Sent you a fr or whatever it is on the xbone. Joined the club.Add anyone who's currently in the club and you'll be able to join. 👍
See the two posts directly above yours. Add Bustified or anyone else on the club list in post #1 to your friends list and you should be able to join.Um, how do i get in? Gamer tag is Fiddly Mcwheel
Who let Fezz ST in the club? Dude is too fast! *gets sudden flashback of FP Motorsports race days*
You get the points from playing the ever-loving hell out of the game.How does one climb the ladder in a Club??...Where do you acumilate the points??
It's based on Weekly XP. 👍
No, I think it resets every week?Thanx...I guees it tally's it up at the end of the week??...
Can you send him a link to this thread so he can post here? I'm doing a clean-out of the roster since there are some people in the club that aren't actually on GTPlanet. If the need arises, I might cut Co-Leader positions down to just a few people for accepting requests and booting non-GTP members.I abused my new club mod powers and signed up oOLON3 WOLFOo earlier. He's known on this forum as Imported Skidmark. Sorry Skids, bit too busy to race at the moment.
Does anyone know XBH3 Jammy, reecie7378? If you're one of those people, please speak up otherwise you'll get the boot.