HFS: Street-car and Street-legal are two different things for me. I agree that something is either street legal, or it isn't, but a "street car" is subjective. (in my opinion). Why would I redefine my definition if it works for me? The word "street car" must define something different to you than it does for me. After all, words are used to represent an idea.
But definitions are not. And the definition of a street car, if there is such a thing, is a car that is designed for the street.
I have an MX5/Miata at the moment. It's my only car. I use it exclusively (for now)
on the road. I'm sure it'd be damn good on a track (in fact, I know it would, because I've driven Miatas on track before). But it's still a street car, road car, whatever you want to call it. I used it in heavy snow all winter, and ran rings around people in cars like you probably use to cart your family about. I've also used it to take my belongings to and from uni, done several long (300+ miles) journeys in it, etc etc.
Given that to me it's a perfectly acceptable street car, what does that mean? I'm sorry if it's grating on you, but to me it means you're wrong, not that there are several definitions of what makes a street car. If that were the case, then surely there must be people out there for whom nothing less than a Hummer H1 is a street car, as no other car could fulfil their needs?...
Merriam-Webster's only definition for street car...
Main Entry: street·car
Pronunciation: \ˈstrēt-ˌkär\
Function: noun
Date: 1860
: a vehicle on rails used primarily for transporting passengers and typically operating on city streets
So no, the X-Bow is DEFINITELY not a street car
Street car is not defined in the same specificity street-legal is.
If you're going to get anal about it, then bear in mind that Famine started this little discussion by saying it was a
road car. The word "street" only got dragged into it because of the "Street" part of the X-Bow's name, and for all anyone knows "Street" probably means "Street-legal" rather than specifically "Street-car".
In which case, you're still wrong. As the X-Bow is very much street legal. It is also a road car. So I'm pretty sure you can combine the two to make it a street car. Especially since your definition is 150 years old...