What was your favorite cup so far?: My favorite would have to be the 80s-90s cup. This was the first race where some of us could ditch our old FF cars for something that could actually turn

. This was my most successful cup to date, placing third in all of the races. The cherry on the top was the bonus for running .001 under the cap, but we'll get to that in a later question. I really gave my glorious FTO a proper final run and had some of the best racing of the whole competition!
And the worst (moment)?: That's an easy one (I wish it wasn't

). It would have to be the FF cup. I never even got to race at cape ring as my internet died during the qualifier

. After that I was aiming to come somewhere in the middle of the grid for the next races. After a lag spike involving myself and Jon (
@jtv90069), I was a bit rattled and got over-determined to gain back the positions lost, so in the last corner out braked myself and ran into Lucas I think. That got me penalty a háon (Irish for number 1, I'll just do that as a gag from now on). Not much happened after that.
Matterhorn has to be the worst race I've ever done. I lost my head for some reason and tried to dive up the inside of many people and a subsequent shouting at from lucas

. I do admit I was a bit of an arse at this race and ruined a couple of people's races. That got me penalties a dó agus (and) a trí!
What was your favorite moment of the entire championship?: It has to be the .001 bonus for me at silverstone. I was pretty shocked when I saw that time popping up on the screen. I'm so glad I didn't slow on the straight as I was about to do. I just thought I'd run over but boy am I glad I kept going. So many of you guys got really close to it and I'm delighted that I got it. It made up for the week before. I'm sure others will get it too
What was, in your opinion, the best car on the grid so far: Tough one. All cars had their strengths and weaknesses. As the best all rounder I'd have to give it to the S2000. Great handling, very planted and pretty quick in a straight line too. Almost everybody chose their cars wisely, some a little more odd than others *cough*Mean green Neon machine*cough*
And of the cars you've bought?: Even though I think the RX-7 is a great car, it's a dull one at best. That's what a love about the FTO. It wasn't the best but it grew on me. It developed a personality. A plucky little Japanese car that even I was surprised with. I went through thick and thin with it and it nearly always delivered, and when it didn't it was my fault!
Any surprise cars?: I was surprised by Lucas' Neon (
@Gravitron) and Mike's (
@mr_lab_rat) Integra. Both cars put up good fights and did pretty well.
Who do you think is your closest competitor?: I reckon Javier (
@roamer2629) or Nick (
@Nickonen) are my closest competition at the moment, we all have similar pace and driving styles. I could see some intense battles involving the three of us in the future.
What was your favorite race in the championship: Deep forest. I had a great time fighting off Ned (
@Nail-27) in the much more powerful beemer. I would lose him in the bends only for the gap to be diminished by the end of the lap. It meant there was some really close racing between us.
Have you enjoyed this series and why?: I have had a fantastic time racing in this series, in fact I've had the most fun I've ever had on GT6. I love it for a number of reasons. Firstly, the capped time system allows slower drivers to be really competitive with the aliens. A slower driver can increase his power so he's faster on the straights while a fast driver will have to decrease his power due to his great cornering. This means any advantage the faster driver had in the corners diminishes when the drivers are on the straights.
Secondly, this has done what PD should've done. Forget the Honda Fit tutorial car

. This series really gives you the feeling of progressing through the ranks from driving at a local track to international stardom. The credit system is great, limiting you on your purchases and making you do
RESEARCH before buying a car.
Thirdly, the friendly atmosphere of the whole club. We have great fun together and respect each other on and off track.
I'd like to thank all of my mates for being great sports and for giving me the best GT6 racing experience I've had!
Where do you hope to come in the next championship?: At best, a podium. At worst, middle of the pack.
And finally, any other thoughts?: I'd like to thank all of the stewards for the months of preparation it took to make this series possible, Paul (
@hasslemoff ) the mastermind behind the whole series

and everybody taking part who have raced alongside me. We've all had some great moments together and that will definitely continue next year!
Merry Christmas guys! I hope you all have a happy and healthy one!