GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 14 : Taming the Green Hell

  • Thread starter EDK
I've been trying this combo for about 5 hours now and I've got only one clean lap, my first one. :ouch:
I think it's a combination of too high goals and inexperience.

Today I'll have my final session and I hope I can get a clean lap in.:nervous:
Whenever I improve my first 5 splits I seem to mess up the rest. I give up.

My third "seat-time" ever with this track. Now I know why this track is aptly named the "Green Hell." :crazy:

I was able to gain 2+ T1 thru T9, but the other 2+ I know I can get is still on the track in T4, 6, 7, and 9 [:nervous:].

T1: 45.117
T2: 34.505
T3: 30.385
T4: 53.279
T5: 40.532
T6: 29.130
T7: 53.507
T8: 36.029
T9: 32.911

Back to my real job. :yuck:
I've been trying this combo for about 5 hours now and I've got only one clean lap, my first one. :ouch:
I think it's a combination of too high goals and inexperience.

Today I'll have my final session and I hope I can get a clean lap in.:nervous:
Hope you get a run in, I like to see submissions even if people arent running their absolute fastest. 👍

Nice splits mate 👍
You were my third goal for the week, once you hit 31's, but pretty pleased where I'm at. I'm sure you'll get the bronze so long as wes doesn't get ya today.
Nice splits CSL. Frustrating morning with the combo, up .3 on numerous laps and lost it somewhere. One final shot at it tonight.
Nice splits CSL. Frustrating morning with the combo, up .3 on numerous laps and lost it somewhere. One final shot at it tonight.
I doubt you even need good luck, I'm assuming you already have me, I've still got at least .4 if not more out of the finish. I noticed Small Fryz is behind us both at T5, and still behind me at T6, so your biggest gains, like mine, are T6-finish.
Is that a typo on T6? If not that's a might fine time!

You could be right :S will check and let you know! I do remember hammering it all the way through there though!!


Yes, it was a typo! Doh! Was 28.3xx

Well spotted! ;)
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Been away for three days. Didn't give this enough welly. Submitted regardless though as I believe in doing so every week. See you all in week 15!
Not perfect... but I don't feel like grinding a track and car that I love.


edit: after looking at the standings I may have set the new D2 bar... given that I made at least 2 seconds of mistakes in T7 and T9 I'll take that. :embarrassed:
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I have finally had a good run at this today and will be submitting with the following splits.:)

I doubt you even need good luck, I'm assuming you already have me, I've still got at least .4 if not more out of the finish. I noticed Small Fryz is behind us both at T5, and still behind me at T6, so your biggest gains, like mine, are T6-finish.

I have no idea tbh, there's a lot of time after T9, okay that includes a massive straight, but that's also 1.3 miles of carrying your exit speed, so who knows.

And yup, T6 to finish is where I can gain most of my time, I think I've been about .5 up on this lap at T6 on my absolute best, but there's a good second in T6-9 from my time.
This turned out to be my worst week ever frustated now that I don't even want to look at week 15....:yuck:....left so much time on the track, saw a 4'27.7 on T7 today and even managed to screw that up knowing that I had a bad T7-T9 section....I can't belive this!!!:banghead:

What's even worse I realised that my current fastest run is dirty ( in the last corner) so I'm submitting a time which is .2sec slower then this one on the board!

Good luck everyone, especially to thoose who are still running this....
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submitting with these splits! Soooooo lucky it's a holiday today! :D


Edit: Damn! You top 3 in D4 got real quick at the end of the week...! thought I might have had a chance at a podium this time :P at least I submitted tho...that's a step in the right direction for me. ;)
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Edit: Damn! You top 3 in D4 got real quick at the end of the week...! thought I might have had a chance at a podium this time :P at least I submitted tho...that's a step in the right direction for me. ;)
So did I, until Gravitron kicked it up a notch :scared:
The strangest thing just happened. I did three straight laps that were all clean. The fastest was this:


Some sectors were just horrendous, Carousel was half a second slower than my previous splits. Still, all in all it's my best effort and the lap I will submit
Submitted with splits. .3 up at T2 tonight. Was .2 up at T9 as well on one lap, then made a slight mistake and found myself .3 down at the line, which has given me a glimmer of hope that all the time left out there isn't too bad, mind you, everyone seems to be leaving time!
This turned out to be my worst week ever frustated now that I don't even want to look at week 15....:yuck:....left so much time on the track, saw a 4'27.7 on T7 today and even managed to screw that up knowing that I had a bad T7-T9 section....I can't belive this!!!:banghead:

What's even worse I realised that my current fastest run is dirty ( in the last corner) so I'm submitting a time which is .2sec slower then this one on the board!

