Busy at the club due to Easter and wont have a chance to run again so my time from the other day is gonna have to be it from me... It was an excellent combo and a great drive
Top marks to those blazing splits from the D1G runners dreading that i'm probably 2 secs off at the line haha
Did about 50 restarts after my initial fast lap of earlier this week but never made it across the s/f faster.
The car is fast but sudden understeery at times. I loved the combo tho this week 👍
Good luck to all in the final hours before submitting.
Oh and a happy Easter to all of you.
EDIT when submitting I found out I (too) have been using the wrong version of Spa.
Went back to the wheel, did 10 laps and reached a laptime of .3 faster than what I was going to submit originally
Happy with this even when still seeing blue first sectors. full .6 faster
(hopefully not disqualified, there's a little bit that's right on the white line as far as I can see .)
Great TT this week 👍 love the track, never drove the car. Loads of fun trying to work it out