You got me, I apologize
Although I don't remember voting for the espace, and I meant to vote cool for the Volvo after realizing it was fwd. I retract my statement and put forth another, fail wheel drive is never cool, unless it's cool.
But on a more serious note, I don't feel that fwd cars are completely uncool, I just think, for a lot of cars, it's a whole lot of wasted potential for lower production costs. The only decent fwd cars that I've ever driven were my cousins saab and my other cousins grand prix, and although each of them were pretty fast (they're both decently modified, especially the grand prix), there is so much more fun to be had if they were rwd. I wish I could give a proper example of why I loathe fwd but it always comes down to donuts and powerslides. I'm just a typical American V8 nutjob.
It all comes down to the definition of cool, and I was definitely in the wrong when I said that. Fwd cars can be very cool, even if I don't like where the power is going.