GTP_Registry Discussion Thread (GT5)

  • Thread starter EDK
It's explained in the QUALIFIER thread. If they want it, they'll tell you what to do.

it only says you will have to zip up replay ,it dosen't tell you how to do this and i have had replay requested so was just trying to get a heads up on what i need to do. :sly:
Here's how to submit:

Export it/them from Replay Theater in GT Life. Point to the one you want, hit triangle. Exit game

Go to Save Data Utility. Find the replay, copy it to your (preferably empty) USB thumb drive or SD card.

Remove the storage media, insert it into your PC. Go to My Computer. Locate storage media. I created a new folder and put both replays into it, named it GTP_DTS Replays. Right click, go down to "send to", select "compressed zip file". Move it to your desktop.

Open browser or email client. Compose a new email and "attach" the .zip file. Send it to the noted email address with information as instructed.

Understand what you are about to do before you begin this procedure.

Or you can wait for official instructions.
So what were the top times set on the two sectors ? GMDLONDON (Greg) put a replay up xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is there any more up ?
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Here's how to submit:

Export it/them from Replay Theater in GT Life. Point to the one you want, hit triangle. Exit game

Go to Save Data Utility. Find the replay, copy it to your (preferably empty) USB thumb drive or SD card.

That does not work for me. The only destinations available to copy to are my other accounts on the PS3. The USB stick does not show up at all.
That does not work for me. The only destinations available to copy to are my other accounts on the PS3. The USB stick does not show up at all.

You may have it (USB thumb drive) locked? Is it in FAT32? Can you save your GT5 game save to it? If so, you can save the replays.

After you do save them, they will have RPL or something like that. They will stand out from other data you may have there already.
You may have it (USB thumb drive) locked? Is it in FAT32? Can you save your GT5 game save to it? If so, you can save the replays.

After you do save them, they will have RPL or something like that. They will stand out from other data you may have there already.

I do have my GT5 save on it as well. Don't know why it doesn't work. Have to investigate a bit more.
You do see the replays right below the GT5 game save and right above the GT5P save if you have one? Is it possible you don't have it pushed in all the way?
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Quick question about the 3 strikes and you're out rule. Obviously major rules breaches such as flagrant cheating will lead to a strike but will having a replay DQ'd mean you get one? I only ask as I have come very close myself to submitting a dirty lap by accident and I know other drivers, all of whom are clean and honest, who have been DQ'd for a lap they genuinely thought was clean but under very close scrutiny became dirty (the invisible walls at HSR being a great example of catching people, especially new competitors out). I realise that it is the competitors responsibility to check their replays carefully but sometimes mistakes do happen or one can easily miss a split second wheel off the track.
You do see the replays right below the GT5 game save and right above the GT5P save if you have one? Is it possible you don't have it pushed in all the way?

Nevermind. It was just a matter of the user being a :dunce:
I completely agree with Andy there and I have an other question related to the 'three strikes and you're out' rule. Does that include typo's in a submission, not able to provide a replay in any kind of way, accidently running the wrong combo and accidently providing the wrong replay?
I like the idea of the disciplinary log, like stated not as a name and shame purpose but just as a good reminder to everyone to follow the rules. 👍
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Quick question about the 3 strikes and you're out rule. Obviously major rules breaches such as flagrant cheating will lead to a strike but will having a replay DQ'd mean you get one? I only ask as I have come very close myself to submitting a dirty lap by accident and I know other drivers, all of whom are clean and honest, who have been DQ'd for a lap they genuinely thought was clean but under very close scrutiny became dirty (the invisible walls at HSR being a great example of catching people, especially new competitors out). I realise that it is the competitors responsibility to check their replays carefully but sometimes mistakes do happen or one can easily miss a split second wheel off the track.

In my view and therefore not speaking for the team:

Mistakes do happen that's why there are three strikes, but that doesn't mean that every DQ will warrant a strike. If for example a replay clearly shows more than two wheels off track without much effort in detecting it then a strike would be forthcoming because it highlights a lack of responsibility on the drivers part in ensuring that the run was clean before submitting. If a dirty run was harder to detect whilst using normal methods of verification then that would be taken into account before handing out a strike. But remember, if you're not 100% certain that the run is clean, then consider it dirty and run again.

Typo's in submissions: DQ but no strike, unless you have a habit of doing it.

Failure to provide a replay: DQ & Strike for sure.

Providing the wrong replay: I'm sure we will let you know and invite you to provide the correct one.

Accidently running the wrong combo: DQ.

Clear outright cheating: Instant removal from the registry and your reputation left in tatters.

All decisions are made by the team after much discussion. They are not made by any one individual.

Clear outright cheating: Instant removal from the registry and your reputation left in tatters.


I like this.

As stated above, I like the idea of having a discipline/warning list, to serve as reminders but my one question, does this only apply to WRS events or can it apply to for example a group of GTP members having some clean and fair racing as I can see you guys getting swamped with "he punted me off" or "he's cutting corner" type messages?

I might have missed something and I know I'm an arse, but to prevent being striked at the first possible instance :) I'd like to ask when we're supposed to submit our qualification replays.
Since official instructions do not seem to be forthcoming, I'll give a blind go at submitting replays.

Unless you've been asked to supply a replay you don't need to... anyway, you wouldn't know where to send it ;)
I like this.

As stated above, I like the idea of having a discipline/warning list, to serve as reminders but my one question, does this only apply to WRS events or can it apply to for example a group of GTP members having some clean and fair racing as I can see you guys getting swamped with "he punted me off" or "he's cutting corner" type messages?


It applies to everyone in the registry regardless of where they are racing. When applying to the registry everyone agreed to follow the GTP Rules & Guidelines (updating for GT5 currently in hand) and they should be followed at all times.

We won't be handing out strikes for repeated punting or corner cutting unless proof is supplied by way of a replay or video footage to back up a claim of wrong doing for example. However, we would still like to hear of any wrong doing even if no clear proof is available. Just by privately logging complaints we will be able to detect a trend and then deal with it in some way.

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