GTP_WRS Week 170 : White Clouds and Yellow Birds

  • Thread starter mcsqueegy

Threw away a couple of tenths slowing too much for the 2nd chicane :banghead: and another couple later too :grumpy:. And the red-lap count :embarrassed: :lol:.
However I did shave a shade under 0.7 off at the line though, so can't complain :D:tup:.

For the first chicane, I'm lifting off at 200m and braking as soon as the car levels off. I've been trying to stay in 3rd gear if at all possible for them. I'll drop to second for a moment if I think I'll have a problem rotating for the second parts of the chicane. But being in 3rd seems to give better/more stable exits :).

For the first chicane, I'm lifting off at 200m and braking as soon as the car levels off. I've been trying to stay in 3rd gear if at all possible for them. I'll drop to second for a moment if I think I'll have a problem rotating for the second parts of the chicane. But being in 3rd seems to give better/more stable exits :).


Thanks. I'll give that a go.
If you're into conspiracy theories, read on.

I have noticed that sometimes the track loads up with clear blue sky, other times with clouds. In some sessions I have a really hard time keeping up with my ghost, in others I'm even right from lap 1. I was curious, how my performance is inconsistent, but I assumed that it's me, I'm a rookie after all.

Yesterday I did almost an hour session, clear sky, I couldn't even match up my ghost's pace. Today I first played a couple of online quick matches, and then went for a quick WRS session. Right from the start car feels more alive, cloudy sky and on lap 1 I was pretty even, on lap 2 I improved my lap. For the remaining 8 laps I kept up similar pace.

Sounds insane? Many people reported something similar during GT Academy and they found out that reloading often helps. I don't know for sure if I'm right, but if you're having bad session, look at the sky ;)
If you're into conspiracy theories, read on.

I have noticed that sometimes the track loads up with clear blue sky, other times with clouds. In some sessions I have a really hard time keeping up with my ghost, in others I'm even right from lap 1. I was curious, how my performance is inconsistent, but I assumed that it's me, I'm a rookie after all.

Yesterday I did almost an hour session, clear sky, I couldn't even match up my ghost's pace. Today I first played a couple of online quick matches, and then went for a quick WRS session. Right from the start car feels more alive, cloudy sky and on lap 1 I was pretty even, on lap 2 I improved my lap. For the remaining 8 laps I kept up similar pace.

Sounds insane? Many people reported something similar during GT Academy and they found out that reloading often helps. I don't know for sure if I'm right, but if you're having bad session, look at the sky ;)
Placebo is as placebo does. ;)
Have not had much time this week.......maybe some tomorrow. Appreciate all the tips from all.

EDIT: Nope, no more time for this one. Submitting.
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First, I'm not a fan of anything Porsche. Second, I'm even less a fan of anything Monza. After last week's debacle with that car that maybe we shoulda' brought here' I was less than enthusiastic about this combo, especially after seeing the tire regs. Wasn't really planning on running any laps this week but, it's a gloomy day here and I won't be cleaning up the mess I made of my car after popping its gravel road hymen a couple days ago, at least until tomorrow. Built a hot wheels track earlier this morning for the #3 grandson and after working on the sights on my .45 I decided to have a go at it.

Having said all that, had the car already, but went ahead and worked the motor over, tightened up the chassis (restoration, not improvement), threw some +2' Boyd's on it and slobbered 'em with some copper paint and had me a go with the full manual tranny. I was fully prepared to hate on it and the first couple laps I might have threw a couple less than complementary words at whomever decided to use those stickier tires on the back while the fronts felt like something off a snowmobile. First three laps were red and I started cussing whomever set the penalty boundaries on this track. After the 4th lap, which didn't go red, I started to get a feel for the car. Nice exhaust note and you can short shift it with the boost making it up nicely. Kept wondering where the brakes were at the first chicane and Ascari but, kept moving the brake marker back until I found one that didn't send me off looking for sea shells and building sand castles.
Was only planning to do my usual ten laps full manual but the red lap count was so high and the car was coming to me some so I ran off another 5. Aside from the downshift from 3rd to 2nd the tranny is very smooth when you don't hurry it to much. Watching the car keep accelerating while your shifting is very satisfying. That doesn't happen often. Means you hit the power curve transition just right. Once I got a bit more familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the car I even started to, dare I say it, have some fun with it, even with the red lap rate coming up so high (67%).

Don't know how much aggravation I'll accept with the track boundaries they way they are but I'll slap the flappy paddle tranny in it and run off another session, if for no other reason than to see if that POF was a one off or not.

Full manual;

We'll see how it goes after a bite and another run.
Things that make you go hmmm.


Much improvement and over 2 seconds at the line.

So, with PD's crazy boundaries, will we be allowed to submit "red" laps?

Edit; Nevermind that last question. Can't save a red best lap. :mad:
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Had a magical lap working and pissed half of what I'd gained in sectors 1&2 away at parabolica. My red rate is insane. 62% - I'd have to look at every thing but, I don't think my red rate has ever been over 25%, since I started tracking it. I've had several laps near this one that were well within WRS regs but the Monza penalty boundaries just said no. Again



Will be submitting this since it is, in fact, my best lap, red or otherwise.

I wanted to hate on this but, once I got used to the car it was just to much fun. Can we take this to a track that isn't so brutal penalty wise? Please?
I'm already done with this event and submitted my lap. Initially the penalties were annoying but the combo grew on me and I actually ended up enjoying the challenge of figuring the penalty zones out. It was frustrating but strangely satisfying at the same time.

Anyways, good luck guys. Apparently first place is not decided yet :)

Edit: at this moment neither 3rd place is clear. Interesting :)

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