GTP_WRS Week 43 : License to Overtake

  • Thread starter PASM
Ok, unless one of you resident experts here has any advice for me, I'm just going to give up on this. I'm simply having trouble finding the best line around this place, mainly the last few corners. I can be up on my ghost, but lose it all trying to negotiate the last bit of the track. All I'm doing is embarrassing myself here, so if anyone would feel inclined to help, it would be appreciated. Thanks.


I always like watching videos of the track to learn the line
I think I can drive the Bummer A bit more then last weeks TT
Today the first 30 laps to learn car and track and like this combo but the car sounds like my vacuumcleaner and on de radio plays I want to break free from Queen. :lol:

Silverstone National Circuit.jpg

got a bit board so did a few 007's
New splits
T1: 34.650
Slip sliding all over the track at every corner, not the best way round perhaps but great fun.
What BB are you Guy's using? I tried 3/7, 6/4, 7/3 with no great improvement. Won,t submit anymore, but will run the TT's after my shoulder operation in Dec.
This one is incredibly close. Top 18 separated by 4 tenths.

4 tenths seems a lifetime away at the moment!! :lol:

Been in the .2s a few times now but always seem to tense up (thats all it takes in this car, shod with these tyres :mad:) and lose the advantage in the 2nd sector.

Still, I'll keep trying knowing that if/when I can string a complete lap together, I should get a good springboard to go up the leaderboard a little.

Frustrating and enjoyable in equal measures. 👍
Tried a different method. Learn the track and braking points on ds3 using triggers.... Then to the wheel.
Can't better this yet


Yet. No idea what a quick time would be
I don't consider myself an expert by any means and this isn't as detailed as some guides for previous TT's; but it's worked ok for me on my first attempt tonight with a fairly decent split time. Hope it helps you.

Brake early with wheels straight, down to 4th gear and slowly ease the throttle on as you get plenty of curb on the inside. Let the car run wide guiding it to the outside curb and you should be at full throttle before you clip it.

Probably the trickiest corners to get perfectly right. About 60-70% braking as you run over the left curb, down to 3rd gear before entering into...

The tight right, all the while slowly easing off the brake peddle. Ensure you clip the inside curb by which time you should be fully off the brake and quickly increasing the throttle running over the curbing on your left hand side with both left wheels (possibly getting close to them with the right side wheels) trying to brush off as little speed as possible entering onto the...

...Club Straight

Braking point off the back straight needs to be somewhere around 10-15 yards before the turn-in sign (the white sign with the arrow pointing left), again slowly easing back from nearly full braking pressure, down to 3rd gear. Your aim here is to catch the apex as close as possible to the bollards (without touching them obviously!) - you should just hear a momentary rumble of the curb. Keep the car fairly central on the track as you enter...

Dab of the brakes, still in 3rd gear, hug the inside of the corner without clipping the curb (doesn't matter if you do catch it slightly). You have to be patient with the throttle until you see the corner opening up. Ease it on and you should be at full throttle by the time you've clipped the curb on the outside.

A slightly later apex than you'd think getting the straightest possible line through the corner. Again you'll need to be running over the curb close to the bollards on the inside hitting 5th gear before you cross the line on the Pit Straight.

First split


Probably a little more to come if I can perfect the braking and line into Maggots/Becketts. Loving the sound of this car too 👍
Great little guide matey. Thanks. Will give it a whirl. Totally different to how I had it apart from maggots weirdly enough.
Alright guys, got my problem figured out and it was a strange one indeed. Here is part of my pm with Jon I had explaining the problem and simple solution just in case anyone else runs into a similar situation.

"Anyways, got the problem figured out and here is what happened. I was using a car that I tuned before for my garage. I took all tuning parts off and made it legal for the event. The car only had 263 miles on it and it met the specs for the event fine, but me being anal and all, I went and overhauled the engine anyway just to make sure I had all available HP. The specs did not change of course, but apparently the car glitched back to the original HP before the oil change because it was just a gutless wonder. The HP said one thing but the physics/performance part said another. I know this is what happened because I took your suggestion and went out and bought a brand new car, did the oil change and improved straight away. I have had this type of thing happen before plus another member here on these forums reported a similar thing happening to him also. Something about doing the engine overhaul on a low mileage car before its needed apparently opens yourself up to the possibility of this happening. Weird indeed, but this is GT we're dealing with so nothing really surprises me anymore as far as odd/weird glitches go. Anyways, thanks to you, problem solved and I'm on my way."

I'm right in the middle of a session right now so I'll post my splits when I'm done for the night. Still struggling with the combo and my splits are nothing to write home about, but at least I'm on a level playing field now with everyone else. Good luck everyone, hope you all reach your goals.
