• Thread starter Vagabond
That's ok, I consider you mine. :lol:

Now if I could just post a time that rivaled couttsy21, the cycle would be complete.

Lost .1 on S2, found .5 on S3. All this tells me is my S2 is still bad, and my S3 wasn't as good as I thought. :nervous:

I did the same thing in week 1, ended up with a very competitive T3. ;)
Awful splits, awesome T3, +0.17s at the line.


Well my ex-G27 was originally supposed to get to San Jose yesterday, but now UPS thinks it'll be there next Tuesday only (and they have the gall to say it's "on time"):

Hodgkins, IL, United States    02/07/2014    9:34 A.M.    Departure Scan
Hodgkins, IL, United States    02/06/2014    9:53 A.M.    Arrival Scan
    02/06/2014    6:00 A.M.    Adverse weather conditions.
    02/06/2014    3:00 A.M.    Late train.
Watertown, NY, United States    02/04/2014    10:50 P.M.    Arrival Scan
Plattsburgh, NY, United States    02/04/2014    7:27 P.M.    Departure Scan
    02/04/2014    4:03 P.M.    Import Scan
    02/04/2014    3:51 P.M.    Arrival Scan

Late trains, bad weather... :irked: (They won't send me a new one until this one reaches destination, is why I'm upset, in case you were wondering.) Phoning Logitech, I also learned that my new one won't be leaving from Memphis, actually, but from "Sante Fe, California" I thought I heard him or her say :odd: (they had never heard of Memphis, either.) After looking it up, I see there's a Sante Fe Springs close to L.A., maybe that's it...
Well, a third 0.17s improvement in a row at the line, so that's over half a second total this evening! It all happened in the last sector, again, and I'm slower at T2 by over 0.2s. That means I must have improved S3 by... 0.7s !?! (mostly due to a better exit from the kink, I think.) Hopefully I'll be able to put good sectors together in the same lap. Some day.

After a few sessions with this combo its turning out to be pretty fun. I hated the first few laps with it. Now i keep going back for more

Lame T1 I can beat most of the time, but can't replicate the speed out of the kink. Big drop down the board, but a gain at the line.


Took the hairpin a bit wide, so less T2, but gained 2 tenths at the line.

Think i have a solid last sector now, if i could just find that bit in T2 again i will be happy
Really struggling with this one. Will have another go later, and will need to Post my splits later, as I didn't write them all down.

Lost 0.3 by t2, but up over half a second at the line. Which is disappointing, as I thought my t3 time was good. My ultimate time would likely be a 29.7, 56.4. Hope I can get there. And that my t3 is good.
Hmmm, Fetchy didn't like my double post...


@JoostBaksteen (or a mod/steward that knows): What's the procedure now? I read that Fetchy doesn't take strikeout edits of posts, but what do we do if we improve and nobody else has posted? (see post #523 and #524 above)
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All is well here thanks mate. 👍 I've had a busy couple of weeks and am lacking the competitive edge in my available free time, hence no submission last week and no running this week beyond a quick half hour on Monday (which didn't yield anything approaching a decent lap :P) I haven't even finished career mode yet and am spending more time testing possible future combos when I'm driving. Appreciate the sentiment though, Mike, cheers. :cheers:

So too much work regarding playing is keeping you from actually playing, oh the irony!!!
We are not worthy chris :lol: