GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 8 : Star in a Reasonably Priced Car

  • Thread starter EDK
Providing Clarity

Thank you Kev!! 👍 The admins do a fantastic job each week, but you can not possible know every permutation of clean/dirty possible, its only natural that some questions will emerge from playing the TT

Agree completely. Thanks for having the best common sense post of the night.

WOW!! 👍 I have common sense?! If you were to ask anyone of my friends or family, you would not get the same response!! Thanks! 👍
Gave this a go for about 30 minutes yesterday and got a 42.2 T1, then the following left turn flagged me with 2 tires clearly outside the white line 👎

The flagging 'rule' I've noticed for most turns is that you can't have more than half of your car over the line.
This now clears up the issue of the entry to the hammerhead, for those who don't know there are invisible cones just inside the white line, which makes this corner impossible to put your left side tires over the line, if your tires do go over it's guaranteed to be a dirty lap.
Think I'll just submit.

T1: 0'44.377
T2: 0'27.076

good luck guys .

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The flagging 'rule' I've noticed for most turns is that you can't have more than half of your car over the line.

Interesting thought and I bet you are correct, thanks dude 👍

Interesting thought and I bet you are correct, thanks dude 👍
After I posted that I was driving more and sometimes it seems like you can have 2/3 over and other times maybe 1/3, so I don't know, maybe PD put in different bounds for each corner and there's no set rule.

Updated splits, up 0.4 at the line :)
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T1: 43.173
T2: 26.106

Not too bad to start with but I have a lot of time left out there. Need to work out a better braking point for Chicago and get the fugly out of my Hammerhead. :P

Regarding some of the earlier questions, there aren't too many places you can go past with two tires over that you won't get red clocked, especially at the Hammerhead. I did some experimenting and you can't cut it too far coming in anyway. Seemed like if I went more than a tire width past the white it would trash my lap as dirty.
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T1: 43.173
T2: 26.106

Not too bad to start with but I have a lot of time left out there. Need to work out a better braking point for Chicago and get the fugly out of my Hammerhead. :P

Regarding some of the earlier questions, there aren't too many places you can go past with two tires over that you won't get red clocked, especially at the Hammerhead. I did some experimenting and you can't cut it too far coming in anyway. Seemed like if I went more than a tire width past the white it would trash my lap as dirty.

Yes but my point was if you look at the special event track, there are 3 cones inside there making it impossible for anybody to even put half there left side tires in there. Just making sure everybody realizes this so they don't go the whole week and post a dirty lap, my splits I have on the board at the moment, I am classing as dirty as my tires are slightly over the white line in line where the cones would be.
Yes but my point was if you look at the special event track, there are 3 cones inside there making it impossible for anybody to even put half there left side tires in there. Just making sure everybody realizes this so they don't go the whole week and post a dirty lap, my splits I have on the board at the moment, I am classing as dirty as my tires are slightly over the white line in line where the cones would be.

They are there in the Special Event yes, but not in Arcade TT, so dont worry about them! 👍


as far as i can remember, no. As above, if there not there dont worry. If you get a red lap, it doesnt save anyways or count on your personal leaderboard thingy.
^ Wait, do those 3 cones show up in the replay or smth?

No they don't show up there invisible, check it out in the special events the 3 cones are inside that turn thats why any tire in there will be a dirty lap

@ Munch2112

Are you saying because it's arcade TT it is fine to put 2 tires in there and not be penalized for hitting an invisible cone?
No they don't show up there invisible, check it out in the special events the 3 cones are inside that turn thats why any tire in there will be a dirty lap
Why do we care about what the map looks like in special events? If it's not in replay - it's a fair game. You still can't go more than 1/2 the car beyond that white line though w/o red-timing the lap.
@ Munch2112

Are you saying because it's arcade TT it is fine to put 2 tires in there and not be penalized for hitting an invisible cone?

Pretty much, yes. Because we are not running the Special Event version, we are running the arcade TT. There is no cone there, so why worry about it? Drive to what you have got. I'm pretty sure the cone doesnt show up in the replay - not 100% right now, will have to check - aslong as your time doesnt get DQ'd by the physics in the game, or by our the WRS rules that 3 or more wheels cross that line and there are not 2 wheels in contact with the track at all times, then go as far into that section as you like/can.
I have already put a couple of hours into this and as always, I keep ruining a great lap or the game does it for me when I still have two wheels on track.:ouch: Anyway I have some decent splits at the moment.

