GTP_WRS Leaderboard Discussion and Feedback

  • Thread starter steven
Apparently the Bot doesn't look at the personal signature what Division you're in.
Maybe somebody can fix mine on the leaderboard?
Thanks 👍
The division information is retrieved from the official division list within GTP, not from your signature.
Hey guys, i've fixed some small bugs this weekend and i'm going to update the board tonight with the latest version, as it was already 03:45 and I wanted to get some sleep I didn't have time to update it this weekend :P

But this will solve the problems with the registry syncing as well as some new enhancements which we'll make public soon :)
The board has been updated :)

  • All the divisions should have been fixed. If you still don't see yourself on the board or your div is incorrect let me know.
  • The link to the official registry in the FAQ has been modified to represent the new registry thread (thanks for the bug report acidburns).
  • The results of the weeklies are now viewable on the board directly after the deadline has passed. These results are based on the PM's the bot has received. (This is preliminary on a future update and is still in BETA, so it is possible that some results are not 100% correct. You should refer to the threads here on the forums for the official results. Any inconsistencies in the results will be fixed in the next update.)
Joost, I echo kudos for the relentless job you and the online race admin team does week in and week out.
I was coming here to say that the board is showing results that aren't official, but I see that was intended now. :) I like that we won't have to wait for the thread of results! Weeks 5 and 6 aren't showing updated divisions, if they're supposed to.
Just a question: before the update of wrs (with the division promosions) I was shown as first place in division in all races, now in week 2 I am shown as second. The reason should be that I was the second as a result, but the first guy failed to provide a replay. Official results thread shows me as first.

PS. I don't care about what it shows, I only mention it because it should be an interesting bug. Also maybe the guy provided a replay after the due date placing me back to second position.
The results are still in BETA so there might be some small mistakes, with the following update this should be fixed. But in the mean time you can
check the official results on the forums.

But thanks for reporting, i'll keep an extra eye out for this one :)


Just looked on the leader board & I'm div 3 silver. Am I not bronze anymore?

Was this someones idea of a sick april fools :lol:
Congratulations, addictions. You deserve it. :cheers:

Thanks dude. I believe congratulation are In order for you too, Hardly surprising with the time you've been pumping out.👍

Also thanks JoostBaksteen for making my day.
I don't know if this has been pointed out. On the leaderboards for Week 6, it shows that Apollo beat me while being in Division 3 :P I think that needs to be fixed since he was promoted during the last set of promotions.
I've noticed that the leaderboard results are not matching the official thread. Obviously since it's in BETA this is probably already known, but how does it take into account DSQ due to red flag/no replay provided? Is it feasable for the leaderboard results to work off the Official Results thread, or it can only work by the PM's?

Also thought that for past events the default view might be the results rather than the splits. And the Splits would be the default view for the current WRS event?

Just a couple of ideas 💡 Thanks for the huge amount of work that must go into this 👍
Just looked on the leader board & I'm div 3 silver. Am I not bronze anymore?

Was this someones idea of a sick april fools :lol:

I object your honor, how can this be?

Oh yah, I remember now, thats right you handed me my rearend in almost every event so far......., It couldn't happen to a more deserving member :) Great Job M8t

Is it possible for me to get a British flag next to my name, I currently don't have any. If you have the time, if not then don't worry about it.


Just looked on the leaderboard and it doesn't read the times i posted I'm still div 2 bronze.

Could you look for it?

Thanks for all the hard work 👍
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Hi, My Family migrated from England, but I'm a United States of America citizen, could you change my flag please?
I noticed this too, couldn't see any american flags on the boards. They seem to have been infiltrated by the brits :)

I was pretty sure Lefty wasn't British :sly:
My flag also changed to British. Although I like UK I would prefer to have a Swedish flag. 👍
My submission for this week gives:

"Your username is not in the official registry. Please make sure you are registered correctly, than try again."

Think my promotion got me out of WRS :crazy: