GTP_WRS Week 170 : White Clouds and Yellow Birds

  • Thread starter mcsqueegy
EDIT: SORRY. Did things in the wrong order. Bad lap.

Total distance more than the last four combos put together. :P
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I think I've reached the stage where I'm just checking if my current splits are clean, then submitting if they are. Feeling pretty tired right now, so will have something to eat* and watch the end of the Snooker for today then see how I feel.

*I actually am while typing this.
Going to do a banzai run, have barely run this this week but might as well do another session now


Banzai run going terribly. I hate the first chicane so much
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Got my time in at the end, rather annoyed with myself actually, my first posted splits had a total laptime of .34 something I think, but I was all over the place coming out of Ascari (edit: just to be clear, it was dirty :(). Final session which I just finished showed promise but went nowhere. Nice lap, @viper84, well deserved victory for actually finishing a lap well. ;)

Oh, and a warning to whoever reviews my lap: may cause narcolepsy. :lol:
And then after all that, on the next lap I gained over a second at the line, went to submit and my laptop was being a €~{>] ^€¿{^¥^#*( ING scum bag and I couldn't even sumbit it

A smashed wine glass later and now I just want to move on from this God awful experience