T1: 42.352
T2: 25.171
Wowsa - I must have tried Turn 1 50 times already and I can't get it right...:dunce:

T1: 43.118
T2: 25.656
Like a carnival ride this is to much fun :)

T1: 42.522
T2: 25.454

"hay Add"

Hey bro your suppose to let me catch up before you post a new time. :lol:
Catch you later I hope.
Oh my mistake you haven't overtaken me yet. :lol:
Never the less I'd best get busy, I know It's only a matter of time.
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First splits

T1: 43.079
T2: 25.483

I never really used this track much so i need to find some better lines

Is it okay if I run over my invisible ghost car? :)

My point,

Why should one track layout be different to any other, that would mean everybody going inside that white line is exploiting the game in my opinion, with my current splits I am exploiting it to, but this is legal just because PD 🤬 up by not putting the same system in arcade and practice mode ?

In other words if we ever get given the samba bus TT, I would like to see somebody try and cut that corner. It's not right to have 2 different rules for the same track. This is obviously an example, as there are other cars on the track.
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Will save ghost save a "red" lap? Even if it's legal by the rules? If not then we'll have to save the full replay no?

My point,

Why should one track layout be different to any other, that would mean everybody going inside that white line is exploiting the game in my opinion, with my current splits I am exploiting it to, but this is legal just because PD 🤬 up by not putting the same system in arcade and practice mode ?

In other words if we ever get given the samba bus TT, I would like to see somebody try and cut that corner. It's not right to have 2 different rules for the same track. This is obviously an example, as there are other cars on the track.
The game has tracks with reverse layouts, with shortened layouts, with altered layouts where walls aren't where you expect them... it has license tests with cones that aren't there for a normal race, and now it has cones in special events that aren't there in arcade mode. It gives the game some variation. I've never heard of a rule that said PD can't alter a track for a special event or license test or time trial or whatever they want.

In this week's WRS, we all have the same track, car, rules, and cones. Just drive the given combo the best you can. ;)

Will save ghost save a "red" lap? Even if it's legal by the rules? If not then we'll have to save the full replay no?
If it's red it's illegal, even if the flagging rules are more strict than normal WRS rules.
My point,

Why should one track layout be different to any other, that would mean everybody going inside that white line is exploiting the game in my opinion, with my current splits I am exploiting it to, but this is legal just because PD 🤬 up by not putting the same system in arcade and practice mode ?

In other words if we ever get given the samba bus TT, I would like to see somebody try and cut that corner. It's not right to have 2 different rules for the same track.

I'm pretty sure there are several instances of track differences between arcade and GT life modes.

We are not exploiting anything. There are cones in the special event in GT life because it is that! A SPECIAL EVENT! So PD don't want to make it easy in the first place!

Yes it's the sane track. The track won't change. But rules of the event being run on that track do change. That is the difference.

For this WRS, there are no cones there. There are no "invisible cones". there is track, and a White line. The White line is the edge of the track. Don't break the WRS rules and leave the track!

If we were using the special event with the samba bus, the same rules would still be valid! Don't hit a cone! Just there are cones on that corner this time!

And let's be honest, You can't actually get that far into the "off track" section before your time gets DQ'd by the game, or the WRS rules DQ you. Plus, there isn't that much time to be gained from cutting this specific corner, the hammerhead is all about the exit, not entrance.
The game has tracks with reverse layouts, with shortened layouts, with altered layouts where walls aren't where you expect them... it has license tests with cones that aren't there for a normal race, and now it has cones in special events that aren't there in arcade mode. It gives the game some variation. I've never heard of a rule that said PD can't alter a track for a special event or license test or time trial or whatever they want.

The point is, in this week's WRS, we all have the same track, car, rules, and cones. Just drive the given combo the best you can. ;)


I didn't realize it was just a different layout, thought it was just a mistake on PDs part for not adding those cones. Now I know for sure that you can put tires beyond that white line I will keep my splits I posted on the board. I wasn't complaining just trying to get a point across.

Thanks for pointing this out 👍
Can I hit every cone on the track or maybe that one cone in perticular that keeps giviing me a dirty look as I fly by it thinking "if I run over that last cone on the end I could probibly save a tenth or two", or are they protected by the Rules of the Race?
