GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 6 : 2011 Rally of Monaco

  • Thread starter EDK
Edit: Here's the next "frame". It's about a meter or so later.
Had a lap exactly like this. What is frustrating is that no matter how many times I tried I could not get the replay to stop at the moment I needed to check. Either a hair before, or a hair later.

I'm gonna guess that your lap is clean, but my judgement is based on extrapolation from initial pic and the trajectory, and my numerous attempts to capture something similar. I improved on that lap eventually, and was pretty happy that i didn't have to do more checking like this.
Trying to verify this track REALLY illustrates the lack of functions available in the replay viewer. This is the real problem caused by this one chicane!!!

You pause, you can't change the view - you can't rewind, only start from the beginning.... it's so irritating.
Did you delete the replay? That would be the only reason why you couldn't use that "questionable" lap, if you later deemed it clean.
I typically keep about 4 replays for each week, and even keep the dirty ones.

BTW, welcome Plato, awesome times you're putting down! 👍


No I saved over it because I was unsure how to put a picture up on this thread for you guys to see. Maz only messaged me about an hour ago giving an explanation about the chicane, ashame as that lap was clean after all. It doesn't matter though, the lap I have submitted now is half a tenth slower, I will only be grumpy for a little while if that half a tenth cost me a podium :grumpy:
Trying to verify this track REALLY illustrates the lack of functions available in the replay viewer. This is the real problem caused by this one chicane!!!

You pause, you can't change the view - you can't rewind, only start from the beginning.... it's so irritating.

You should have seen what we had to go through on Prologue. :ouch:

We couldn't even pause the normal replay. The only way we could catch out off track situations was by loading the lap as a ghost, getting into an appropriate position to view it, and then pausing at the exact right moment. Not good.

BTW, you can change the view once you've paused by going into Photo Mode. That said, I know what you mean about finding the exact right moment to pause.

sorry I did edit and add to that post that it would not be fair to implement now, not sure if you saw that. It was just an idea that I thought would help out those who have to spend time viewing these replays and with no rewind feature it would make it a lot easier. This was just an idea and not a complaint by the way

No problem, I just wanted to make it clear to everyone why the rules were set as they were for the event.
last minute desperation leads to these splits


and this.....



assuming this is legal?
Trying to verify this track REALLY illustrates the lack of functions available in the replay viewer. This is the real problem caused by this one chicane!!!

You pause, you can't change the view - you can't rewind, only start from the beginning.... it's so irritating.

Photo mode is there and you can use any view you want.
last minute desperation leads to these splits

and this.....

assuming this is legal?

It's legal as it shows in the pictures.

Again, this needs to be carefully scrutinized, and you need to make sure it's clean. I would be especially careful if I were you, you've already had one DQ.
i will, ive been trying to find a point where im all the way off, i'll continue to look til the deadline before submitting
i will, ive been trying to find a point where im all the way off, i'll continue to look til the deadline before submitting

Can you take a picture from above the car, that may help determine the path of the car and whether the lap is clean or not :)
Submitting with these splits.

T1: 27.501
T2: 45.039

Lost a bit over those, gained in T3, and a clean lap.

I'm happy!
I'm done with this one now and reached my goal.
THe splits are:

T1: 27.443
T2: 45.114

And A good T3 also if I may say so. 👍
That looks pretty close to my replay, but the "yaw" of the car kept the tire in contact. As a point of reference, you can use the bottom of the wheel-well in his picture. The outside back half of his tire will roll around the drop-off of the rumble. That's legal, as it's still tire contact with the rumble. That's all it takes.
I for one think we should leave the rules as they are, this week notwithstanding. They have worked well for years.
It looks to me in these photo's (and mine) that the ultimate spot is between the white and red tiles, that furthest angle away from the tire.
It seems on my photos that if I were to catch that spot it would be off.
Your photo's look similar but without viewing the replay it is not for me to say.

Submit them and if they are out and can be caught, well then..........:guilty:

It's probably as close as it will ever be.
Well, there was that other time........remember Chuk?

Oh yeah, submitting current splits.
assuming this is legal?

This is exactly what my lap looked like that was 0.2 quicker, that i've since discarded as 'dirty'. Just by the angles of the wheels I thought there would be a frame where the wheel was inside the 'bermuda triangle' of that chicane :)

The problem is there seems to be no frame-by-frame forward function, and can't seem to press the pause button fast enough. I'd rather not risk it, but it is frustrating when I saw all 3 sectors the best time I've ever done :grumpy:

I would actually prefer that PD implemented an invisible wall there, at least that way it would be easy to verify.
Submitting with:

T1: 27.787
T2: 45.455

This one is going to be edgy. Ran through my replay several times with photomode. It seems to be allright but is very close sometimes :nervous:

Oops, I wrote this post and now I realise I actually forgot to submit :(
Last edited:
this is as close as i could find, maybe since it appears the tire is off the ground but in line with the rumbles explains why it slides out compared to the angle of the tire. if this is legal then i will submit this lap if not i will use my current submission.

