GTP_WRS Week 133 : Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

  • Thread starter EDK
You start a fantastic combo like this one. All fired up, raring to go.
Then, despite distractions. You start getting faster and faster......confidence starts to build.
Then! A wall jumps out from behind a bush, Smack!, and you just can't seem to find a way to go quicker.

20 minutes, 40 minutes, an hour or even more just flies by like the leaves off the trees as you race by at 160mph+

Suddenly.........Out of the blue. Instead of thinking "How the **** did i do that?" as your ghost marches away from you on the straight.
You are ahead, you are sailing away in front, desperately trying to remember how you did it, but trying not to screw it up.......

Final sector, you find another .25 and are 4.5 seconds up on your best time yet.
Everything's gone right, the stars have aligned, the gods of racing are smiling down on you, every corner, every braking point, every apex......perfect.

Then the misses rings you from the hospital, just as you are hitting that final braking point and apex for the final left /right onto the start/finish
Oil pan hits the red sausage on the apex, throwing the car up off the surface and you land 6 inches off line. The left rear scrabbles at the tarmac and then slips into the gravel................

As Hudson in Aliens says........"Game over man, Game over"

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Started getting slower near the end but still took .2 off at the line
Super addictive combo! :cheers:
I just want to be sure before I bin this lap which is my fastest so far.. These pics are from the bend just approaching T5 (Not familiar with section names other than mulsanne sorry) Anyway the OP says...

Solid White line denotes track limit unless backed by rumble strips. Dashed lines such as those on the Mulsanne straight do not count.
  • In those cases, the reddish colored tarmac is NOT track, while the black tarmac is.

I take it this is a fail? Both pics are the same frame.. The black tar might be a fail on this bend?

20200609022029.jpg 20200609022036.jpg

I'm happy to run some more but just to clarify.. Thanks 👍
I just want to be sure before I bin this lap which is my fastest so far.. These pics are from the bend just approaching T5 (Not familiar with section names other than mulsanne sorry) Anyway the OP says...

I take it this is a fail? Both pics are the same frame.. The black tar might be a fail on this bend?

View attachment 928535 View attachment 928536

I'm happy to run some more but just to clarify.. Thanks 👍
Ron, what's your question about?

Are you asking if that dashed white line is the boundary? I attempted to clarify that. Basically, the Mulsanne chicanes are good examples of the white line taking affect when there is not a rumble behind.

But the dashed lines are too ambiguous to accurately rule.

That solid line down the center of the track certainly does not enter into play here.

Basically, that pic is clean. But can answer any needed questions about other sections.

The other really big watch out is the exit of the Porsche curves toward the end of the lap, when there is a left hand turn with an exit rumble behind a white line on the right. I don't want to let people run off into that miles wide over run behind the rumble. So once the rumble ends, the line is the boundary.
I had that down as being dirty Kev due to running off the rumble... so you have answered my question totally and saved me binning a good lap 👍
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Solid White line denotes track limit unless backed by rumble strips.

Quick question Kev, pertaining to event-specific rule above - the below pic has the white line "backed by a rumble strip" between those two black lines I added. But Mulsanne Chicanes are unique in that there's a gap between the white line and the rumble strip. I read it as legal personally, but looking for the intent with which this was written.

All other sections of the track have the rumble strips touching the solid white line, so those are clear cut.

Quick question Kev, pertaining to event-specific rule above - the below pic has the white line "backed by a rumble strip" between those two black lines I added. But Mulsanne Chicanes are unique in that there's a gap between the white line and the rumble strip. I read it as legal personally, but looking for the intent with which this was written.

All other sections of the track have the rumble strips touching the solid white line, so those are clear cut.

View attachment 928545
What you are doing here is my interpretation.

Use the rubmles if you choose, but get 2 back across the white line before the rumble ends.
I tend to have some decent luck here so I am totally dedicating some time to this. That and it's a wonderful way to remind this amazing car exists 👍

One of my favorite tracks (I likey the long tracks or long races)
One of my favorite cars (Its British, fast, loud and bloody gorgeous)

not the best time personally (see last weeks thread) , but will get some time after visiting, and getting Puddin to bed each night.


There's a face I haven't seen in a while, welcome back 👍
I remember doing, what I think was a centenary event here in WRS that was:
One VERY fast car,
One reasonably fast car,
One fast-ish but tricky handling car,
And either the Ford model T, or maybe the Daimler? (Can’t be sure)

All wrapped up in a 2 week event.

Now that was fun.

Anyone else remember that one?

My first decent set of splits:


Trickiest thing seems to be not just aiming the car and getting on the power, but giving it just enough to it will turn and not too much where it will understeer right off.
My first decent set of splits:


Trickiest thing seems to be not just aiming the car and getting on the power, but giving it just enough to it will turn and not too much where it will understeer right off.
I think we all get used to driving high aero prototype cars here.

With ~600 HP, this thing is a beast. We liked the Medium tires for coming off the slow corners. Normally, a bit more understeer presents, but I suppose that's still better than high speed throttle on oversteer.

Bascially, balancing the aero, grip and power requires that you wait a bit before all 600 ponies get to hit the ground. :)
My first sober and unstressed times

5 lap run, fastest lap last as per.
34.749. (.2 off optimal)
39.357. (.3 off optimal)
31.875 (Optimal)
26.279 (optimal)
32.915 (optimal)
34.265 (optimal)
And an optimal final sector too.

loving the combo, and getting the misses back from hosipidal later today.

Trickiest thing seems to be not just aiming the car and getting on the power, but giving it just enough to it will turn and not too much where it will understeer right off.

That would be where, in the old days, we would all be fiddling with diff settings and begging guys like Vexd, Jump_ace and the ilk for help.
In a lot of ways, this no tuning malarkey is a nice level playing field, but I do miss mucking about with suspension and diffs etc. Even tuning the gearbox to help in certain corners was a challenge that sometimes made huge gains.

But I think, despite missing these things, this way is better overall. More accessible for those that don’t know how to tune apart from whack the power up, trim the weight and put softer tyres on. Less time consuming for those with full on lifestyles or other things on their minds.

Only my second week back, and it’s growing on me.

Not making much difference in split times today but shaved .5 or so off lap-time.

Gonna give it another session this evening.
Lovin having the heart starting to join in the racing :eek:
It’s this same going round the ring, heart starts to pound a bit faster with every corner you get right, till at the end of a lap. Then pause, breath, vape, swallow something soothing to the dry throat, then un-pause. Lol

Ohhhh man, it would be fun to have an anything goes week.. wall taps, corner cutting, and anything else that is illegal... legal for one event. Lol
yes, good example of dirty on that rule.

Unfortunately it can be tough, but the alternative can get ugly.

Imagine if we just let you drive all the way to the Armco on the left in that spot.

Yup, that would definitely get ugly.
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Presently experimenting with adjusting TCS on the fly, getting better splits, but having problems understeering onto the straight at exactly that spot in the pic.

Plus concentrating that hard have given myself a headache from hell (that's France for us Brits) :lol:

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