Good luck everyone, especially to thoose who are still running this....
You're neck and neck with DHolland. How could that possibly be bad in any fashion? :crazy:
Hi guys. I just witnessed my trusty(?) old PS3's optical drive go belly-up, so I would like to take this opportunity to say that, if my submitted time will be subject to verification this week, I have no way of loading GT5 at the moment, and therefore exporting the replay.

The hard-drive is fortunately still working, so I'll be trying to move all data to a new model I'll hopefully have in my possession later this week. So, I'll try to come forward with the replay as soon as possible, but it might be pretty late. As long as the hard-drive doesn't die on me, too, it will be coming though.

I'd like to ask you for leniency, just in case if it is indeed going to be late.
My session is finished and NO clean lap. (which is not a surprise to me)

My best T5 was 3'13.4, but after that it goes all wrong. Due to very little practise at the ring I found myself having to learn all 100+ corners. And I;ve actually made it to T7 3 times, so of course I messed it up.

I know this combo really shows who are the fastest, so I'm really not happy with this. I think I'll practise on the ring every week from now on.

See you all in week 15.
So did I, until Gravitron kicked it up a notch :scared:

Thanks for the mention. 👍

I only kicked it up because you kept jumping me... :sly:

Did I mention the wife was out of town for 2 nights this week?
That probably has a *little* to do with it, too.

Probably a good 15hrs spent, and 3 submittable laps to show for it.
I'm done... as in my nerves will never recover I don't think. My submitted lap is down 1.0 on my best (dirty) splits at T9 and from T9 onwards, my last sectors are 0.9 slower than my best, which were set on a slower lap.

That being said, I'm happy at least that I have improved slightly at the 'Ring although my consistency has not - about 10 clean/finished laps all week.

Best of luck all who survived :cheers:
Hi guys. I just witnessed my trusty(?) old PS3's optical drive go belly-up, so I would like to take this opportunity to say that, if my submitted time will be subject to verification this week, I have no way of loading GT5 at the moment, and therefore exporting the replay.

The hard-drive is fortunately still working, so I'll be trying to move all data to a new model I'll hopefully have in my possession later this week. So, I'll try to come forward with the replay as soon as possible, but it might be pretty late. As long as the hard-drive doesn't die on me, too, it will be coming though.

I'd like to ask you for leniency, just in case if it is indeed going to be late.


I was able to order a new optical drive for my ps3 from an online company. It wasn't too bad to replace, and my ps3 is functioning fine. I have the 40GB version. I think most of the blu-ray laser assemblies were $70 USD, but for some reason the one for my model was only $40 USD.
Didn't manage to improve on my time, so I've submitted with my splits on the board 👍

Best of luck everyone!
Submitted with splits. .3 up at T2 tonight. Was .2 up at T9 as well on one lap, then made a slight mistake and found myself .3 down at the line, which has given me a glimmer of hope that all the time left out there isn't too bad, mind you, everyone seems to be leaving time!

I submitted too. I've also had multiple laps .4 to .7 up at t6 but never was able to convert it. No idea on the last sector... Fingers crossed for a podium lol.
I submitted too. I've also had multiple laps .4 to .7 up at t6 but never was able to convert it. No idea on the last sector... Fingers crossed for a podium lol.
You won't need it I doubt, though I've been considering a last ditch try.

Nice, and I had a top 5 clinched I thought. 👍

I was able to order a new optical drive for my ps3 from an online company. It wasn't too bad to replace, and my ps3 is functioning fine. I have the 40GB version. I think most of the blu-ray laser assemblies were $70 USD, but for some reason the one for my model was only $40 USD.
Where did you go? I've been waiting for a D2 driver to knock me down a peg again, and Vagabond and A7X are D1 now.