GTP_WRS-Online : GT500 World Championship - Winners: Immortalpilot (A) & Whitetail (B)

  • Thread starter hasslemoff
Good racing in room B today. Congrats to @Ealirendur and @Jfrod on their podium finishes. It was great racing, strategy and consistency were important factors. Even though I crashed once and almost pitted as a result I somehow managed to hang on for my first (provisional) win in GTP_WRS online competition. Hopefully I'll be able to compete in the rest of the season!
Sick Bambi Wins Anyway.png
Almost...I ran out of gas...lets look at your LSD...I'm killing you out of the corners :lol: surely is not my inherent speed!!!!

Any help with the setup would be appreciated.. I ran pretty good yesterday with the Camaro..
I will try to put in the time next week and try to get it better.. This week I wasn't able to..
There is a limit to what I can do as well being the least skilled person here.. I do the best I can..
Good racing in room B today. Congrats to @Ealirendur and @Jfrod on their podium finishes. It was great racing, strategy and consistency were important factors. Even though I crashed once and almost pitted as a result I somehow managed to hang on for my first (provisional) win in GTP_WRS online competition. Hopefully I'll be able to compete in the rest of the season!

Heh, that strategy thingy might have come in handy. Might have made your race considerably more interesting if I'd had a fuel plan of any kind :lol: - might conceivably have been able to one-stop, but mismanaged it in any case.

Speaking of headaches though, I had all the chaos of wife and son getting ready/reluctantly being got ready for work/school behind me, and having to participate in conversation. The blender going off for 3 minutes is slightly stress-inducing, also, so there where several times I'm like :mad: when I'm trying to drive like :cool:. The joys of the 6am Monday time slot...

Very interesting race, with @roamer2629 , @Jfrod , and @Rikson all also being very much in the hunt amongst the B-Spec Bruces - fun racing, guys 👍 Had no net issues in the room I was aware of, and we kicked off smoothly, everyone seemed ready and responsive. :cheers:
Well that was strange. Did not have much time to practice for this and still got 2nd at qualy to my surprise. Held it together until the first pitstop, which was too late after figuring out I couldn't do just one, and then I just lost it. Twice into the dirt all by myself just out of loss of focus. Got into a nice battle with Don, Al and Rikson but spun with two minutes left entering the final chicane. Rage quit at that point.
Much like I hadn't learned a thing in two years of online racing :ouch:
Very interesting race, with @roamer2629 , @Jfrod , and @Rikson all also being very much in the hunt amongst the B-Spec Bruces - fun racing, guys 👍 Had no net issues in the room I was aware of, and we kicked off smoothly, everyone seemed ready and responsive. :cheers:

I'm glad I joined you guys instead of the A room.With my bad pace and inconsistency this was hard enough allready.Don't know what it is with this track,but the curbs sometimes feel like magnets.
Car setup was not very well allso (yet).
I'll make sure to be better prepared for the next race and hope to meet you all next sunday.
I apologise for missing the race with out any notice but I had a small family emergency. Had to drive my little cousin to the dentist 1h before the race. Unfortunalty I couldn't make it back in time. A shame as I think I had good enough pace for division A points.

Conratz to all the winners yesterday.
It's great to see so many drivers line up for a race .
i truly enjoyed yesterdays race. i had the pace and tweaked the car to get it right where i wanted and it worked :)
i'm glad to have been able to beat the entire trl crew ^^

Thanks again to the guys that make this possible .
race you guys next week !
It's great to see so many drivers line up ffor a race .
i truly enjoyed yesterdays race. i had the pace and tweaked the car to get it right where i wanted and it worked :)
i'm glad to have been able to beat the entire trl crew ^^

Thanks again to the guys that make this possible .
race you guys next week !
Your setup must have been something else! :)
I struggled to get a setup together, it always felt odd.

May I ask, did you really run 530 df?
If so, that may be an indication our setup was not good, as we kept adding downforce, it just got faster and faster, ended up with 600 df.
someone in the pratice lobby asked me if i was running full df , i asked if it was faster , he told me yes , i tried and won time , finally also ended with 600 rear df .
huh, so it was not the setup...

I guess you have better throttle control than me.

either way, well done, congratulations!:cheers:
I really enjoyed the race yesterday. If it wasn't for my only slip up on lap 3 :banghead: I might have had a chance at a podium. Many battles with Jo, Don, Ren, Javier and Ned! It had been a while since I raced with you Ned, thanks for not just moving over! You were very hard to pass!!!! Sorry about the little bump here and there, it was truly fun! I was clearly holding you up Jo, thanks for racing me so clean!

Off to Daytona!!!!!
I really enjoyed the race yesterday. If it wasn't for my only slip up on lap 3 :banghead: I might have had a chance at a podium. Many battles with Jo, Don, Ren, Javier and Ned! It had been a while since I raced with you Ned, thanks for not just moving over! You were very hard to pass!!!! Sorry about the little bump here and there, it was truly fun! I was clearly holding you up Jo, thanks for racing me so clean!

