GTP Cool Wall: 1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1

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The fact that you can't easily follow my voting is a good thing. That's because I don't vote based solely on displacement, power or against whatever W&N happens to think. There are high displacement, powerful cars that I think are uncool and small displacement low powered cars that are cool. My criteria, not in this particular order, are looks, power, weight, name, variations and rarity.

It's a good thing for you sure, it allows you to have an argument and save face and tell us "but look guys I'm not like them", as you then like one of their crazy ideas on the same thread. Also I did say you weren't as bad as them because of what you just stated that you may not only be about your vehicle or what size engine it has, but if so it makes no sense to like a persons post who does. It tells people that counter to your thinking in the same thread, you agree with what they've said in that moment. When you do it consistently then it leaves the realm of in that moment.

Also I tend to agree with Jmoney, Mustang and W&N in the same way that I agree with anyone else based in their viewpoints. While not as common there are times that I agree with points made by you, Famine and even Zenith.

Compared to the others those are few and far between, yes I've seen you like (most recently to mind) one of Zenith's post about a certain classic Nissan/Datsun Z being turned into what you and from his description would be considered riced, stanced or any other car abomination term.

All that tells me is he said something the fell in line with your logic or approval more so and you liked it. I don't recall you ever liking my posts, maybe in one of the Muscle car threads I guess. And even if you did like my post it doesn't matter, because all it tells me is for a moment you agreed with my crazy ideas.

Personally I don't care if you like what they say but to pretend you haven't defended them or that your thinking is so radically different to theirs and you just happen to agree with them. Or your hand just happens to fall on your mouse pad as it hovers over the like button to their posts more frequently than anything hard to believe

Also the whole redneck thing just guy out of us all saying it doesn't mean we agree with that, hell I don't think any of us that are truly debating this agreed with said post (but I will look to make sure and do a second edit). I don't think I've ever, nor will ever, see anyone living in Washington as a redneck actually quite the opposite even those on the conservative end that live there.

edit 2:

None of us agreed with that post that are currently arguing/debating/conversing with you at this moment, that specified anything about being a Redneck. Nope I was wrong I went back to triple or quadruple check at this point and it was Jet Badger who used the term first.
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And around here there is nothing but mostly straight motorways with stoplights every 500 yards. I prefer powerful cars because where I live they are tailored to make my commute as enjoyable as possible.
Motorways with stoplights every 500 yards? I'd want something as light as possible that hit 55mph in the same time as a V8 Mustang so I could launch when I wanted and cruise at a better fuel economy so I had more fuel to burn on the weekend.
For the love of god. Can we just keep our opinions to ourselves, agree to disagree, and place our votes for the AZ-1. This is like preschool children arguing over something stupid.
Also the whole redneck thing just guy out of us all saying it doesn't mean we agree with that, hell I don't think any of us that are truly debating this agreed with said post (but I will look to make sure and do a second edit). I don't think I've ever, nor will ever, see anyone living in Washington as a redneck actually quite the opposite even those on the conservative end that live there.

edit 2:

None of us agreed with that post that are currently arguing/debating/conversing with you at this moment, that specified anything about being a Redneck. Nope I was wrong I went back to triple or quadruple check at this point and it was Jet Badger who used the term first.
Let me explain myself. Noone here was called a redneck and my apologies if said post appeared to suggest otherwise. I used it to describe the radical fictional uber conservative, "the world ends at the end of my street and I'm always right" type that nobody here fall under. Looking back it wasn't the best word to use and pardon my poor english vocabulary but at the time it was what popped up in my head.

Not only is that article tiny and full of penis jokes that don't really explain anything, we already get large trucks - there's a guy who fires an SRT Ram up and down the seafront near here most days. What does it have to do with the AutoZam AZ-1 though?
Because it falls back on a lot of things that have been said in the cool wall threads about small cars and all that. I would think you of all people would see that :lol:

I think we already understand giant american trucks. Cheap fuel and horrible infrastructure make them somewhat viable vehicles. In Europe the majority of people can't afford to fuel one and those who can are more likely to choose to drive something more practical.

Is that so hard to understand?

Also, this has nothing to do with a small mid engined sports car built in Japan by Suzuki.
I think we already understand giant american trucks. Cheap fuel and horrible infrastructure make them somewhat viable vehicles. In Europe the majority of people can't afford to fuel one and those who can are more likely to choose to drive something more practical.

It's not about the trucks. Its for people nagging on the size of this car.

Also, this has nothing to do with a small mid engined sports car built in Japan by Suzuki.

