GTP_WRS Leaderboard Discussion and Feedback

  • Thread starter steven
Very nice, watch out for those cyclingists.

Steven is joining in Dan :scared:

Uummm I think somewhere I've done a boo boo.
My gamertag is GTP_Spag69.
The leaderboard has this tag also GTP_Spagetti69.

Could someone please ammend to just GTP_Spag69.

Must be my misstake, and sorry for the inconvenience.

Uummm I think somewhere I've done a boo boo.
My gamertag is GTP_Spag69.
The leaderboard has this tag also GTP_Spagetti69.

Could someone please ammend to just GTP_Spag69.

Must be my misstake, and sorry for the inconvenience.


By changing your PSN you are showing in your posts, it should be corrected. 👍
@Spagetti69: The results from Spagetti69 have been merged to Spag69. So if you use Spag69 from now on (what you are already doing) it should be ok :)
Hey guys,

For some reason my tag has changed from the 'Splits' leaderboard to the 'Results' leaderboard during weeks 88 and 89. It was correct to begin with whilst the event was running as GTP_Welsh-Bain, but shows a GTP_Welsh in the results page, therfore not displaying my Division details etc.

I might have an idea for the board. It might be mentioned already since I did not read threw the whole thread.

When you click the result sheets the format is Final Time and Gap.

It might be nice to have it toghether with the splits and sector times. So we can see how people preformed the last sector.

| Division | Class | Split 1 | Sector 1 | Split 2 | Sector 2 | Final Time | Gap |

So it would look like this :).
@Nige: due to a results-parsing-bug all usernames with a dash were parsed incorrectly. It's been fixed and i've merged your results :)

@Cico: this is not possible, due to the fact that you don't know which splits were used for the official results. It's possible the splits are the splits posted on the board, but they could be other ones as well. So until we can extract splits from the replays this is not possible.
@Cico: this is not possible, due to the fact that you don't know which splits were used for the official results. It's possible the splits are the splits posted on the board, but they could be other ones as well. So until we can extract splits from the replays this is not possible.

Yes this is true, so to overcome that we as participants should include our split times when we submit the laptime.
Yes, that would be possible, but than Vaxen would have to post these splits in the official results thread as well so that Fetchbot can parse them.

Theoretically and technically this is very well possible, but this is something the race stewards would have decide. But I think this is something that would be easier if the official results would be posted to Fetchbot instead to Vaxen. That would save a lot of work.
Yes, that would be possible, but than Vaxen would have to post these splits in the official results thread as well so that Fetchbot can parse them.

Theoretically and technically this is very well possible, but this is something the race stewards would have decide. But I think this is something that would be easier if the official results would be posted to Fetchbot instead to Vaxen. That would save a lot of work.

Yes that would be great indeed, I hope the race stewards will pick it up and have a talk about it then :). The Fetchbot is really nice, the previous WRS I ran it wasn't in yet.
I was wondering what everyone thought about opening a thread for GT5 WRS. Just somewhere to get some ideas flowing, maybe discuss things that organisers have thought about already, generally get some input from the people who are using it to possibly get the best out of it. I also thought it would be a good place for people to express an interest in helping to run the WRS. I'm expecting the work load for the new GT5 edition to be absolutely massive, if people have skills maybe EDK and co could take advantage.

I was just going to make the thread but thought i'd give the chance to people who will be organising it to do so first. Personally, i'd hoped we could discuss things like this:

Personally it will be a massive pain in the butt for people like me if we were to keep the same format. I know its been long established but I have a main profile for which most all of my games are played on. Not only that its where most of my friends are, and the thought of playing GT5 twice simultaneously is pretty daunting.

It would be nice if we had a new qualifier in my opinion. There are lots of people who have improved considerably since i started playing here. Unfortunately they havent moved on up the ladder as there may be people margainly better than them, they do still deserve a promotion though, so a new division qualifier could see them in a more suitable league. Also, i think it'd be great to utilise a car and track that GTPrologue veterans, and everyone else for that matter, havent experienced before. It kind of levels the playing field leaving nothing but talent to get you to the top.

