GTP_WRS Week 174 : License Test Reprise

  • Thread starter EDK
Yes, cell phones take good pics these days. But the light quality and shadowing that happens when you use it to take a picture of a TV screen is not so great. In the Prologue days, we did not have photo mode, so I had to take pictures of the TV and crop them for the WRS photos. :ouch:

An idea of what that looked like.

I definitely skipped those days or years lol
OK thanks. Trying to go quicker so don't need to worry about that lap so much. If I don't do it I'll just post another time which is definitely clean but a bit less than a tenth slower

Im currently seeing another 4 tenth gain, but my best lap keeps catching me in the final sector!
As Jeff said, need a better pic, likely both in front of and behind the car.

It looks like it's legal, but the shadow is in the way of the track surface and I can't tell for sure.

So you know, leaving it on camera 1 let's you "walk" around the car and get whatever angle you want.

Beyond that, you can actually take a picture, save it, and then export it to the PS3 system from the gallery, as you do with replays. That will give you much better quality then the cell phone pic.

Hey Kevin

Just so I'm sure, as long as any part of the tyre is in contact with the track it's clean right?

BB 6/8

Apparently I had left .3+ in the last sector before. :lol: Will submit this, may still try again later though because I just love this track so much, either way good luck all.

I feel like I've got a bit of time left. Might be wrong

Will have to see. Submitting mine now. Fingers crossed!

few tries this week...but now it's late and sincerely I had enough! Good Luck Everybody!

This can be a great race...I'll try to involve someone into it.
You don't give up Max I'll give you that! I might be interested in a race. I have enjoyed this tt

Sorry if I'm being dense, noob here, but to make sure I understand, 2 tires on track, other 2 can be in the lumberyard?

Trying to understand why I'm sooooo slow.

Game changer if I can throw a few wheels in the dirt of course. Too late for this one, but might hit it again to see if that's the ticket.
Sorry if I'm being dense, noob here, but to make sure I understand, 2 tires on track, other 2 can be in the lumberyard?

Trying to understand why I'm sooooo slow.

Game changer if I can throw a few wheels in the dirt of course. Too late for this one, but might hit it again to see if that's the ticket.
That's right. I think you'll find the fast way is a balance, something in between careful all 4 on track and crazy 2 wheels in dirt. But certain sections here will have you with 2 on rumble and 2 over the dirt. Especially the first and last sectors.
Adjusted my lines and gained improvement in all sectors... but not all on the same lap. :banghead:

I'm done. Dome purchased for the new race.
Sorry if I'm being dense, noob here, but to make sure I understand, 2 tires on track, other 2 can be in the lumberyard?

Trying to understand why I'm sooooo slow.

Game changer if I can throw a few wheels in the dirt of course. Too late for this one, but might hit it again to see if that's the ticket.

Yeah this used to happen to me, and I'd Watch the top times and realise that a huge amount of the skill in this is being able to use all the track, and also knowing where that Is, and then knowing how to best utilise that to get the quickest sectors.

I will be watching with interest the top time this week.. Obviously there's an insane amount of driving skill too but being able to use all the track is certainly advantageous

Yeah this used to happen to me, and I'd Watch the top times and realise that a huge amount of the skill in this is being able to use all the track, and also knowing where that Is, and then knowing how to best utilise that to get the quickest sectors.

I will be watching with interest the top time this week.. Obviously there's an insane amount of driving skill too but being able to use all the track is certainly advantageous

My wife thinks/knows I'm insane [looks up definition of insanity, confirms wife's assessment] but I couldn't figure out how I was losing so much time. Tried every combination of braking/entry/exit and couldn't solve it. I'm slow, but not that slow. I just went back (can't believe I drove that damn course again with that car) and yup, shaved 1.5 seconds in about 15 minutes so motto of the story is "use the track, that's what it's there for". And as I tell the kids, "learn something every day".

Thanks guys.
My wife thinks/knows I'm insane [looks up definition of insanity, confirms wife's assessment] but I couldn't figure out how I was losing so much time. Tried every combination of braking/entry/exit and couldn't solve it. I'm slow, but not that slow. I just went back (can't believe I drove that damn course again with that car) and yup, shaved 1.5 seconds in about 15 minutes so motto of the story is "use the track, that's what it's there for". And as I tell the kids, "learn something every day".

Thanks guys.

No worries, and I bet I haven't used all the track even though I thought I did.
Think I lost time in last corner or second to last. I never know till I've seen the quickest laps

Good luck at Monaco!

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