Even though this is all about collective opinions and not a single one? The world doesn't revolve around you.
There's no real guarantee that this particular collective opinion represents the real world any more accurately than anything I've said. Honestly, I'm inclined to believe most people would have difficulty finding the AZ-1 cool. If coolness and interest are synonyms, then yes the AZ-1 is cool, but then that's not exactly the case. There are a lot of interesting things that aren't cool. I'd give one of these a look if I saw it, but I'd still rather have what I have now.
It sure is weird when people sometimes agree with you, and sometimes disagree with each other, but sometimes collectively disagree with you. I guess.
Just seems to me that it's a pretty safe bet that a cutesy little car like this, a Miata, a 500, and so forth will end up deep into "cool" territory, whereas something like a Camaro, a Charger, a Mustang, etc. will have its rating dinged by a litany of complaints from the people I'm talking about. It's too aggressive, too obvious, to midlife crisis, too hidden in garages by old rich white men. Though silent voters might keep them from taking the results too low in those cases. Yes, they may occasionally give surprise verdicts or disagree among each other, but the "GTP core group" does seem to agree with itself more often than not, in matters of both politics and cars.
The thing is, though, the reasons are different every time. When I said "difficult-to-pin-down", I meant it. I think I've finally cracked it now, though. To the people I'm referring to, coolness is determined and embodied by a. upper-class (but not upper-class enough to afford a supercar, because that's seriously uncool) urban sophisticates, b. the kind of woman who doesn't even bother to find out/remember what her own car is called or what its specs are, and whose eyes glaze over if you try to tell her, and c. the kind of car enthusiast that collects European historics instead of hot rods.
In a way, everyone voting on the cool wall is doing so with impressive consistency.
It's just that there is one group voting on whether a car is actually cool or not, and another group is voting on whether they like a car based on its engine size. There's a little leeway here and there for some members, but that's to be expected.
I never said engine size was the sole measure of a car's coolness. I just think
too little engine size is bad, and more is, for the most part, good. It's just one contributing factor to whether the car is actually cool or not.
These people seem to be voting from what I'd call "fashion district car culture", within which appearing cultured is more important than appearing strong or fast.
While there are those guilty of judging cars uncool because of nonsensical factors (too big... too much power... etcetera)... how does that make them any different from you?
The factors themselves. As I said, they seem to vary between cars, but the factors used seem to boil down to "how well would it fit in in an upscale shopping district?"
That's all fine, really... Coolness is nothing if not completely subjective... but, speaking as someone who's been there, done that and who's driven some of the worst and some of the best cars you can buy today... lighten up. Go out there and drive something absolutely stupid. Cars don't have to fit into tiny little politico-ideological pigeonholes that you invent for them.
I would say it goes deeper than "coolness is subjective". Coolness is about
image, which could, I guess, be percieved as subjective. I would say the coolest images a car could project are those of strength (on the part of the driver) and speed (on the part of the car). I'm not quite sure of the reasoning behind projecting other images - if you say "wealth" you're getting into snobbery, which is uncool, if you say "environmental friendliness" I'm sorry but no, if you say "taste" there's still a bit of snobbery there. If you say "power" (as in political or corporate), well then the cars may sometimes be cool but the people who drive them may well not be.
So when someone older than you with more experience in cars, motoring, motorsports, travel and indeed life says that there's more to being cool than just having a big ol' V8, you think they're narrow-minded posh people looking down their noses at you?
'Cos... damn. I mean... just... damn. Da-yum.
Sorry, but yes. I've thought before that perhaps some people on this forum might actually be a little jaded, or perhaps they opened their mind too wide and let a bunch of BS in. Either way, yes, I do think there is a lot of snobbery here - people being so cultured that they can no longer think "loud, fast, good-looking, cool". Instead they have to, yes, look down their noses at simpler ways of going fast, such as the muscle car.
Have you ever stopped to think that the reason the opinions seem to coincide to give what you consider uncool cars a cool vote is that the majority disagree with you? Did you ever consider that your opinion might just be the minority on this website?
It happens. A lot. That's the beauty of living on planet Earth; there are billions of people and they're not all going to agree with you. It doesn't mean your opinion is wrong or that you're stupid or that you're a redneck.
Perhaps, even now 5 years after registering, there could be some culture shock at work. When I think of "car guys" I think mainly of people racing around in loud 300+ HP hot rods and muscle cars. To see alleged car enthusiasts put down muscle cars and fawn over stupid little barely-cars like this, I guess just seems completely unbelieveable, moreso the former than the latter.
What does make you come across badly is constantly clutching at straws like 'low power is always bad' to try and force everyone to agree with your viewpoint when they go against your vote. Just out of interest, and I'm not trying to annoy you or anything here, but are there any small engined cars you think are cool or do you disregard them all immediately?
A few, more than I'm willing to bother typing out right now actually. It's just that precious few of them are on sale right now.