GTP_WRS Week 1 : A Dragon's Tale (Which One is Larini?)

  • Thread starter EDK
BTW: I think there is another way to check your splits than to watch your replay all over again. After your session in the screen where you can start viewing your replay and save it, just go on Session Results and you will see all your laptimes. Just find the one you're looking for (usually the best, so highlighted in green) and there you'll have all of your sector times. Best sectors are also highlighted in green (can be on other laps).
I'm not at home now, I'll post a screenshot later.
You are correct.

If you end a session and do not plan to run anymore, you can just grab the splits from that screen.

But if you go back for more, i.e. save your replay, then go back in to see if you can improve, you won't see those splits again. So if you go back in and don't improve your time, you will have to look at the splits in the library.

It's always a good idea to watch your replays anyhow, to make sure there are not any close calls. But for the purpose of posting updated splits, this should work fine. Just make sure you are actually watching your submitted lap replays.
Still recuperating from pneumonia...went in for a chest x-ray couple weeks back...ended up in hospital isolation, out now, but the docs still have me on restricted computer/game time. Splits suck, however, wanted to be a part of the first GTS WRS. Thanks, Admin for getting it underway. :cheers:


Quite a surprise that I was followed by 2 ghosts after uploading one and completing my first lap of the session.

I am using a G29. Does anyone know if you can set it up so that the clutch pedal becomes the brake?

Steven, when I put in a new brake spring, I just swapped the clutch and brake pedal positions. The wires will reach, just be careful.
For anyone struggling with the first sector:

Very clean! Do you mind if I ask what BB you're running? I've stuck with the default so far as I'm about as useful as a chocolate fireguard when it comes to setups/tuning :confused:
That's where I see how much time I'm still losing compared to my optimal laptime.

Do not know if you could see this in GT6 but for now it is nice to see what time is possible.
Together with the blue/red sector times,share function for PSN or youtube and getting credits for your endless laps,finally GT is on a point it reflexs 2017.:)
Do not know if you could see this in GT6 but for now it is nice to see what time is possible.
Together with the blue/red sector times,share function for PSN or youtube and getting credits for your endless laps,finally GT is on a point it reflexs 2017.:)
Nope, it wasn't possible in GT6. I usually noted down my best splits and figured out that way what my theoretical best lap was.
For anyone struggling with the first sector:

Thanks for sharing Mcsqueegy!
I think I’ve been trying to carry too much speed through the corners at the expense of exit speed.
I’ll give it another go soon. 👍
Really struggling with the first sector, this is a messy lap but slightly faster.

What gears are you guys using for last corner of second sector and the final corner?

Really struggling with the first sector, this is a messy lap but slightly faster.

What gears are you guys using for last corner of second sector and the final corner?


3rd for both. I also found it better to stay in 5th for the twisty parts after T1. I still have to lift ever so slightly through the bus stop, but I'll try trail braking through there instead. It may work as the car may be stable enough at high speeds to do it.

Great turnout guys! Good to see some old ghosts from Christmas past in the list too ;)

Just old Ron, I'm aiming for the ghost bit in a few years (hopefully) :lol:

Not the best splits (better than last ones), yet fastest lap to date.

PS: For those who want, there is a way to see if you hit the wall, or not. In the Race Settings / Penalty Settings on top you can set the wall collision detection on strict and wall collision penalty on invalidate time. As it seems it works well with slight tap of the wall.

Yet it is not official, to be sure, better check the replay before you submit your lap time. It is just the Aid tool to inform you when you tapped the wall in time you are hotlapping. ^^

Not the best splits (better than last ones), yet fastest lap to date.

PS: For those who want, there is a way to see if you hit the wall, or not. In the Race Settings / Penalty Settings on top you can set the wall collision detection on strict and wall collision penalty on invalidate time. As it seems it works well with slight tap of the wall.

Yet it is not official, to be sure, better check the replay before you submit your lap time. It is just the Aid tool to inform you when you tapped the wall in time you are hotlapping. ^^

Nice. A couple questions on that:
1) does it save that setting as default for the next session?
2) would it invalidate a lap that could be considered clean by WRS standards?
3) if 2 is true, I believe it disables the option to save a replay and check splits, yes?
