GTP_WRS-Online : Special I - WRS Goes to Hell - 2.4 Hours of the Nürburgring

  • Thread starter GTP_Dutchy
I'm very hopeful to make this Saturday's support race. OP says 2100 gmt for Saturday's race (which is 3pm CST). I believe the posted local times may need double checking.
Thanks, the Eastern and Pacific timezone times were all off by 1hr. The GMT times and Check Local links were all in-sync, so I edited the EST/PST times to match.

I'm not sure if I'm able to take part in the main race yet but I'm definitely interested, I've already ran some laps in the 919. :D I owe a lot to the WRS so it only seems right to participate on such a milestone.

When do we need to register by? I'm assuming as long as we take part in one of the support races we're good to go.
We'll either have sign up tables as usual, or we'll keep it simple and organize the support races by people posting their intention to make a timeslot (yes or maybe) and car choice by posting in here. Letting us know a couple hours before each timeslot is fine.
Me and @hasslemoff added an extra post to the OP, where you can now register for the Support Races 1 to 5. There will also be an ad-hoc Practice Race on Friday March 2nd, in the evening for Europeans. You can register for that too.

Click this link to register

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Me and @hasslemoff added an extra post to the OP, where you can now register for the Support Races 1 to 5. There will also be an ad-hoc Practice Race on Friday March 2nd, in the evening for Europeans. You can register for that too.

Click this link to register

Me and @hasslemoff added an extra post to the OP, where you can now register for the Support Races 1 to 5. There will also be an ad-hoc Practice Race on Friday March 2nd, in the evening for Europeans. You can register for that too.

Click this link to register

Bart, is it supposed to have car choice on races 1, 2 , and 3 like 4 and 5 have? It did not have the option to choose
Not sure I've signed up correctly... I was in a bit of a rush doing it this morning.

Will the same registration form with the WW, EU and NA be recognised as putting myself available for the first and second Support Races?
Not sure I've signed up correctly... I was in a bit of a rush doing it this morning.

Will the same registration form with the WW, EU and NA be recognised as putting myself available for the first and second Support Races?
you can reregister, if you made a mistake, only the last entry will show up. ^^
It means provisional. I see it's a database error as you are in Div2 Silver in the registry.
The registry isn't updated for a couple of weeks now. It is still set to what I have looked up at that time. That's also the reason why there's nothing showing up next to people who haven't raced online with us yet.
I have some time this afternoon to fix it.
If people want to update with their first name and whatnot they can state here in the online threads or PM me (or any of the stewards (I think)).
The registry isn't updated for a couple of weeks now. It is still set to what I have looked up at that time. That's also the reason why there's nothing showing up next to people who haven't raced online with us yet.
I have some time this afternoon to fix it.
If people want to update with their first name and whatnot they can state here in the online threads or PM me (or any of the stewards (I think)).
Which is odd coz I have gone to an OLR for WRS.... twice... :)
Nail told me about the Nurb Special Event coming up.
Wondering if I am still registered with WRS?
Either way, what is needed for me to be allowed to participate?

You're good to go I can see you as TEX-36 if that's correct you just need to register (link in the OP), show up in your fave Porsche for quali and bring a bucket of beers ( for the stewards of course as we don't condone drinking and driving ;)) :cheers: