GTP WRS-Online : Special Event I - GTP_WRS vs ORCA - Jan 28

  • Thread starter WRP001
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^Sounds like I should 'confirm' and then back out if my schedule does not let me run (should know tomorrow). Not gonna do that though, but (a purely self-serving suggestion) maybe people who don't do the TT shouldn't get priority over those who do, but can't commit early.
^Sounds like I should 'confirm' and then back out if my schedule does not let me run (should know tomorrow). Not gonna do that though, but (a purely self-serving suggestion) maybe people who don't do the TT shouldn't get priority over those who do, but can't commit early.

Yah that's a good strategy if you're a complete 🤬. Glad you wouldn't do it. Hope nobody will.

I agree 100% about the time trial part. Everyone should run it especially if you want to run in lounge A.

If you confirm by Tuesday 11:59 gmt and run time trial you get priority over someone who doesn't.

From an admin standpoint I don't want room sizes of 9/8/8... Much rather have 11/11 or 12/12. If there were enough we would have done 10/10/10, but too many cancels.
I just confirmed myself. Dusted off my DFGT and got it set up so I'm ready to go.:)
Sign me up (GTP_RADracing) I'll send Vaxen my qualifier replay.
Sign me up (GTP_RADracing) I'll send Vaxen my qualifier replay.

You'll have to wait until your GTP_Registry entry has been processed and you have been assigned a division and handicap to participate.

Given the deadline for submitting for the time trial is tomorrow at 11:59 GMT it's highly unlikely you'll make the deadline for this event even if you've already submitted your times. It usually takes a couple weeks at least, but after that you can participate in all our events, whether time trials or online races. 👍

You'll see a post in GTP_WRS : New Drivers and Promotions when the new qualifier results are processed.
I've updated the driver registration post with the preliminary seeds/lounge assignments based on the current time trial splits. When the individual time trials close I'll substitute in the full lap times and the seeds will be final, but this will give you an idea as to how the drivers will be split between rooms.

For those of you who have yet to run the time trial, you need to submit a time or you will start in lounge B and if there are more than 12 drivers on your team you rink being bumped if another driver who did run the time trial confirms their registration.

At this point there are still 2 open spots with a few drivers who have yet to confirm.

NOTE: For WRS drivers if you do not want to officially submit and impact your WRS handicap you need to send me your lap time via PM before the WRS deadline and I will enter your lap time for this event only.

EDIT: Updated the bracket and points graphics in the details post to reflect the switch from 3 lounges to 2.
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Signed up, Hope I can contribute!

👍 Cool Dale.

One "confirmed" spot left in the event (depending on what CSL does as he hasn't submitted any splits yet so not sure if he's running the time trial).

PS> Speedy had to drop out of the event, but he will be streaming lounge A on his live feed for the entire event:

Just confirmed myself.

👍 Glad you are in. I think that pretty much fills the grid. Anyone else who is interested can go on the reserve list and fill in if there is a last minute cancellation.

I was thinking about team points. Right now we are even in terms of numbers, but if someone cancels last minute and nobody can fill in we'll just count the top 5 drivers of the other team. So the team with more drivers has a slight advantage with a "mulligan" so to speak, but it won't be completely unfair. Hopefully both teams have everyone show up and it's 12 v 12.
What is that 1 minute time by my name? I don't think I sent one yet?

Yes, Orca lap times are secret for another 24 hours so that's just your T2 split time... just an indicator. The numbers will be final for Orca tomorrow and will be the full lap time you submit.
Yes, Orca lap times are secret for another 24 hours so that's just your T2 split time... just an indicator. The numbers will be final for Orca tomorrow and will be the full lap time you submit.

I still have a day to get a lap, right?
I'm not sure if I can make it anymore.:nervous:
Set myself as reserve.
I'm not sure if I can make it anymore.:nervous:
Set myself as reserve.

What is the likelihood you will make it? Given the lounge split it's kind of hard / impossible to hold any position until the last minute... especially since you would be in lounge A and the impact would ripple to at least one other driver. As a reserve you can fill in last minute for a cancellation though. You'd probably have to fill into whatever lounge the cancel came from unless we had enough notice to juggle things.

We'll hopefully get a guy from either team to step up and fill in. If someone from Team ORCA wants to confirm we can shift Ren, Hydro or myself over to team WRS. If you submitted a lap time to one of the time trials you will get priority.