On a side note, i notice people coming into the WRS in a division they clearly dont belong in, having sand bagged the qualifier to get a result in the first few races among people they clearly have the jump on. I dont think its fair, and maybe i'd like to see something introduced where by if your first WRS entry is far beyond your qualification standing ability (:embarrassed: breathe! lol), you must go back and qualify again having your first entry dismissed or stricken. Just a thought.

So what does everybody think? Worth the discussion or leave it to the people who run the site? I'm sure they'd like to impliment all of our ideas, but there has to be some sort of compromise somewhere. They cant please everyone, so is it better not dissapoint anyone and and run the show from behind the scenes?

Totally agree with you. I think it would be good to get a thread openend up where we could, as you say, get some ideas flowing. Some will say its to soon to discuss as not enough info is available yet etc. but we could at least make a start and give people enough time to air their thoughts. It is after all the participants that make the WRS.( Taking nothing away from the race admins,who do an outstanding job:tup:👍, but wouldn't if nobody took part)

With enough time, general ideas would crop up and could then be put to a vote. Such as the tag or not question you brought up. Personally I too would like to use my standard username also, and am confident that GT5 will have an in game "Clan Tag" editor.
I dont want to sound picky or anything here, its just I clicked on my name in the WRS leaderboard and for week 87 there is a red flag next to my name. I know I was disqualified for not providing my replay that week, but thats a black flag isnt it!?
Don’t know if I’ve missed something , but since about week 78 the downloadable replays have not shown up on the leader board drivers profile.

Have these been removed to make room for other things , or just a bug that’s being worked on, the LB is a fantastic resource and would be a shame to lose this reference.

Not sure who to talk to about this, but I just checked in Division 2 Bronze on the leaderboard, my name is spelled GTP_ReDMan1911. That last "n" should be capital N... It's correct in all the other lists that I saw, just not here.

EDIT: Nevermind, I guess I was stupid/tired/drunk when I made my account, and I forgot to make the N capital :( Oh well, too late now.

GTP_ReDMan1911 it is...
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I think the leaderboard has stopped updating at the moment.


You're right Phillip, the bot has gone to sleep.
Edit: It seems he hasn't gone to sleep, he's been doing the WRS and can be seen in the online leaderboard.
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@Phillip, Animera: The bot indeed was confused by the latest official results causing the board not to be updated. But it has been fixed :).

@ReDMan1911: I've renamed you username.

BTW: the ü thingy is fixed as well.
@Phillip, Animera: The bot indeed was confused by the latest official results causing the board not to be updated. But it has been fixed :).

@ReDMan1911: I've renamed you username.

BTW: the ü thingy is fixed as well.

Well done Joost 👍

Could you see the leaderboard info for week 20? I'm pretty sure Rudi wasn't driving WRS at that point yet, luckily based on his times on the board :P
Sorry to be a pain Joost, but I was just looking back through the archive and realised the leaderboard has some incorrect results.

Here are the official results for WRS 11:
but the leaderboard doesn't show that Mad94D and GTP_WannaB finished first and second that week.

Another one is week 17:
On the leaderboard I am shown as the D2 winner that week, but it's actually GTP_MJH who won D2 that week.

FInally, I've mentioned it before and I think you said there was a problem with week 24 results?
These still aren't on the leaderboard.

One other fix, in Division 1 Gold you have listed GTP_Hyper-Dan and GTP_Hyperspeed, they are the same person. Hyperspeed changed his nickname to Hyper-Dan earlier this year 👍

All the best
Thanks for helping us keeping the board up to reality Maz and others 👍
I'm sure Marijn will look into it as soon as he has a splinter of time on his hands.
I'm using 3 cars this week, and it seems the Fetchbot favors the MR's, as he's arbitrarly chosen the 3rd car listed. :lol:

Not sure if there's any way to account for this. If not, don't worry, but still probably need to keep thinking about how we will deal with these things in GT5. We can't have a leaderboard keeping us from running the combos we want to run. ;)

EDIT : Oops, it seems I also made a copy/paste error, and only defined one split. I just edited, but the Fetchbot doesn't seemed to have picked up on it. I guess I really pissed him off this week. :P
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Thanks Guys. I'll get to it asap.

@EDK: Yeah, the multiple car's aren't supported yet. But that's something we're working on. But I've changed the number of splits to '2', so that should be correct now :)