You're missing the point entirely.
It's not so much that, more so aimed at the general feeling from frequent posters in the cool wall threads. Off the top of my head I couldn't give an example, but it has happened before.
Let me try this again. What is the name of this thread? It's: GTP Cool Wall: 1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1. It's not: Hey listen to us banter, rant, and rave about our love/hatred for Kei Cars and the science behind our thinking. If their is a problem with the choices other people made or if you want to make crazy comparisons (i.e F-150 to AZ-1) just use the conversation option and discuss it like that.
It's not so much that, more so aimed at the general feeling from frequent posters in the cool wall threads. Off the top of my head I couldn't give an example, but it has happened before.
I don't get what you're suggesting with the article. Not that it can be called an article - it's a collection of quotes about penis sizes in relation to the vehicles one owns. The guy who suggested you need a pickup to drive for 6 hours in comfort was amusing - I did 12hr each way to Le Mans and back in a Skoda estate and I was fine (as were the passengers... @Roo probably least of all due to middle seat syndrome).

We don't need to be educated about pickups - we have them and, America being the tourist trap that it is, many of us have been to America and seen them there with our own eyes. You guys don't need to be educated about small cars - you have them and, Europe being the tourist trap that it is, many of you have been to Europe and seen them with your own eyes.

Sooo... what's the point again that I, of all people, should be seeing? Do I need to make penis jokes to make you appreciate the AZ-1 in some way as if you need to appreciate it?
In the S2000 thread I stated that that it was fun do drive but don't confuse fun with fast. Well that set a fire under everyone's ass and I spend the next 5 pages factually explaining why the S2000 wasn't fast.
I didn't realize Downhill Dino was everyone since he's the only one that quoted the post where you said that & then agreed to fair point. :lol:

Nope. You started an argument because you assumed others said it was fast when they never actually did by quoting a graph.
Exactly, I was proving why S2k's should't be considers straight line monsters.
Who said that?

Who you claim said said the cars were fast.
Azure Flare
3. The F20 series engines have a wide power band, so when you floor it, you still have power.
Yet it seems to be not much slower than an LS1 powered F body, so apparently it does go somewhere.
In reality....
So... nobody actually did say that, you just inferred it to try to make a point. Gotcha.

A solid cool for the S2000; it's still impressive, it's aged well, and enough of them around these parts haven't been ruined by yo-bros. It's also an important flag in the sand for Honda, seeing as how it's the last performance-minded car they introduced that really drove the point home about them being an engineering-led company - the next decade saw them excise excitement almost completely from their North American lineup.

Neither of those suggest that the S2000 is a "straight line monster."

Azure Flare's post is about having usable power, Azuremen's post is a simple fact. Last time I checked "not much slower than an LS1 F body" isn't straight line monster material.

You jumped to conclusions & ousted yourself throughout the thread that power & a big engine are the biggest factors to a cool car. Because, even though you voted the S2000 cool, you still had to throw in why V8s were better.
Solid 'Cool'. Even though it gets out torqued by a lawnmower and gets horrible gas mileage (comparable to my car even though I have over 3x the engine displacement), it's a nice, fun, peppy car to drive around. But too many people confuse 'fun' with 'fast', which is why so many of them are riced out.

In the Prius thread I stated that just because a car is important does not mean it's cool.
Mmm, no, that's not what you did. We weren't talking about whether it was cool or not. You got into the same argument as Jmoney because you asked why people would spend so much money on EVs for their range & other factors. You made statements that they weren't financially sound cars, the range was terrible for the money, the appeal of EVs weren't there, etc. And it all came back to the original point of the thread; the only reason you would drive a Prius is because of a V8.

Both perfectly reasonable justifications to vote cool and seriously uncool. Had someone else said these I highly doubt you would have taken such offense to them.
Reading isn't a strong suit, is it? Because Jmoney, Slash, & W&N have all made the same statements as you.
But just because I happen to own what you consider to be a "V8 Redneckmobile" you lump me together with everyone else and apply the same stereotypes; 'Ohh car has V8, me like, me vote cool..."
I never said your car was a V8 redneckmobile, though it definitely has another nice stereotype associated with it. But, yes, you are most certainly someone who reeks of "V8s t3h best" based on the way to argue against smaller engines & EVs. After all, again, it took a V8 for you to consider a Prius as cool.