Off to Daytona!!!!!
yeah Al...NO MORE MR NICE GUY...:lol:
Formation lap Reminder

Formation Lap
  • No tyre warming allowed
  • Staggered Formation, no overlaps
  • 62 mph / 100kph final sector formation speed, please maintain a steady speed before the final sector.
  • You must not accelerate until the car in front does so.
  • Also the formation is a good lag detector, if you see other drivers jumping around a few times and you are not you are generally suffering from lag, dropping to the back of the grid, hanging back and been patient for a lap or two and the issue can go away, doing this helps everyone have a better experience and gives the effected driver a chance to have a lag free race.

Daytona practice lobby open in the WRS club.R])
Sorry I wasn't there at Motegi guys, I got dragged into putting up Christmas lights on Sunday. Darn holidays. :lol:
Track Note

Track to be used
  • Daytona Road Course: No weather or time change
Pit Exit
  • Please use the pit exit that does not take you straight into turn 1.
  • Using the exit going into turn 1 will result in a Penalty or even worse a crash.
I know it is possible to get a game generated penalty if you do not enter the pits correctly. Practice it some on line, I can't remember what exactly causes the penalty. I know I have been in races where if you enter a certain way the car will not even stop for a pit stop, maybe hitting the inside wall or something like that.
I think there are two ways to come in the pit line. Which one should we take? O does'nt matter?

I think this is about the pit exit.In fact there are 2 at this track.In this case you have to maintain at the left,which is the longest one.
The right short one puts you right on track at the first corner,and propably delivers somekind of demolition derby :lol:
Glad I'm going to be back for Daytona after missing Motegi.

Regarding pit entrance..

If you enter the pits too fast your car will either end up running on to the grass and missing the pits completely, or it will reset you back to the start of the pitlane which costs you a lot of time. I have also heard of it holding you in your pit box for longer than usual. So if you want to avoid this then you need to brake quite a lot before the 'auto pilot' takes over. This is worth practicing a few times and I would always say brake slightly earlier than you think you need to, just to be on the safe side!

Also I definitely agree with using the other pit exit, it's the one they use in real life. Where it sends you out on track in the game is just ridiculous lol.

Looking forward to getting some testing in, I think downforce settings will be very important here!
The exit ist clear for me, in fact I already practiced. But I have seen (in arcade) two chances to entry and I don't know if both are allowed. Thanks @Rikson for the answer and @lozzaiscool thanks for your advice with the speed. I will check it :cheers:
The exit ist clear for me, in fact I already practiced. But I have seen (in arcade) two chances to entry and I don't know if both are allowed. Thanks @Rikson for the answer and @lozzaiscool thanks for your advice with the speed. I will check it :cheers:

You should begin your pit exit early, moving to the bottom of the track, and not make a late turn from the top of the track to try and make the pit entrance.
This is taken from an older race at Daytona, I am sure it will be inserted into the OP .


Pit Entry and Exit Guidelines
  • Pits are open and stops are optional, but may be required to complete the race based on fuel consumption and/or tire wear.
  • Drivers are responsible for determining their fuel consumption, tire wear and ultimate pit strategy. Discussion of this strategy in the thread is encouraged but not required.
  • Be aware that when "Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption" is set to "Fast" or "Very Fast" that the system's fuel add recommendations will be wrong. In this case you need to do your own testing and calculations prior to the race to ensure you add the proper amount of fuel to make it to the end of the race.
  • On exit from the pits stay to the pit exit side (usually right side) of the white line if there is oncoming traffic.
  • On both pit entry and exit, traffic not entering/exiting the pits must stay to track side (usually left side) of the white lines and are not allowed on the pit entry/exit except to avoid collisions. Drivers cannot follow another driver entering the pits into this area to draft and cannot drive into the area to avoid being drafted if they are not pitting.
  • Remember, traffic on course has the right of way after the white line ends. Drivers that cross the line in either direction are responsible for any incidents that occur.
  • Safe Pit Entry: Drivers must keep all four tires within the white lines on pit road entry and must avoid contact with walls. There is no specific speed limit on entry, but the driver may need to slow significantly in order to stay within the boundaries and avoid wall contact. If the boundaries are crossed or wall contact is made the driver can avoid penalty by lifting off the throttle completely for 2 seconds after the car is released from the pits to "self-penalize" otherwise a penalty will be incurred after the race.
  • At Daytona the system imposes an automatic pit penalty if a driver enters the pit too fast. You're responsible for understanding this limit or risk being held in the pits or if you enter way too fast having the AI drive right past your pit and getting a drive through penalty. Also, if you are going to pit be sure to drop down off the banked section early when approaching your pit, dive bombing from the banked section at the last second is not safe and could incur a penalty at the stewards discretion.
  • Safe Pit Exit: Drivers must keep all four tires within the white lines on pit road exit and cannot cross over to the racing line until after the white line has ended. As always, when exiting pit road the driver is responsible for a safe entry onto the racing line and must "yield" to oncoming traffic. Any incident resulting from an unsafe exit will result in a drive through penalty (30 secs) for the driver exiting the pits.
  • At Daytona drivers must use the small exit road when exiting the pits and may not exit directly into turn 1 or incur a 30 second penalty plus additional infractions if an incident results. See picture below.