda MX-5, Mazda AZ-1. Oh I wonder why? I don't think the GTP "core group" takes over a Mustang thread and uses it as a "pro-homosexuality" platform. Funnily enough, they talk about the car.

Grow up or leave. I'm hoping for the second option.
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@White & Nerdy

I'm just going to be honest. The way you post suggests that:

a) You are completely paranoid, and

b) You are gay, bisexual or possibly trans but massively in denial of it and feel the need to overcompensate by lumping yourself in with all of the preferences and/or opinions that you view as the most masculine.

It's not good to be paranoid (trust me, I've known my grandmother for long enough to know that all that being paranoid and thinking that everyone is out to get you does is lose you friends and alienate your family), and it's not good to be in denial of who you really are. Accept yourself, accept others, and except that you may well need therapy.

It can only do you good.

I never condoned physically attacking homosexuals or encouraging them to commit suicide.

Strange, I thought that treating someone as if they are a lesser human being was a great way to encourage them to commit suicide...
In what world? GM products were notoriously garbage in those years. That's pretty well agreed on. Ever hear of the infamous soft cams? The only thing good coming out of GM was their pickups, and thats only because half of the parts they were using weren't even manufactured by GM.
The A-Bodies were pretty indestructible, in only because they built them forever. C-Bodies were pretty good once they fixed the transmission problems they themselves introduced in 1980.
I was responding to other people.
By repeating the exact same thing 3 times in a half hour.
@White & Nerdy
Strange, I thought that treating someone as if they are a lesser human being was a great way to encourage them to commit suicide...
Uh, no. There's a difference between arguing for who should be allowed to do what (despite if it's wrong or right) & physically/emotionally attacking someone to drive them to that point. A bully who picks on someone can indirectly encourage suicide. A group that doesn't believe in gay marriage is not.
A group that doesn't believe that gay marriage should be legalised is effectively saying that they think of gay people as being lower class members of society by denying them the right to something and only giving straight people access to it. I can see that doing a fair amount of damage to some people's self esteem, and what's a leading cause of suicide?

Oh yes. Low self esteem.
No one ever had to explicitly attack my wife physically/emotionally to make her feel like less of a person for being disabled. The humiliation she feels for being unable to work and accepting assistance from programs designed "for lazy, entitled good-for-nothings" does a good enough job of damaging her sense of self-worth.

And she thinks the AZ-1 is cute. You know...the kei car? :P
Yuck. Way to ruin a car.

As a side dish, I can only imagine that it must get very hot inside an AZ-1, what with the amount of glasswork and the black roof and all.
A group that doesn't believe that gay marriage should be legalised is effectively saying that they think of gay people as being lower class members of society by denying them the right to something and only giving straight people access to it. I can see that doing a fair amount of damage to some people's self esteem, and what's a leading cause of suicide?

Oh yes. Low self esteem.
If they actually condemn you or physically attack you for being gay, yeah, that could lead to suicide. But, if the thought of them going to court to make it a law or just their belief in general gives you self esteem issues, grow a ****ing pair.
...grow a ****ing pair.
Unquestionably effective and helpful advice for anyone who suffers from depression as a consequence of who they are, and what that means according to society or their local environment. It's not like that sort of mental state amplifies worries/concerns that mentally healthy individuals would typically shrug off, anyway. Especially those relating to self-image.

I may be a "privileged" straight white male, but I have the experience to know it doesn't work that way.
Unquestionably effective and helpful advice for anyone who suffers from depression as a consequence of who they are, and what that means according to society or their local environment. It's not like that sort of mental state amplifies worries/concerns that mentally healthy individuals would typically shrug off, anyway. Especially those relating to self-image.

I may be a "privileged" straight white male, but I have the experience to know it doesn't work that way.
He's right, though. When the claim being made is "someone who doesn't support gay marraige encourages gay people to commit suicide," there needs to be a bit more validation to the concept when questioned on it than "not supporting gay marraige could be interpreted to mean that you think someone who is gay is less of a person, which could make that person have low self-esteem, which could be a reason that they decide to commit suicide if they end up doing so."
I was taking into account the overall view of gays that commonly drives anti-gay-marriage activism, rather than gay marriage all by itself. Within that limited scope, McLaren has more of a point.

Nevertheless, a worldview can be toxic without any actual attacks having taken place, and any individuals deeply affected by it aren't just going to "get over it." Whether or not they take anti-gay-marriage activism personally depends on how much value they place in the right to be married, I suppose. To be clear, I'm not advocating that we go out of our way to ensure that no one's feelings are ever hurt, but I can attest to how irrational depression is and how stuff like this could affect an individual.

Anyway, I specifically avoid contributing to this stuff when it's in the O&CE forum. What am I doing? :lol:
Unquestionably effective and helpful advice for anyone who suffers from depression as a consequence of who they are, and what that means according to society or their local environment. It's not like that sort of mental state amplifies worries/concerns that mentally healthy individuals would typically shrug off, anyway. Especially those relating to self-image.

I may be a "privileged" straight white male, but I have the experience to know it doesn't work that way.
I'm not referring to people who have medically diagnosed with depression. Those people have my sympathy.

I'm referring to people like myself who don't suffer from those things. Nobody gets self esteem issues to the point of wanting to commit suicide because some people don't agree with their life style & nothing more. Not without having an already deeper set of problems they need to focus on.
I go into this thread after a long vacation to post that I am sad I missed the voting on this cool almost subzero Kei car and find a the thread has turned into pro vs anti gay marriage. The wonders of W&N will never cease.