GTP_WRS Week 5 : Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen
Hi Vagabond
Thanks for checking the replay and the analysis.You are correct it was a ds3 lap, I do own a DFGT wheel and a wheel stand pro but can't for the life of me get to grips with it. This week alone I am 12 seconds slower with the wheel and thats just in one lap lol. Still enjoying it all the same
Once again thanks for checking
All the best to you and yours

I garuntee you that once you can get to grips with the DFGT, you will be atleast 1 second quicker, every single time.

Since GT5 WRS started ive moved to my DFGT from the DS3, and on Monaco this week, i cant get within 2 seconds of my best time when going back to a DS3.

It will take a while to get used to it, but practice and perserve, be gentle with it, and really smooth, its not like the ds3 that you just flick from one lock to the other, its much more like a real car in that it only needs little actions to get around a corner.

Good luck with it mate, and hope you get on to the DFGT soon! 👍


If the first line of this doesnt come true, come find me in Devon..... :nervous:
Congrats to everyone and :bowdown: to Chuk and Shigegaki, no way anyone else was winning your divisions this week, just wish I'd had a bit more time this week as this combo seemed to suit me in the end and I think I could've nicked Nizzy's popdium with a bit more practice lol :sly:

Really nice lap. Calm driving, smooth lines and good balance in the car. Others should look at this.

That said, I think you lose at least 0.2s in the second last right-hander, and only because you hesitate. Lifting off mid corner costs precious speed, every metre all the way to the line. And there is no reason to be afraid of the left curb, it can help you turn the car while maintaining speed, so going wide is worth it.

My target speeds:
137 km/h at the second pit sign
160 km/h at the Dunlop bridge
170 km/h at the second bridge
193 km/h at the line

You are a bit below those all the way, which means several car lengths (several tenths) at the line. And that is a pity, because your entry speed and angle are perfectly fine, if you had just floored the gas and hit the left curb ... who knows?
Hi Vagabond....

No worries mate 👍 If you have the wheel and set aside some time just to mess about with it, I can't recommend it enough. I hated my first wheel when I tried it out. "What a bloody waste of money" I quoth. :sly: It took me 3 months to get it out of the box and try again but I've never looked back. By all accounts the DFGT is great wheel and with some free time and a little pain, you will take a huge leap forwards. Trust me. :)


Similar time loss to Sidplayos (my previous post) - not enough exit speed turning into the tunnel. You didn't carry enough speed through the last double apex bend either - a little hesitant on entry to the first apex and a little too late on the throttle - which cost you in terms of top speed down the straight. Another tidy lap though 👍

I'll do your replay in a little while Munch mate - gotta take my bear for a walk first :)
Oops, didn't see Vagabond was also on Pluscat. Anyway... consider Pluscat verified :)
You have a bear! :embarrassed:

He's a Siberian Husky but we call him Little Bear... that's not his name... well, nickname :) He's as strong as a bear and enjoys whacking me with his front paws.
He's a Siberian Husky but we call him Little Bear... that's not his name... well, nickname :) He's as strong as a bear and enjoys whacking me with his front paws.

Ahhhhh very very nice! My missus would be very jealous! :) they have a husky at work that she wants to bring home....
No worries mate 👍 If you have the wheel and set aside some time just to mess about with it, I can't recommend it enough. I hated my first wheel when I tried it out. "What a bloody waste of money" I quoth. :sly: It took me 3 months to get it out of the box and try again but I've never looked back. By all accounts the DFGT is great wheel and with some free time and a little pain, you will take a huge leap forwards. Trust me. :)
Might just have to do just that
Once again thanks

Nice lap, not much to say since our times are not much different. Yeah you lose a bit in the T2 hairpin, but then who am I to tell anyone about that corner :scared: You might check out Rudi's replay, he positions the car in the middle of the road, and carries so much more speed through the corner and into the tunnel.

A nice lap mate 👍 You lost a little time in turn 1 but that was easily done - as I said before, nailing the spot to get back on the power was quite tricky... and the difference between a 23.7xx and a 23.5xx. T2 was your worst sector as I suspect it was for most people.. you came through the double right hander too hot so ended up running too wide and had no time to get the car on a good line to enter the tunnel... which loses you alot of speed through the tunnel and hurts your entry for T3. I can see you making some big gains in lap time in the near future though mate; that was smoothly done on the whole. 👍

Here's our bear to show your missus.. in his natural element :):

Thanks for checking and the advice Chris 👍

I couldn't get a decent line, the right speed and a decent time through those couple corners before the tunnel. Was my main downfall I feel.

