@StigsTC You have to accept the FF for what it is and adjust for it. There's 2 things I know,it's going to understeer on entry and exit and theres going to be wheel spin..
Run a higher front brake bias to shift more weight to the front im runn 7/5..?for eample,on exit of the 2nd tunnel tap the brakes to shift the weight back to the front so you'll have more grip on that annoying dip,a little wider entry helps to adjust for the understeer on exit. And easy on the throttle on exit, it's going to spin,knowing that and a wider entry allow for the car to push wide on exit. Their enjoyable to me because I know what it's going to do,everytime.
Nice thing about this car is that it has some throttle release oversteer when your steering angle is right.
Now ,help me understand why the front of this car seems like it bounces around to me.