Little engines & EV's" aren't cool not because no horsepower but because they aren't fun to drive. I actually love the idea of using hybrid technology to improve a car's performance.
And why are they not fun to drive? Be honest, the main reason you wouldn't look a 4-cylinder as fun is because there's no power in them.
And yet again for the umpteenth time you bring up my personal car even though I never brought it up in discussion. It's almost predictable now. We can be discussing the World Cup and you'll still find a way to involve my personal car in your argument :lol:
So I can't make a jab at your car, though it's something you have most certainly have done in the past 2 aforementioned threads by stating how you still get better gas mileage or that it's F-Body sister car isn't as fast against a S2000?

Oh, I see. When it applies to being a positive, your car is free to brought up. But, if a negative comes up, it's a shot against you.
I used it to describe the radical fictional uber conservative, "the world ends at the end of my street and I'm always right" type that nobody here fall under.

Pretty sure W&N isn't fiction.

Grow up.

Let me try this again. What is the name of this thread? It's: GTP Cool Wall: 1992-1995 Autozam AZ-1. It's not: Hey listen to us banter, rant, and rave about our love/hatred for Kei Cars and the science behind our thinking. If their is a problem with the choices other people made or if you want to make crazy comparisons (i.e F-150 to AZ-1) just use the conversation option and discuss it like that.

Hey, bro, in case you didn't notice, an Admin quoted your first "be back on topic" post with sarcasm, and then you decided to repeat yourself less than an hour later. Pretty sure the staff is quite fine with the thread as it stands, so no need to play Mini-mod.
It's a good thing for you sure, it allows you to have an argument and save face and tell us "but look guys I'm not like them", as you then like one of their crazy ideas on the same thread. Also I did say you weren't as bad as them because of what you just stated that you may not only be about your vehicle or what size engine it has, but if so it makes no sense to like a persons post who does. It tells people that counter to your thinking in the same thread, you agree with what they've said in that moment. When you do it consistently then it leaves the realm of in that moment.

While sometimes I may not agree with their reasoning, if W&N and I come to a similar conclusion, why should I care how we got to that conclusion. I like V8's because of their sound, power, simplicity and running cost. W&N likes them... because they're V8's. We agree on that aspect now let's move it on.

Motorways with stoplights every 500 yards? I'd want something as light as possible that hit 55mph in the same time as a V8 Mustang so I could launch when I wanted and cruise at a better fuel economy so I had more fuel to burn on the weekend.

Launching a car to 60 and doing a highway pulls are two different things. I usually get on it not at stoplights but after I have to slow down for someone to turn right (or left in your case) or if the speed limit changes. Low powered light(er) cars don't kick you in the gut at the touch of the loud pedal, something I wanted when I was looking for what car to purchase. High powered light(er) cars like you mentioned are usually small 2 seaters and were often out of my budget. I also needed 4 seats and a decent amount of cargo room.

You jumped to conclusions & ousted yourself throughout the thread that power & a big engine are the biggest factors to a cool car. Because, even though you voted the S2000 cool, you still had to throw in why V8s were better.

Mmm, no, that's not what you did. We weren't talking about whether it was cool or not. You got into the same argument as Jmoney because you asked why people would spend so much money on EVs for their range & other factors. You made statements that they weren't financially sound cars, the range was terrible for the money, the appeal of EVs weren't there, etc. And it all came back to the original point of the thread; the only reason you would drive a Prius is because of a V8.

Think you need to read the whole thread instead of taking out of context snippets. Initially it was about speed, then it turned into everyone questioning the validity of my information. Fast forward 3 pages of nonsense and it ends with this:

He didn't fudge those numbers, and dismissing his post as if he did (as well as the followup post where you did the same when he explained it) was no less disingenuous as his arguments that got everyone to this point in the first place. He provided two comparable dyno readouts and applied a generic 15% power correction for both of them to line them up with official statistics (in the Camaro's case, what he believed the Camaro special option code equivalent of the very real Firebird Firehawk made). He actually pointed this out immediately when questioned, but that was fobbed off as essentially "fanboy excuses" and ignored by everyone else.

And why are they not fun to drive? Be honest, the main reason you wouldn't look a 4-cylinder as fun is because there's no power in them.

Power is an important aspect for a car to have in order for me to have fun in it. Whether I get it via a turbocharger or displacement it makes no difference.

So I can't make a jab at your car, though it's something you have most certainly have done in the past 2 aforementioned threads by stating how you still get better gas mileage or that it's F-Body sister car isn't as fast against a S2000?

