GTP_WRS Week 90 : Drophead Gorgeous

  • Thread starter Gravitron
Fetchy read it before you corrected your post by editing it. Once he has seen splits, he doesn't go back to look for edits. So they only way to fix it is to make a new post with the correct splits.


Thanks Gravitron
I set a new PB t1 and lap time despite another sub par sector time. To add insult to injury on the lap previous to this one I set a new PB sector time. This must be the difference between skill and luck?


Thanks Mike @mr_lab_rat, I was faster tonight in every sector after taking your advice on brake bias settings.
Tarmac and red and white rumble strips are track. Ignore the white lines, as long as you aren't red-lapped.


Is this allowed in the back straight? I'm not getting red-lapped, and it's technically tarmac.
If time is red, you wouldnt be able to save that best lap replay, so dont worry about guys,
If it's not red lapped, I think so. That's tarmac right?

In London I didn't have red lap but I had a small touch on a "ghost wall" and my lap was invalid. I thought that here the limit of the track is the line

.08 at the line. The chicane and last left turn are my nemesis, can't get those lines anywhere close to right. And still loosing lots of time in mid-section. I really wonder how can i be so up in the D2 leaderboard!:eek:
I just barely managed to improve my time tonight but its not even worth updating tonight. That's pretty sad since I'm only 0.011 behind the person ahead of me.

Maybe tomorrow will bring rainbows, unicorns and a faster lap since its my last session before the deadline.
That's pretty sad since I'm only 0.011 behind the person ahead of me.
Can't catch my ghost anymore either. :lol: Must have been a stroke of luck, can get better times in sector 1 but not string it all together. Good luck wringing out that couple of tenths, you can do it! 👍

.22 at the line, there is some time still left in sector 1, but i guess i cannot stick it with other good sectors. Gonna submit this lap, maybe tomorrow i'll have a one last go with this.

Submitted, time accepted, good luck guys
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I'm a goin a crack up :banghead: Set this time while trying to 're-learn' the chicane and no matter how much faster I've become through the chicane since I can't beat this lap. I give up, good luck everyone


This is indeed the case. As noted in the initial post:

"Tarmac and red and white rumble strips are track. Ignore the white lines, as long as you aren't red-lapped."

i've a very bad habit of just quickly writing down the car and track details i forget to read the rest. :) :gtpflag:

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