GTP_Registry Discussion Thread (GT5)

  • Thread starter EDK
It applies to everyone in the registry regardless of where they are racing. When applying to the registry everyone agreed to follow the GTP Rules & Guidelines (updating for GT5 currently in hand) and they should be followed at all times.

We won't be handing out strikes for repeated punting or corner cutting unless proof is supplied by way of a replay or video footage to back up a claim of wrong doing for example. However, we would still like to hear of any wrong doing even if no clear proof is available. Just by privately logging complaints we will be able to detect a trend and then deal with it in some way.

cheers for the clear up on that sphinx much appreciated.

In my view and therefore not speaking for the team:

Mistakes do happen that's why there are three strikes, but that doesn't mean that every DQ will warrant a strike. If for example a replay clearly shows more than two wheels off track without much effort in detecting it then a strike would be forthcoming because it highlights a lack of responsibility on the drivers part in ensuring that the run was clean before submitting. If a dirty run was harder to detect whilst using normal methods of verification then that would be taken into account before handing out a strike. But remember, if you're not 100% certain that the run is clean, then consider it dirty and run again.

Typo's in submissions: DQ but no strike, unless you have a habit of doing it.

Failure to provide a replay: DQ & Strike for sure.

Providing the wrong replay: I'm sure we will let you know and invite you to provide the correct one.

Accidently running the wrong combo: DQ.

Clear outright cheating: Instant removal from the registry and your reputation left in tatters.

All decisions are made by the team after much discussion. They are not made by any one individual.

Ok and what about posting lap times on youtube etc? Which plenty of people have been guilty of already?
Only just realized I may need to submit a replay for my qualifying times. :nervous: The qualifier thread states that the top 10 times for each division will be required to submit replays for verification.

I'm 6th'ish in division 3 bronze, do I need to send mine in to someone or am I misunderstanding and it's only the very top 10 as in the gold section of each division?

Sorry if I've missed a post somewhere listing the users required to send in the replays but I'm not here much at the moment
In my view and therefore not speaking for the team:

Mistakes do happen that's why there are three strikes, but that doesn't mean that every DQ will warrant a strike. If for example a replay clearly shows more than two wheels off track without much effort in detecting it then a strike would be forthcoming because it highlights a lack of responsibility on the drivers part in ensuring that the run was clean before submitting.........

Thanks for clearing that up mate, glad to hear a common sense and case by case basis will be applied. Can't wait to get started now, GT5 is already beginning to run out of steam for me when I'm not racing online so the WRS is just what I need :)
Only just realized I may need to submit a replay for my qualifying times. :nervous: The qualifier thread states that the top 10 times for each division will be required to submit replays for verification.

I'm 6th'ish in division 3 bronze, do I need to send mine in to someone or am I misunderstanding and it's only the very top 10 as in the gold section of each division?

Sorry if I've missed a post somewhere listing the users required to send in the replays but I'm not here much at the moment

You should have received a Private Message if your replay is required.
Nice to see some rules and guidelines being set even before the first WRS hs been posted. I especially like the log that has been put together. We now have no excuse to do anything that goes against the spirit of WRS.

And on a side note, here's a little something for you Kev :lol:

Nice to see some rules and guidelines being set even before the first WRS hs been posted. I especially like the log that has been put together. We now have no excuse to do anything that goes against the spirit of WRS.

And on a side note, here's a little something for you Kev :lol:


Hey, the Steelers don't have cheerleaders. :sly:
Just to move off topic for a split second.......Green Bay Packers Super Bowl Champions :)

sorry EDK:guilty:
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I thought that the first WRS event was going to happen tomorrow :(

My guess is that it won't get underway until the next GT5 update. This is supposed to happen soon, and it was mentioned that the penalties for course cuts, wall hits, etc will be affected. This was a big issue in the GT Academy as listed on the news page.