You can make as many jabs at any car you want so long as you're not presenting blatantly false information (like gas mileage in this case).
Launching a car to 60 and doing a highway pulls are two different things. I usually get on it not at stoplights but after I have to slow down for someone to turn right (or left in your case) or if the speed limit changes. Low powered light(er) cars don't kick you in the gut at the touch of the loud pedal, something I wanted when I was looking for what car to purchase. High powered light(er) cars like you mentioned are usually small 2 seaters and were often out of my budget. I also needed 4 seats and a decent amount of cargo room.
A lightweight car with lightweight flywheel will do that just as effectively as a high weight car with a heavy flywheel.

Particularly if you row your own gears... *transatlantic smack*
Came back from my GTP hiatus due to my hardcore RuneScape addiction to say:

This car is freakin' Sub-Zero. Period.
Did W&N just claim, at 19 years of age, that he knows better?

I think I'm dying. Of laughter.

That's not quite what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, a lot of people here can't seem to be satisfied with anything simple - they do "know better", but not to any good purpose. It's like I said - it's like art critics probing deep nuances where most people would just go "pretty, I like it" and go on about their day. Another reason brash, in-your-face cars are cool is because people get them right off. They don't have to be explained, people just see, hear, and then want them. When you start getting to subtler cars that not everyone will realize are fast (or, if they aren't fast, won't realize why they're desirable), then you start getting into "it's uncool if you have to explain it" territory. This AZ-1, outside of Japan, would probably just look like a cheesy kit car or a dorky curiosity to the vast majority of people. Well, except for the people who really, really like cute cars, but are they really cool?
Another reason brash, in-your-face cars are cool is because people get them right off. They don't have to be explained, people just see, hear, and then want them.

A vast majority of the car buying public don't want a brash, in-you-face car that's loud and showy. Probably most of those people also think those who drive brash cars are also enormous d-bags. Actually probably many auto-enthusiasts also think this way too. I know if I see someone driving around in a brash, showy car I'm going to assume they are probably a Dude-Bro that I want nothing to do with.
Well, 9 pages in and we still don't have a list of who exactly is in the so-called GTP Core Group. As a completely hilarious novelty, I'm genuinely curious.

One can't help but feel there's a sniff of the nWo about it. The V8 brigade (Dubya See Dubya) are fighting off the infection of the gTp (nWo), led by @niky and @homeforsummer until... I don't know, @Slash betrays the V8 brigade and joins the gTp (Hogan heel turn).

Oh wait, I just made a load of pro wrestling references, highlighting how desperately uncool I am despite the fact that I like wrestling personally. Hmm, maybe there's a lesson here.*

*-10 points if you say that the lesson is "Liquid, don't write posts at 2am."
Oh wait, I just made a load of pro wrestling references, highlighting how desperately uncool I am despite the fact that I like wrestling personally. Hmm, maybe there's a lesson here.*

Dwayne Johnson is really cool. He makes even terrible movies watchable; which is the complete opposite of all other wrestler movies except for the original Spiderman movie and I guess Rocky III.
Oh wait, I just made a load of pro wrestling references, highlighting how desperately uncool I am despite the fact that I like wrestling personally. Hmm, maybe there's a lesson here.*

*-10 points if you say that the lesson is "Liquid, don't write posts at 2am."
Don't watch pro wrestling?
Well, 9 pages in and we still don't have a list of who exactly is in the so-called GTP Core Group. As a completely hilarious novelty, I'm genuinely curious.

One can't help but feel there's a sniff of the nWo about it. The V8 brigade (Dubya See Dubya) are fighting off the infection of the gTp (nWo), led by @niky and @homeforsummer until... I don't know, @Slash betrays the V8 brigade and joins the gTp (Hogan heel turn).

Oh wait, I just made a load of pro wrestling references, highlighting how desperately uncool I am despite the fact that I like wrestling personally. Hmm, maybe there's a lesson here.*

*-10 points if you say that the lesson is "Liquid, don't write posts at 2am."
I'm just going to leave this here.

Still, dragging it back on topic, the AZ-1 is a very cool car in my opinion. This isn't the first cool wall thread to spill over, I dare say it won't be the last.

But dragging politics and pigeonholing into a thread about a cutesy little Mazda? Man, let's avoid that in future.
A lightweight car with lightweight flywheel will do that just as effectively as a high weight car with a heavy flywheel.

Particularly if you row your own gears... *transatlantic smack*

I'll have to do more test drives with lightweight cars, but I recently installed a 18lb lightweight flywheel on my car and haven't really noticed a significant difference in acceleration or throttle response, other than the fact that I gain and lose revs quicker when not in gear.