GTP GT6 Photomode FAQ & Tutorial Depot

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
Call me old fashion and whatnot, but I hope that's not the final design for the button mapping. Every PS3 game (including GT6) has the X to confirm, and O to cancel.
In the example showed it appears to be the other around. Typo maybe?
I certainly hope so as this would confuse the heck out of me in photo mode.
I could be wrong, but that might be a relic of the preferred button mapping in Japan. IIRC they tend to use O for confirmation and X for back/cancel a lot more often.

Slight update; seems the GT5 locations are returning, thanks to a mention on a website from Canuckistan. @Black Chamber found it, so credit to him!
I could be wrong, but that might be a relic of the preferred button mapping in Japan. IIRC they tend to use O for confirmation and X for back/cancel a lot more often.

Those were my initial thoughts, hence why I believe this is a simple quick Japanese to English example shot. It wouldn't make sense keeping it that way.

Slight update; seems the GT5 locations are returning, thanks to a mention on a website from Canuckistan. @Black Chamber found it, so credit to him!

Those are wonderful news! And for the first time in the series too. We never got to see any of GT4 locations return in GT5.
I was going to be rather upset if those Japanese locations were missing in GT6.




Credit to Boabdulrahman for images​
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Not to be an a** but those are my images :)

And also Slipz, feel free to PM about some of the photomode features, I could inform you about them so that you could update this thread.

PM will be incoming, after I get the comps out of the way. But no rush, Bo - you should enjoy the game, and I'll have it as of Thursday or Friday anyways :)

@sems4arsenal If you mean through Flickr, same as always. If you want to host the images on GTP, just upload them from the Upload a File button, and insert the full image. The thumbnail is the other option naturally, and it requires a click to view full size. The thumbnail size was decided by Jordan to allow three to fit cleanly side-to-side - I recognize it's a little small for our usual competition approach, but on the plus side, it encourages people to open them up to not miss the detail :)

As for GT6 news, it appears Photomode functions largely the same, even if the interface has received a slight change:



...they've even kept 3:2 as the default ratio, apparently. I don't have high hopes of being able to move outside of the track (or even recreating replay angles), but at least we won't have to suffer a high learning curve ;)
Was really hoping for multiple focus points (hate not getting two fast moving vehicles in focus) and was hoping for photos from replay angles. I don't get why they took that feature out. I loved it in GT 4.
Do you guys now if the distance restriction for photographic standard cars is gone?

There are some comparison shots in the good, bad, and ugly thread that seem to hint at there not being a distance restriction anymore, but then again, they could be shots taken with a capture device. I haven't heard a confirmation one way or another yet.

@dice1998 I doubt it.
Only just started playing but how do you unlock the other Photo Travel locations as I only have the new ones listed? Do I need to do something in particular or will they just unlock as I play normally?
I don't think there are any more. The scale of these locations are really grand. I guess they must have put all their time and effort into designing what you see. It's a fair trade I think.


I find that exporting photos in large batches takes longer compared to GT5. A minor gripe for someone who takes a lot of photos.

Edit: Not really GT photo related but I think Flickr auto sharpens people's photos on here :odd:
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Weird those GT5 locations have not returned....

I am really excited about the new Photo Travel locales, but I think it is a sin not to have all of the previous ones. PD should bring them back with an update or at least be able to win them with a seasonal event.

Question for the thread...
I exported all of these one by one, I could not see the option to export a whole batch as you did with GT5, am I missing something?

And a mini Tribute to a Rally Racing Legend:

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Question for the thread...
I exported all of these one by one, I could not see the option to export a whole batch as you did with GT5, am I missing something?

Press "select" when you're in your photo library. Then tick the boxes of all the images you want to export. Then click on the export button to the right.
ugh too much banding - 8 bit colour....

That's jpg, an utturly useless format when it comes to photography, it just destroys the image. We should be able save in tiff, even better, a raw format like Nikon or Canon have, even if we'd get heavy files. At least we could make some nice prints.


Here's gif I made of a picture going through photoshop. (Levels, lighting, colors & tone, sharpness & noise)


Final result full resolution here
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Has anyone found a workaround for the bugged lighting flares?
I've mainly noticed them on Nürburgring, instead of a nice glow I get ugly squares from the headlights for example.
It ruined some really cool pics from me already.