GTP_WRS Leaderboard Discussion and Feedback

  • Thread starter steven
Guess I was asking in the wrong thread, those who are in Division 1 and 2 mind answering a question. How much forcefeed back are you guys using? I am currently at 8, but trying to play with settings that are posted from our members is kinda different from what I had expected. Considering that D1-2 drivers are leading in WRS Week 74, I am wondering if FFB has any factor what so ever. Although I am using settings from IE Lion's Den. I have been adjusting them to suit my "driving style" I suppose is the correct word usage.
Yes, this is really outstanding work by two very talented guys. I know firsthand how difficult it can often be to successfully translate a design mock-up into a working website, and this has been executed perfectly. Thank you so much for your help! 👍 👍
HOLY FRIGGIN MOLY!!!! Guys, that leaderboard is better than the one PD uses for the arcade time trials - they should outsource to you for the GT5 leaderboards. :)
Looks really good. Nice work gents.

I can confirm that I have the same problem with the drop down week selector menu as some others, ie it doesn't work, I'm using Safari 4.0.5 (Mac).

I would not oppose a further enhancment were you colour code the driver names according to their division just as in the old leaderboard. It would make it even easier to read.
I would not oppose a further enhancment were you colour code the driver names according to their division just as in the old leaderboard. It would make it even easier to read.

We actually changed that to a color coded "division badge" as we call it so it stands out without affecting the colors of the username links since a gold username on a grey background can be difficult to read and so on :)

Also any WRS admin reading this, if you want you can swap your flags in the results page with these GT5-themed flags I did for the WRS site


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First of all thanks for the feedback and positive replies guys!

Excellent job guys 👍

On a side note, when I click on my name to view my placings, all my replays don't show up & it is showing that from week 69 - 71 I am in Div. 3 even though I didn't get promoted till week 72 & week 72 has me winning gold when in fact I won bronze. The same thing for eriba in the div. issue. only minor issues from me :)

Keep up the great work :)

Thanks for the bugreport Stephen, i've fixed the problem. It should be ok now :)

I have been exploring the features and have a few comments, as follows;
- The top left grey coloured 'WRS' button seams to link to itself.
On the links on the bar under the banner;-
-The 'WRS' text links to the WRS folder, would it be better to remove this and add it to the one I mentioned above?
- Next to the 'WRS' text it has a link entitled 'Week **', this also links to itself.
- Whilst there is a link to the event thread page (x2), would it be useful to link to the results thread also. Could this be an option when viewing the results tab?


Thanks for the comments Dan.

As they are some structural change to the layout i'll have to discuss it. But what you are suggesting basically comes down to removing the whole 'breadcrumb' and leaving the week name only. It makes the layout cleaner, but will give some trouble when GT5 is out and you can't select multiple games (GT5P/GT5/GT6). If you only leave the gamename I don't think it will look as good.

BTW: the link to the results thread is only shown when it's official. As you can see here it's already there :).

Some other fixes done:

  • The division badges are now clickable
  • Added an item to the FAQ on how to update your controller on the board
  • Bug in the historical promotions fixed (thanks Mignun!)
  • The controller was unknown for some posts while the user did specify a controller
  • I've reimported the replays as they we're (and are) not always imported correctly, this functionality can still be improved
  • Fix the bug when downloading a replay in rar format it had the '.zip' extension
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Leaderboard looks fantastic, very tastefully designed. It's even got it's own little red 'WRS' icon in my bookmarks menu.
I'm using Camino on a mac and the buttons/links work as they should.

As Anghammarad said a few posts above, I also miss having the drivers' names colour coded. You could see at a glance how you were doing compared to the rest of the pack.
Excellent work with the leaderboard, very impressive.

I did mention it before and it wasn't noted, but it appears week 24 (Ferrari F430 at Eiger North) is missing from the results. Or at least, it is missing from my results page. 👍

All the best
Excellent work with the leaderboard, very impressive.

I did mention it before and it wasn't noted, but it appears week 24 (Ferrari F430 at Eiger North) is missing from the results. Or at least, it is missing from my results page. 👍

All the best

Thanks, i'll look into it, I noticed week 22 and 23 are missing too.
This forum is getting better and better by the day the new WRS leader board looks brilliant. Well done.
One of the new features is the controller device column (second from left). The choice is limited to wheel or controller.
Fetchbot retrieves the neccesary information to fill that column by itself.
It does so by reading the information entered in the user signatures at the bottom of your posts.
If that information is not available the board says n/a in the controller column.

This is to ask all (new) members to create a signature in their My GTPlanet page and include the controller device that they use while competing in WRS.

It can be quite free format because Joost's bot is so intelligent it'll know what you use.

Thanks 👍
See the FAQ on the leaderboard as well:

Why is my controller not displayed?

Everytime you post a split the system checks your signature for a known controller. If a controller is found your profile in the leaderboard is updated to reflect that controller. So if you want to update your controller you need to:

1) put your controller in your signature on GTPlanet (e.g. G25, G27, DFGT, sixaxis, DS3)
2) post a split
3) wait for it to show up on the leaderboard

After this you can remove it from your signature if you want, the leaderboard will remember this controller. If you want to change it, just put it in your signature again, post a split, wait, and it's updated.
Joost, you might want to swap the bugs page header image with the correct one. It still displays the "Known Issues" header image instead of the "Bugs" one ;)
I've moved the WRS Leaderboard site to stronger server hardware, but a few things have broken in the process (most notably replay downloads). I've notified Joost and Alba of the technical details, but as always, please report anything you see that's out of the ordinary.
You might want to check it again - I see Animera's original splits for week 80 on the board right now but he posted newer ones a few days ago that I saw on the board but its now reverted back to his original splits. Thanks!
I was just viewing the Week 81 leader board and noticed that the car image doesn't match the event specific car!
Hi there !

I'm sorry, it is a little bit off-topic but I just wanted to thank you for your great work and the inspiration you gave us :bowdown: !

I'm also really happy to announce that wrs has its "little brother" here : ! We were really inspired by your work so we're trying to follow your steps and give GTPlanet's Gran Turismo PSP drivers a greater motivation !

If you want to learn a little more about us, here is our Subforum :

Thanks again !

Wish you all the best !

Happy Racing :gtpflag: !

PS : I don't have a PS3, so can't be with you guys... We'll see about that with GT5 ;) ...
Everything should be ok now :)

Fetchbot lost it's session on the new server, so she couldn't fetch the PSN names from the post (as they are only shown when logged in), so no new splits could be imported.

Besides fixing that (and some other minor issues like DQ-flags) i've created some inline edit functionality for the admins so that they can modify the weekly details directly in the page. So when Fetchbot parses something wrong, like the the car image this week, it can be fixed faster because every wrs admin can do it :)

I think everything should be fine, but if there's still something wrong/not working, let me know :)


@easyasashii: Nice project!