my lips are bitten to the point of almost bleeding, my hands are sweating, my legs are numb, my heart rate is oscillating to the point of tachycardia.
This weeks been tough, I loved this combo the first couple of days and was really looking forward to giving it plenty of time. Sadly my little co-driver of many years lost his battle with illness and age this week and I have struggled to find the motivation to even turn on the PS4
View attachment 715269
It’s amazing how much of an effect an animal can have on your families lives. I hope I can find the time/motivation for one more run. Some amazing split times out there everyone!
This weeks been tough, I loved this combo the first couple of days and was really looking forward to giving it plenty of time. Sadly my little co-driver of many years lost his battle with illness and age this week and I have struggled to find the motivation to even turn on the PS4
View attachment 715269
It’s amazing how much of an effect an animal can have on your families lives. I hope I can find the time/motivation for one more run. Some amazing split times out there everyone!
This weeks been tough, I loved this combo the first couple of days and was really looking forward to giving it plenty of time. Sadly my little co-driver of many years lost his battle with illness and age this week and I have struggled to find the motivation to even turn on the PS4
View attachment 715269
It’s amazing how much of an effect an animal can have on your families lives. I hope I can find the time/motivation for one more run. Some amazing split times out there everyone!
AmenI'll skip the ultra long winded post about perseverance and learning this week and provide the cut down version:
I hate the way it turns, the way it stops, the way it changes gear, the way it pendulums a slide for half a year andpretty soon I'll start tohate the way it sounds. I've tried being aggressive, tried being smooth, tried carrying apex speed, tried getting back to power early, tried letting it slide, tried making it slide, tried to throttle steer and I even tried reverse which was actually pretty nice by comparison but yeah, this car does not want to be driven quickly, it has rejected the very notion of speed at every opportunity, it is simply terrible and I despise everything about it.
Or as @DaGiBUS put it:
"Stigs be like:"
However this will in no way impede my intent to improve my laptime, for I am still not yet satisfied.
This weeks been tough, I loved this combo the first couple of days and was really looking forward to giving it plenty of time. Sadly my little co-driver of many years lost his battle with illness and age this week and I have struggled to find the motivation to even turn on the PS4
View attachment 715269
It’s amazing how much of an effect an animal can have on your families lives. I hope I can find the time/motivation for one more run. Some amazing split times out there everyone!
My old pedals.(What is EDK's pedals? A mod? I'm on G27, perhaps that mod would work for me as well?)
Sadly my little co-driver of many years lost his battle with illness and age
Came down with a bug.. lost enthusiasm.. so below par..