GTP Mass Debating Contest- Heat 2

  • Thread starter Danny


Code Red
United Kingdom
Are you kidding?
Round One, confusingly will be next weeks round.

Team D vs. Team E

Debate Topic:-

Should abortions be permitted in todays society?

Team D will be pro-abortion, Team E will be anti-abortion.

Deadline for 400 word arguement-Sunday 17th September

Your 3 days to formulate a 400 word arguement start...

Wanna swap teams, anyone? :ill: :P

Bad timing for me since I'm just leaving now, and I have a busy day at work tomorrow either - Blake and Casio, I'll PM you with some thoughts some time tomorrow and I will have Saturday to help work on our argument...
Wow, I've got to be on the pro side huh? Ok. Let's getting going Machone and Foolkiller. I've got a busy day today but I'll try to be online and availible for email throughout the day.
Kill everyone and no one will have babies ..problem solved .
I think I got my argument and it is in just ten words.

Although my initial thought was to take a note from South Park and have everyone turn gay. I guess that really only works for immigrants from the future.
I'm a bit confused with the rounds. Perhaps this should be named "Heat 2: Match 1" instead of Round 2. Or if you prefer, "Group 2: Match 1."

Round 1

Heat 1
  1. A vs. B
  2. B vs. C
  3. A vs. C
Heat 2
  1. D vs. E
  2. E vs. F
  3. D vs. F
Round 2
  1. Winner of Heat 1 vs. Runner-Up of Heat 2
  2. Winner of Heat 2 vs. Runner-Up of Heat 1
Final Round

  • Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs. Winner of Semi-Final 2

Just a suggestion. You're the Debate-director after all :sly:
Deadline for 400 word arguement-Sunday 14th September

That's going to be difficult for them to comply with given that Sunday September 14th, 2006 doesn't exist. :)
So where is my badge eh ?

on second thought ...

I am team three ....the " we dont need no stinkink badges " team ..

Chemicaly castrate all males over 13 the world has too many babies .
That's going to be difficult for them to comply with given that Sunday September 14th, 2006 doesn't exist. :)

Amended, thanks danoff.

Great start. :ouch:
I'm actually really worried that it turns into a farce.

So where is my badge eh ?

on second thought ...

I am team three ....the " we dont need no stinkink badges " team ..

Chemicaly castrate all males over 13 the world has too many babies .

Could we keep the off-topic and "comical" debate answers to a minimum please gents?
That's going to be difficult for them to comply with given that Sunday September 14th, 2006 doesn't exist. :)
He never said 2006. I figured I had a few years to work on this. I should have a good argument by then and TM might be able to overcome his own bias on the topic.

Look at it this way: Duke should be able to find some free time by then.
Chemicaly castrate all males over 13 the world has too many babies .

I can counter that. Babies are cute.

@ ultrabeat: Sorry :indiff: ledhed and I can have our 'kill all babies' vs. 'but babies are cute' debate somewhere else.
I don't think you have to worry about that. We all want this to go well. 👍

Exactly. The members that helped plan and structure this have done a great job and from looking at the names involved in this activity; I'm not too worried about its success.
Team D: Pro Abortion

In order for a fetus to live it must be completely connected to the mother's body. It has to be a part of her or it will die. Any genetic deviances from the mother can cause the fetus to die and thus it has to be part of her in order to live. Due to this reliance on being a part of the mother it can be seen that it is a part of her body. A fetus is the property of the mother. This means she gets to decide whether it becomes a human being with rights that is protected by law. The rights of a woman over her body cannot be argued and as the fetus must be a part of her body in order to live its fate falls under her personal rights until a time in which it becomes its own entity that does not require a connection with the mother.

Pregnancy is a dangerous condition on the body with many stresses and many possible complications. A mother has the right to perform a surgery in order to extract the part of her body which currently presents a risk to her health.

Furthermore the mother's life will be severely upset after birth and she may take this into account. This form of post-natal risk is a threat to the mother and she has the right to remove a part of her body that can set her life into emotional and/or physical distress. A fetus creates an emotional, physical, and mental threat to the mother while it’s being carried and after its birth. The mother has the right to remove the troubled part of her body that is causing the threat.
Team E — Anti-abortion

Abortion should not be permitted in today’s society. Abortion is the purposeful ending of a human life—a human life that has a right to exist, but has no means by which to protect itself or exercise that right for itself. It is our most basic of human rights to have the right to life at all stages of our development (once development has begun), and not just before some arbitrary point in time.

Unborn babies should be and are currently afforded the same human rights status as a newly born baby – we argue that the point at which a developing human life may no longer be terminated legally is arbitrary, and is not based on any firm criteria or evidence.

Human beings do not stop developing and growing after birth – yet to terminate a child’s life outside of the womb is (rightly) regarded as completely unacceptable. The legality of terminating a baby’s life inside of the womb, however, is seemingly dependent on how long the foetus has been developing, despite the fact that there is no clear evidence to suggest that the ‘cut-off’ point is anything more than a practical issue, concerned more about the well-being of the carrier, rather than the well-being and rights of the unborn foetus.

We contest that the rights of the pregnant woman should not take precedence over the right of the child – the fundamental point being that each human life has an equal right to exist. Women can exercise a very large degree of control regarding their choice of whether or not to become pregnant, whilst the rights of the child cannot be employed by the child itself; therefore they need to be protected by the law.

The right of the every woman to exercise choice over their pregnancy is one that may be taken by multiple other means. Responsible use of contraception and better sex education offer females the ability to exercise their right to choice. The unborn child has no such ability.

So long as abortion is an option, it will be continue to be used as an ‘after-the-fact’ form of contraception – unlike conventional methods of contraception, abortion violates the fundamental human rights of another individual—the unborn child.

Forgot to mention rebuttles need doing now.

200 word based on your opponents initial arguement.