GTP_WRS Leaderboard Discussion and Feedback

  • Thread starter steven
Strange, on my iPhone it's ok...

Can you create and post a screenshot with your iPod (press home button + the on/off button at the top simultaniously)?

I think I understand what you mean, but I can't reproduce it so's it's quite difficult to debug.

Yeah of course - I'll post up some pics in this thread later on today.
Any progress on the problem with everyone being redflagged in W13?

I spent some time on the issue last friday, but did not have enough time to solve/test the issue and update the board. Hoping to have everything ready this weekend.

PS @ millross : Nice :)
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This is a bit lo-tech, but it was easy for me to just take a picture at the time :)

Edit: Oh, the image had to be zipped.

Edit again: I'll be able to show a picture from iPod touch w/ Safari later on
Mmm very strange Matt, that's not how it's supposed to be.

On my collegue's android (2.3) htc phone it's working fine though...

Is anybody else (with mobile) having the same problems? Or is it working for you guys? I'd like to know if more people have these problems or if it's working.
Hi guys, when I clicked on my name in the leaderboard, my history of races pops up but week 12 and 13 are showing red flags, week 13 needed replay and was checked green. week 12 was a bad week for me, and replay was not requested. Any Ideas?
Hey Joost;

The leaderboard no longer renders correct on my Android phone, nor iPod touch (Safari) - the header and footer are on screen as normal, but the table that holds the times is pushed over to the right and you can't scroll over to see the actual times - all you can see is the position/name/division and that's about it.

No real biggie, just thought I'd share as I often check out from a mobile device.



It's the same on my IPad since Nordschleife, everything is pushed to the right and I can't scroll it. The first person that shows up on the board is also 5th place, can't see the first 4.

I just checked and it is the same on my android phone.
Is anybody else (with mobile) having the same problems? Or is it working for you guys? I'd like to know if more people have these problems or if it's working.

Leaderboard looks fine on my HTC Android.

I could only see up to split 5 last week, it wouldnt scroll any further. Didnt see that as a problem as such, just a hiccup because there were so many splits to deal with.
Ok, thanks guys. I'll take a look if I can fix it...

Hi guys, when I clicked on my name in the leaderboard, my history of races pops up but week 12 and 13 are showing red flags, week 13 needed replay and was checked green. week 12 was a bad week for me, and replay was not requested. Any Ideas?

Yes, read the thread, 3 posts above your post.
I haven't had an exhaustive look, but it "might" be due to the following, which appears just above the first place time in the table where the results start:

<tr><td colspan='10' style='height: 10px'></td></tr>

I don't think you need this row so you could bin it and see whether it makes a difference :)

(It may well not...)
I think that should not be the problem as that's been in the code since the beginning. I've added the runs_container with the overflow for the Nordschleife week after which the problems started. So I think it's got something to do with that div. The image looks like a the margin is applied twice...
The car image used with WRS16 leaderboard is a Viper...should be a Challenger ;)

EDIT: fantastic wrs leaderboard section by the way!!!
The artwork is done by a WRS competitor so you have to give him a chance to work his magic before the pics update.
Here is what I see using my Ipad and android phone when viewing leaderboards. I can't scroll any directions and no names appear unless there are at least 5 drivers with splits submitted. It has been like this since Nordschleife.

Here is what I see using my Ipad and android phone when viewing leaderboards. I can't scroll any directions and no names appear unless there are at least 5 drivers with splits submitted. It has been like this since Nordschleife.
Just to let you know, you can grab a screenshot on any iOS device by pressing the sleep and home buttons at the same time (the image is saved to your photo library).
Thanks Jordan.👍


Same image just uploaded directly from Ipad.
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Here is what I see using my Ipad and android phone when viewing leaderboards. I can't scroll any directions and no names appear unless there are at least 5 drivers with splits submitted. It has been like this since Nordschleife.


Have an Ipad and it doesn´t have that problem.
His that on Safari or the GTPlanet App?
Have an Ipad and it doesn´t have that problem.
His that on Safari or the GTPlanet App?

I'm viewing it from Safari, it's the same on my android. Did you view it during the Nordschleife week, it started then and has been he same since. Do I need to clear my cache or something? I'm helpless with tech.
I apologize for the double post but I wanted to make sure the admins saw this instead of just editing. Apparently there is no issue, looking at the page I started to press different things and when I hit show less info it returned to normal. I didn't know that was there and must have hit that or had it default to it for some reason. I apologize to everyone who spent time looking into it.:guilty:

Edit: I can see the participants in the correct way but I lose the picture of the car and track along with that weeks info. Personally, I don't mind that but just updating. It still defaults to the tabbed to the right every time I open it. Here's what it looks like now for me.

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In the leader board driver profile area it does not reflect my real finishes?

When I pick my handle (name) and look at my finishes they are incorrect in a couple of races. My finishes in wk 8 and 14 don't seem to be correct.
In the leader board driver profile area it does not reflect my real finishes?

When I pick my handle (name) and look at my finishes they are incorrect in a couple of races. My finishes in wk 8 and 14 don't seem to be correct.
It says I finished 56th in wk 8 "star/resonable/car" but results show me at 34th or something like that in the archives....
I also get red flags for everyone in certain weeks, from my PC. (I did a week ago, if it's been addressed already, disregard.)
I wonder why no Admin or Mod have addressed CLASER and my questions about our leader board issues. I thought that is what this thread was about.
I wonder why no Admin or Mod have addressed CLASER and my questions about our leader board issues. I thought that is what this thread was about.
Better watch your mouth 👎 and remember that the leaderboard is a bunch of work, and that Joost is doing this in his own scarce spare time, and that he has been doing a tremendous job for the community already. He will address your issue this day or the next as he has been doing with all issues arising since the start of his leaderboard.
What's with the attitude steven? He just wondered why there was no answer, didn't sound aggresive at all.
Wow, what a terrible response that is. He has only asked a question and there is more people than just joost who may have been able to help him with his question, you being one of them. The WRS has a reputation of being a friendly place but after seeing this: "Better watch your mouth"

What kind of way is that of answering a question, I think you read lefty's post in the wrong way as I don't see anything wrong with it, not to mention the terrible last few days he has been through. This could of been handled differently, as he is one of the nicest people around in the WRS
I would not agree that the tone of the post was entirely innocent, especially considering that it's only been 3 days since the problem was first brought up. Not like it's been a month, or something. Seemed like a thread bump to me.

My reply this morning was going to be that everyone needs to remember that we are all volunteers here, and still have real jobs and lives. But instead, I just chose to ignore the comment. Joost is really the only one who will be able to work on this, and he subscribes to this thread and does a great job of responding to issues. I figured he was busy and would get to it when he was able.
Did you forward my leaderboard photo's to Joost? I saw you were online at the time and thought you could also change it.
If not, I'll send it to him ;)
Did you forward my leaderboard photo's to Joost? I saw you were online at the time and thought you could also change it.
If not, I'll send it to him ;)

Yeah, I forwarded them to him, and I either don't have access to the area the photos are contained in or don't know how to get there. He's not replied to that PM, either. But I think he mentioned being away for a few days in one of the background threads as well.
See remark below from the comprehensive guide thread. Wonder if anything can be done to make it so the hyphen doesn't have to be there?

Very nice guide you've made here. :cheers:
I have a small remark about green flagging somebody.
It seems fetchy does accept all green flags on the unofficial results thread.
If you post it like this: GTP_tag -

Fetchbot accepts it.
If you post it like this: GTP_tag

He doesn't.
The hyphen between the name and the flag seems to make the difference