GTP_Demes or Diabolical... you have an opportunity to step into a confirmed spot if nobody steps up by 11:59 GMT today who participated in the time trial. Either of you would start in Lounge B since neither of you submitted a time trial lap.
Update: Vagabond has confirmed and will take w-g-e's spot. He PM'd me his lap time which is listed on the board -- or will be with the next image update.
The ORCA time trial went final earlier today so the lounge assignments are now final (assuming we don't have any last minute cancellations):


See you all on Saturday and if you haven't already make sure that GTP_3D3_A and GTP_3D3_B are on your friends list. Even if you are assigned to lounge A make sure you are friends with both accounts (and visa versa).

If anyone else wants to be a reserve and fill in if there is a cancellation go ahead and fill out the form. I've removed the "confirmed" option for now.
Great work, Tim. 👍 Amazing job running and promoting this, and looking at the brackets above, I'm getting all drooly. :drool:
I have to cancel as I have a training session for work on Saturday and I can't get out of it (I tried). Shame as I really was looking forward to this event. Apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
Well looks like we need another reserve to step up... Again from either team as a few guys can do the shuffle. Let's hope we get these cancels out of the way sooner rather than later, I do appreciate the notice versus a post on Friday night or Saturday morning.
Quick note: round1-2 instructions and pictures are a bit contradictory. Pics show top3 from each team in room B advancing to room A and instructions say just two. I guess instructions were assuming 5 drivers per team in a room. So, basically, in round one, everyone is still running against people in their own team (unless there's an evil team plan to somehow relegate the other team's fastest drivers to room B) ?
Quick note: round1-2 instructions and pictures are a bit contradictory. Pics show top3 from each team in room B advancing to room A and instructions say just two. I guess instructions were assuming 5 drivers per team in a room. So, basically, in round one, everyone is still running against people in their own team (unless there's an evil team plan to somehow relegate the other team's fastest drivers to room B) ?

OK... I will update. Actually, I'm really thinking it might make more sense just to limit the shuffle between rounds to the top 2/bottom 2 at this point (but still from each team so 8 drivers total are switching rooms). Any thoughts on that guys? The idea was that if someone had a bad time trial result or just couldn't take part and started in B they had the opportunity to race in A for at least one round. I think that's still possible with 2 people shuffling. Also doesn't mix it up too much so that lobby B will still be a "fair" race in round 2. Plus the fewer guys having to shuffle around the fewer chance for confusion.

I leave it at 3 though if anyone objects since that what the original rule stated.
I like the thought of 2 better than 3. I actually thought your original thought was 2, but then when this thread showed up, stating 3, I forgot to say something.
I posted this in the WRS-TT thread, but I'll cross post it here as well.

Guys, we're looking for one more driver for the special event for team WRS on Saturday. See GTP WRS-Online : Special Event I - GTP_WRS vs ORCA - Jan 28 for details. We've had 2-3 cancellations in the last 48 hours, which is not unexpected for these things.

Also we are looking for one non-driving observer for Lobby B. That person wouldn't have many obligations and could watch the qualifying and race from the lobby. The one official task would be to observe the timing monitor during qualifying and either grab a screen shot of the final qualification times or jot down the times so we can record them later. We are using a fully on track qualifying procedure (nobody allowed to leave pits) so we won't be able to record the qualification times without a non-driver in the lobby observing.

Speedy is going to perform that role in Lounge A. He's also streaming the event so if you want to watch from outside the lobby you can do so here:

The event starts at 19:00 GMT on Saturday, January 28th. Will probably run for 2 hours as there are two rounds of racing. Leave a note in the special event thread if you are interested/available as either a confirmed driver (one spot open) a reserve driver or an observer for lobby B (one spot open).


Note that if Diabolical wants to confirm he can make it we can shuffle someone over as well. Diabolical, if you don't feel like driving, but are available you are welcome to the observer spot as well.

There is really no problem with a 5 person team for lounge B so it's not critical we fill the spot. The detail post covers the points adjustment we'll make if there are no-shows or one team is "short". Basically the team with more drivers gets a "mulligan" and their lowest finishing driver doesn't count toward team points. It's an advantage, but not an unfair advantage.
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