I would not oppose a further enhancment were you colour code the driver names according to their division just as in the old leaderboard. It would make it even easier to read.
Excellent job guys 👍
On a side note, when I click on my name to view my placings, all my replays don't show up & it is showing that from week 69 - 71 I am in Div. 3 even though I didn't get promoted till week 72 & week 72 has me winning gold when in fact I won bronze. The same thing for eriba in the div. issue. only minor issues from me
Keep up the great work![]()
I have been exploring the features and have a few comments, as follows;
- The top left grey coloured 'WRS' button seams to link to itself.
On the links on the bar under the banner;-
-The 'WRS' text links to the WRS folder, would it be better to remove this and add it to the one I mentioned above?
- Next to the 'WRS' text it has a link entitled 'Week **', this also links to itself.
- Whilst there is a link to the event thread page (x2), would it be useful to link to the results thread also. Could this be an option when viewing the results tab?
Excellent work with the leaderboard, very impressive.
I did mention it before and it wasn't noted, but it appears week 24 (Ferrari F430 at Eiger North) is missing from the results. Or at least, it is missing from my results page. 👍
All the best