T1: 27.014
T2: 44.407

Not the absolute best T2 or T3, but my best ever T1 and a better lap time overall. Have an even faster one but it's too close at the chicane, in a similar vain to those who have posted pictures above...

Dunno if this is good enough to nudge Chuk or Ash out the way, but we'll see - I live in hope!
Been trying to better these times, but time is getting short.

T1: 27.878
T2: 45.348

Well, there was that other time........remember Chuk?

I certainly do, as well as many hours spent trying to find that perfect picture that proves the issue one way or the other. I checked my replay at three different times within .050 seconds in the same place, and it was constant. The tire looks like it's going off, but it maintains contact. When you pan the camera back, you can see that the car is pulling the tire to the outside, while the tire is rolling forward, giving a "slideways" motion. I think we are trying to make perfect science with an imperfect tool. If you find a picture with all tires off, it's no good. If you can take five or ten pictures within a few hundredths of a second and they're all good, regardless of what looks like is going to happen next, then it's probably good. I say probably because it's up to the individual to submit it or not. If someone does find that magic point when the tire loses contact, it's a DQ. If no one can take that picture, then it will be good.

Nice one, millross!!
Submitted with a time .2 slower than my best. The best one had a moment similar to those posted on the previous couple of pages. I cant be certain that the wheel doesnt separate from the curb since I cant seem to pause the replay at exactly the right time. I would rather submit a lap that can be verified as clean without use of photomode. It not like I was in the running for a podium anyway.
I spent 2 hours last night trying to get back to my faster time, which included an .3 improvement at T2, but completely botched the exit of the swimming pool.
this is as close as i could find, maybe since it appears the tire is off the ground but in line with the rumbles explains why it slides out compared to the angle of the tire. if this is legal then i will submit this lap if not i will use my current submission.

I don't want to be put in the position of "Approving" your lap based on this one picture alone. That still frame looks clean to me, but the angle is not really the best, and might be well served to have a top view from an angle.

I think when it gets to be this close, you really are not sure whether your lap is clean, so as the first post states, you should consider it dirty.
To whom it may concern, I accidentally overwrote the replay of T1 and T2 times I posted to this thread. I have not submitted to fetchbot though.

I thought I had ran a better lap but it turned out to be dirty. Unfortunately I won't have a chance to rerun it before the deadline. So my time on the leaderboard should be erased. Sorry for any inconveniences! I now know not to overwrite replay's!
Submitted with a time .2 slower than my best. The best one had a moment similar to those posted on the previous couple of pages. I cant be certain that the wheel doesnt separate from the curb since I cant seem to pause the replay at exactly the right time. I would rather submit a lap that can be verified as clean without use of photomode. It not like I was in the running for a podium anyway.
I spent 2 hours last night trying to get back to my faster time, which included an .3 improvement at T2, but completely botched the exit of the swimming pool.

Yeah, just not worth it. Like the rules says, if you aren't sure consider it dirty. I think they really need a 'frame-by-frame' grabber or 'slow motion' replay feature where you could adjust the frames/sec after pausing. I guess it's less of an issue for slow-poke me not up the top :sly:
I don't want to be put in the position of "Approving" your lap based on this one picture alone. That still frame looks clean to me, but the angle is not really the best, and might be well served to have a top view from an angle.

I think when it gets to be this close, you really are not sure whether your lap is clean, so as the first post states, you should consider it dirty.

Decided not to submit that lap as it was too close to call, too bad as it was a full .160 faster than my previous best, thanks for the support and sorry for being such a pain hopefully no such issues next week!
Yeah, just not worth it. Like the rules says, if you aren't sure consider it dirty. I think they really need a 'frame-by-frame' grabber or 'slow motion' replay feature where you could adjust the frames/sec after pausing. I guess it's less of an issue for slow-poke me not up the top :sly:

Exactly. The frame-by-frame replay would be nice, but I dont think we need to start that discussion again.

Anyways, I wish I could be as 'slow' as you. You are comfortably ahead of me on the leaderboard:sly:
I saw your other post about your old PS3 getting YLOD. I also have a fatty BC 60G and fixed my YLOD by following the series of videos on youtube (search "gilksy ps3 ylod fix"). Not permanent, but it's worked for about 10hours after the fix, so far. I borrowed a heat gun from work, and ended up splurging $10 on the Arctic Silver. I even ended up with 6 extra screws that I must have forgotten to replace! :dunce:

I will get it fixed eventually, but I went out and bought a slim a few hours after it happened so no hurry. I might burn the house down if anything called a heat gun is in my hands.:crazy: In the next year or two I will get a triple screen setup and I will fix it for that. My original GT5 is stuck in there so I will only need one more copy of GT5 and one more PS3.