The missus loves "little bear"! Would he like a permanent road trip to Devon?!


Thanks for checking and the advice Chris 👍

I couldn't get a decent line, the right speed and a decent time through those couple corners before the tunnel. Was my main downfall I feel.

The missus loves "little bear"! Would he like a permanent road trip to Devon?!

No problem Adam - T2 was the downfall of most this week and I only managed a sub every 1 out of 5 laps, most ending similarly to yours by missing the braking point after the first right hander.

Bear says no, its too warm down there, hehe. :)
Congratulations to all the podium finishers and thanks again to the stewards for the great combo. :cheers:
Congrats to all division winners and podiums and also stewards for a great combo,hopefully I'll be seeing you again in week 7!

Replay attached:
P.S Also many thx goes to Rudi for sharing his setup,cheers mate! :cheers:


  • GTP_Zoky_CRO WRS Week
    214.9 KB · Views: 19
Herein lies my replay. Try not to laugh too much! I over-revved the balls off the 4200R, having no knowledge til today that the peak power is nowhere near the redline. Dunno what difference it would have made.
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Here is my replay, as usual...

Checked your replay - I think your entry to turn 1 you lost a bit of speed due to a slide and it looked a little cautious on the penultimate corner, 65mph instead of about 70 or so. Nice respray and wheels though ;)

Pretty good otherwise, I thought. Oh and a clean lap too :) :bowdown:
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GTP_Insatiable - correct specs,date,time clean lap

Now I see how it was supposed to be driven... thx for checking mate.

PS. My settings (transmission,suspension,lsd) were very very wrong I guess, I'll give it more though on how to tune MR cars in the future.
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Replay attached:

You having a week off Zoky?


Amazing lap, mate... stunning T2 👍 Comments.. Yellow with green wheels? :sly:

@millross - if you post it thus, makes it easier for Vaxen to check off the verified replays:

@Vagabond - Yeah, I'd like to do that, but I couldn't see in the emoticons where that flag was - where'd you get it from, copy/paste image url from OP?
Congrats to "Alien" Josh on the overall win and for all the guys under 1.06 :drool:

Congrats also to all the division winners and for all that enter this week insane combo :crazy:

Happy with my result because never imagined been on pace with D2 Gold times :sly:

My replay:


  • GTP_UsualSuspect WRS 5 Replay PAL.rar
    216.6 KB · Views: 20

Helpful analysis bit: A very smooth and careful lap... a little too careful. I can see you have no faith in the tyres :) Surprising how much grip this car actually could muster and it was possible to brake later and carry alot more speed though the corners than you did on your lap. You are smooth on the wheel so could've hung on to more speed without losing the rear as you turn in - I found a bit of trailing throttle helpful in keeping the rear sane mid bend. You brake far too early as a result of being hesitant so you lost alot of time in the braking zones. Two questions: Do you left foot brake? And did you try any setups that were posted, or use your own, or was it stock?

Thanks for taking a look mate. I would have to agree with you, I felt like I was on ice in this car - I had so many laps where I just lost it on various corners for various reasons, much more than average, and I ended up taking the cautious approach :scared:

I do left foot brake, and the setup was stock on that lap. I did use one of the setups posted on here but it was towards the end of the week and real life got in the way before I could get a proper session in with it :banghead:

Appreciate the feeback, it's good to hear from someone else where improvements can be made, and always good to see a friendly community willing to help out :cheers:
Haha, so I checked and one person downloaded my ghost. Input would be welcomed by anyone. I wanna know why I couldn't shave more time off. 👍
Haha, so I checked and one person downloaded my ghost. Input would be welcomed by anyone. I wanna know why I couldn't shave more time off. 👍

When I get home it's coming down, been waiting to see this replay. I want to know why you could shave off so much time :)

Unfortunately I'm in melbourne until Sat night so won't be able to have another go of week 6 until Sunday night. And worse of all I'm there and won't be seeing F1 either [Work commitments] :(
Sorry bit late again...Congrats to all division winners and podiums 👍
And :cheers: to all.