O.K., it's spring here in the Northeast of the U.S.A. and that means yard work. I like yard work, NOT!!! But it has to be done. The good thing is that it gives me a chance to mentally run laps and think about my tune. I have a couple of ideas that I feel would improve it, and I'll keep you posted. I did get to run some laps today between a couple of different cars and came to this conclusion: the gearing choice is just as important as the set-up you run. I built a checklist in my head of what I think are the most important aspects of this weeks race.
1. You need to be at 190+ m.p.h. at the start/finish line. If you're not, then you won't catch up, and/or are being passed by people with a strong t3. This is the goal of your tranny setting.
2. The key to the exits is no different than any other car. The sooner you are on the gas, the faster you are. Since the heavy front end doesn't want to move, I try to move the back end first, then accelerate once the rear is pointed in the right direction. That's why I stiffened the front and softened the rear. The weight of the car is already about as forward as it can go, it can't move backward, so the suspension has to absorb the force under braking before it can steer.
3. This leads me to cornering speed. Indy is flat, so that means the toe package between front and rear have to be good. The car is heavy with a boatload of horsepower, so I'm going to use only as much camber as I need to. The idea is to use toe for the low speed corners and camber for the high speed corners.
4. When I'm setting the toe and camber, I listen for tire squeal under hard braking. Even though a higher toe and/or camber will help for turning, I still need to be able to brake quickly without burning the tires. I limit them as much as possible. This weeks settings are somewhat unusual for me, as most of the time I hardly use half of what's available, but these cars are heavy and powerful, racing on a very flat but consistent surface.
I'm still improving my line, and in practice today I did .330 in t1, but finished .070 behind my best lap. I saved that ghost, though, and I'll be going after him first thing tomorrow morning! The two things that always slow me down are not being patient enough through a corner and not being consistent enough to drive the line time after time.
Sorry for rambling, just throwing it out there. It's better than yard work!
Race On!!