Hopefully this update opens up the options for fair WRS time trials :gtpflag:
The corner cutting doesn't really effect the WRS because the Race Admin can see everything you do... :sly:
This begins to worry me a little. Sure, after spending significant time making runs in the qualifier and other WRS races, I can get a number of clean runs in and pick the best of them for the qualifying time. However, I ended a good number of runs due to a clip with a wall or 3 or all tires shifting off the pavement due to having too much speed coming into a turn. If WRS is going to eventually include online races, I think there should be more allowances for these kinds of things. Things like this happen pretty often even in real life. I could see DQ when there is obvious corner cutting but are obvious mistakes even going to cause DQ? (I'm talking actual races here, not the traditional WRS time trials)
This begins to worry me a little. Sure, after spending significant time making runs in the qualifier and other WRS races, I can get a number of clean runs in and pick the best of them for the qualifying time. However, I ended a good number of runs due to a clip with a wall or 3 or all tires shifting off the pavement due to having too much speed coming into a turn. If WRS is going to eventually include online races, I think there should be more allowances for these kinds of things. Things like this happen pretty often even in real life. I could see DQ when there is obvious corner cutting but are obvious mistakes even going to cause DQ? (I'm talking actual races here, not the traditional WRS time trials)

I doubt it will be like that in race events. Everyone does make mistakes and there will be plenty in race events. Even the odd bump might happen but I really don't see anyone being DQ'ed if you have 3 wheels on the grass. Traditional WRS events will remain the same though.

However if you constantly run wide on corners to keep your speed up or gain time then that will become a problem.
This begins to worry me a little. Sure, after spending significant time making runs in the qualifier and other WRS races, I can get a number of clean runs in and pick the best of them for the qualifying time. However, I ended a good number of runs due to a clip with a wall or 3 or all tires shifting off the pavement due to having too much speed coming into a turn. If WRS is going to eventually include online races, I think there should be more allowances for these kinds of things. Things like this happen pretty often even in real life. I could see DQ when there is obvious corner cutting but are obvious mistakes even going to cause DQ? (I'm talking actual races here, not the traditional WRS time trials)

As CT said, when racing online, small mistakes are going to happen and we have to put up with it sine we are human. What we don't have to put up with is intentional mishaps when racing online. We will keep a close eye on this activity for any such online events. Here is the GTP Official Online Racing Rules And Regulations.

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@ MrJim: The way I see it, in racing conditions there's no such thing as "invalidated time". But you must follow the GTPLanet's OLR Rules (posted somewhere by Sphinx, too lazy to find it out now). Accidents happen, the point is ... you must not get advantage or gain position because of them. :)

EDIT: That's what you get for answering a call while posting and resuming a previous activity without a "refresh". Tree'd, by several hours, by several members :dopey:
Putting down a clean power lap and running clean in a race are two completely different and equally important things.
I believe its a fair bit more than 1 second.
It is a "handicap" difference of 1, not a second counter.

Also, Was just looking through, Awesome Job to my fellow Aussies 👍 :cheers: 4 in the top 6 :cool:

Aha, ok.. sorry, did not notice that..
But it does not remove the fact that drivers deticate different amount of time for the qualifyer.. I can just relate to myself, who put down 45 min/sector.. I would ofcourse done it a lot faster if I drove it for days or even weeks.

I'm VERY curious about the actual times.. But I guess we'll never know..

But how do you know that "it's a fair bit more than 1 second"?
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But how do you know that "it's a fair bit more than 1 second"?

Its an educated guess. Past experience dealing with ~380 submissions over a 3 - 4 minute lap at such a technical track tells me that the difference between the top time of aussienicko (who spent 17+ hours on it) and the bottom time is much larger than 5 seconds. I personally spent 12hours on mine and yet we have others whom spend only 20 - 50mins. By the end of my sessions I had improved a good 2 - 3 seconds over my initial 30mins so its not hard to imagine some drivers 30min effort being 5+ seconds slower than a 17hour Aussienicko effort.

This would would mean that 1 handicap point is more than 1 second. 1 Handicap point could equal 1.5 or 2 seconds??? That much I'm not sure about, but its a safe guess to say its more defiantly more than 1.

Anyway if your still with me, that was my reasoning. :lol:
I would be willing to bet the cumulative time difference between the fastest and slowest drivers is well over 10 seconds. Likely in the 16-17 sec range.
When will qualifying reopen?

We'll reopen qualifying after we've finished reviewing the requested replays. I would guess this will be sometime in early March.
Double Edit (sorry): I retract my previous guessing at how they calculate hanycaps. This generally leads to guessing qualifier times which is strictly forbidden.

On the other hand let me say that I am happy that there is a handycap system with which you can judge your own progress through future races. Thanks admins.
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there may be some scaling involved so that certain entrants don't end up in a division with 3 or 4 other drivers while another division has 90% of the entrants.

If the deviation is anywhere close to a normal distribution (like a bell curve), which it should be, that would definitely be the case.