GTPFIA GT Omega GT1 World Cup Congrts to our champion Veloci_2NR!!

  • Thread starter Jav
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Had a lot of fun tonight guys! This TT is gonna be tough, we better show up with our A game or not show up at all! Putting down a clean fast lap arround Spa is a challenge on this thing! At the moment i'm looking at puting down my first timed run at Monza sometime tomorrow.

Me too PSN me when you have room up..
"using the Zonda R from the online recomended garage"

so you cant tune the zonda?

bah whatever i better get on monza quick ;)
i might start the race with you guys tonight but i doubt that i will finish due to the COWBOYS game tonight, yes i have DVR but they are my boys and drinking and yelling is required live as it happens

hey TR1MBLE your giants don't look like they can swim in deep water. GO FISH
Cheers mate so do we have complete 6 time trails using the Zonda R before November 5th??


Room Number :

The divisons will be determined by a series of 6 time trials on 6 different tracks using the Zonda R from the online recomended garage. The lowest cumulative times will determine division placement. Each time trial run will be set to 5 laps and only the fastest clean lap will be recorded. All time trial runs have to be witnesed by a GTPFIA official, everyone with the exeption of Ultrap13 and Tissimo have to go trugh this process before the deadline date on November 5 at 12AM US EST.
-Laguna Seca
-Fuji F
-Nurburgring GP-F

I assume no aids what so ever on Time Trials. Also damage set to Hvy or Light for the 5 laps run.
Lucky is lying guys, he won't be watching the game tonight because vick will end it b4 the first quarter is over 👍

O, and don't worry about the giants lucky, they are enjoying the view from the top of the division
Lucky is lying guys, he won't be watching the game tonight because vick will end it b4 the first quarter is over 👍

O, and don't worry about the giants lucky, they are enjoying the view from the top of the division

LOL your G-men got real lucky today... the COWBOYS will get retribution for every pit bull that he hurt... lol im a vick fan and a pit bull owner. but we're still gunna kill him tonight:tup:
Dang I wanted in on this... I've been working alot lately... Anyhoo, if i can get in that would be great. I had no idea this was started.. :(
Oh, If you are asking...
PSN: posiloan
Car:Ford GT Test car II/CLK (like last season)
Pacific Std. time
Obviously as it looks pretty full, I will take what I can get car wise.... I still need to read throught the thread to see if I missed anything and I won't be able to make it til Nov. 5. and possibly tonight. I'm glad you guys are keeping this going and would be happy to fill in should I not receive a spot.
*EDIT* Ok I read through some of the posts and it looks like we need to qualify in a TT of some sort.... I'm in middle of a league race currently but should be done in 30 minutes, I hit one of you up then...
LOL your G-men got real lucky today... the COWBOYS will get retribution for every pit bull that he hurt... lol im a vick fan and a pit bull owner. but we're still gunna kill him tonight:tup:

Lol...well I am rooting for Murray, I have him and vick on my fantasy team....and it would be nice for the cowboys to take out McCoy :)
Time Trial Monza:

Blaze - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:38.455
Jav - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:38.641
ToyotSupra - - - - - - - - 1:38.907
Ronin - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:39.125
OwensRacing - - - - - - - - 1:39.170
Magzire - - - - - - - - - - - 1:39.363
GrayFox32 - - - - - - - - - 1:40.517
Sinladar - - - - - - - - - - - 1:46.004
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Well that wasn't any fun. Got left coming out the last turn on pace lap. Cars just gone.

Then one is going slow middle of the track.

Then not sure why but I collected Lucky.

Pit about 10 seconds before Jav and come out puts dead last. :(

I'd had enough frustration over a video game.

I sure hope something gets sorted. Cause that's just silly.
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That race was so tough and long I'm so amazed I got fastest race lap that shows how good I am this season is going to be great!
Ok, here's how we are looking so far on the TT:

Time Trial Monza:

Blaze - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:38.455
Jav - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:38.641
Hon1987 - - - - - - - - - - 1:38.726
ToyotSupra - - - - - - - - 1:38.907
Ronin - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:39.125
OwensRacing - - - - - - - - 1:39.170
Magzire - - - - - - - - - - - 1:39.363
Taolung - - - - - - - - - - - 1:39.637
GrayFox32 - - - - - - - - - 1:40.517
Sinladar - - - - - - - - - - - 1:46.004

Laguna Seca

Magzire22 - - - - - - - - - - 1:17.824
Ronin - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:18.583
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Please read the thread. Open to anyone. We ate doing TT to see who makes what Divisions.

So I'd same best to Post your info as seen in OP. as well get involved with TT rooms. So you can be registered.
So I get a pass on the TT? Cause I won't be home till the 6th, lol. Also season start the 6th or another preseason?
So I get a pass on the TT? Cause I won't be home till the 6th, lol. Also season start the 6th or another preseason?

Yes, you get a pass on the TT!

TT room open:

1472 - 6118 - 3787 - 3247 - 9394
yeah was fun race tonight just need to get a lil faster, had alot of trouble 1st lap ended up making 3-4 unscheduled pits. havin trouble keepin a straigt line after i slowed to let faster drivers pass.
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