GTP_WRS Leaderboard Discussion and Feedback

  • Thread starter steven

The week 4 leader boards now show Trial Mountain as this weeks course in the picture. :D
For some reason I have no Division now :lol:

Was working in Week 1 and 2 though... Haven't changed anything since.
I've found and fixed the problems some users were having with the board.

Some minor changes have been made to the official registry when it became official (e.g. the replay verification was added). This caused the bot to ignore the divisions for some users who had submitted their replay for the qualifier. The bot has been modified to understand these changes and now all divisions are back to normal :).

There was another issue that some guys were totally ignored by the bot :dopey: This was because their username on the forums did not correspond with the username in the official registry.

Vaxen has updated the usernames in the registry to correspond with the correct usernames (thanks Vaxen!). So Vagabond, WayneGTC, dhandes and Jαke your problems should have been fixed as well and you can submit splits/final times again :)


Hey Joost I just found that Zoky_CRO is from Croatia, and the flag that appears is from Costa Rica...Croatia domain is .hr (Hrvatska) / .cr is Costa Rica.
Thanks for your attention
I just checked that my PSN isn't correct. I had to change my PSN from GTP_Lyvan to GTP_Velez...can you correct that please?

Hi Lyvan,

I've asked Vaxen to change your username in the official registry, when that's sorted I can merge all your data to your new account.

Your username has been changed.

I've also fixed the flags for Latvian drivers and for GTP_cicua who's country wasn't recognized as Denmark.
I think my entry on the leader board for Week 5 is in some kind of stuck state. Doesn't seem to be picking up my splits anymore (was working earlier today). Doesn't seem to be affecting other entries as I can see other users splits updating, just not mine :)

Tried some extra posts in the thread in both formats to no avail:


T1: 23.737
T2: 23.057

Is there something I can do to reset it (Maybe put the time as 00.000)?

Edit: Fixed by using different values, doesn't seem to accept the same 2 splits if already entered. Added 1 millisecond to T1 and subtract 1 millisecond from T2, this keeps the overall split (and leaderboard standing) the same.
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G'day Joost - old Fetchy has been a bit eager and collected my gear ratios as split times, which makes the leaderboard look quite odd :P it won't update with my actual splits though. Anything you can do? Many thanks again mate :)

Edit- s'ok mate, fixed it now, editing the post and putting my splits after the gear ratios :)
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Perhaps it might be a good idea to enforce the T1: XX.XXX format on each line rather than just the XX.XXX format? This way the splits wouldn't get confused with other decimal numbers like ratios, or even referring to times in general discussion etc.
Hey guys, fantastic job with the WRS leaderboard, I joined about two weeks ago and I can truthfully say the professional quality was what led me to participate. Just wonder though, now that you have this semi automated process and access to this brilliant amount of data if you had any plans to add analysis features like position comparisons, driver comparisons, and time/placing/participation charts. Always fun to see data vizualized automatically. An example being a division-class participation graph a member posted a week or two ago.

Another feature that I was thinking of, and I'm sure you all have to. was to implement a points standing or seasons, where points would be accumulated based on overall place, division place, class place, improvement, and consistency. These points would carry over from week to week creating another level of competition that could even lead to acquiring spectator popularity. (Interviews of top drivers for the member run GTPlanet e-zine come to mind).

Again, what you guys have done already goes above and beyond the expectations of the community and I know we all appreciate your hard work. Thanks!

**I also noticed the WRS board user pages group all trophies won together. ondering if there was a plan to split those up by division at any point. Not a totally nessecary thing but again, good for data-mining**
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Hey Guys, i've been very busy lately, hence my late reply :)

@GTP_RaceRyder: Your nationality is not in the official registry, therefore you nationality cannot show up on the board.

@Cmmiller89: That are nice idea's. We already though about some of those and we may implement them in the future. But it would be possible for the board so export the data in CSV as well so that other users can do all sorts of statistic analysis and post these statistics / keep track of the seasonal standigs as well.
The fetchbot won't accept my submissions this week. :scared:

I have tried the last 3 days and all 3 times got the same reply:

Your submitted time for week 6 has been rejected as the deadline has passed.

My submissions look like this:

Subject: GTP_WRS Week 6 Submission
Content: Time: 1'


I can see I'm not the only one with the problem. Also saw it posted in the WRS6 thread and the Pitbox thread.
Ok guys the bot has been fixed, you can submit your final time now.

If you've received a reply that it has been rejected (because the deadline had passed) please resubmit. So your time is correctly processed.


Thanks a lot for the fast response and action, Joost. :cheers:

And now I got you. Thanks a lot for the development of the automated submission through the fetchbot. Adds a lot to the WRS. Your huge effort is very much appreciated. :)
Sorry if this has already been answered, but when posting a final time for WRS week 6 do I just send fetchbot via PM my overall time or do i have to put the split times in the message to, sorry first time in the WRS and coud not find the thread explaining it even though I know I have seen it somewhere before
Sorry if this has already been answered, but when posting a final time for WRS week 6 do I just send fetchbot via PM my overall time or do i have to put the split times in the message to, sorry first time in the WRS and coud not find the thread explaining it even though I know I have seen it somewhere before

Just the final time..... As below:

Time: X'XX.XXX

If you go back to the opening post of this and every weeks challenge, all the info is listed there.... I just copy/paste the required info into the pm to fetchbot....
I have a question. In the sector leaderboard for week 6 my division is unknown, but i can see that i am registered in div 4 gold in another thread. Will this get back automatic or should i change something myself?
I have a question. In the sector leaderboard for week 6 my division is unknown, but i can see that i am registered in div 4 gold in another thread. Will this get back automatic or should i change something myself?
Sit back and relax (and drive fast) and everything should be fine soon 👍