GTPlanet Hunger Games Simulation

  • Thread starter TB

RIP angle u will b miss xx
Day 11

@Niku Driver HC receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
@JASON_ROCKS1998 travels to higher ground.
@Apok defeats @DurWinning in a fight, but spares his life.
@nascarfan1400 receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
@Downhill Dino and @Danny work together to drown @aarror.
@Leadfoot530 searches for a water source.
@TenEightyOne receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
@RedDragon runs away from @TB.
@AnthonyD1993 travels to higher ground.
@Jet Badger sprains his ankle while running away from @Beeblebrox237.
@W3HS picks flowers.

Fallen Tributes 11

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 1

District 8

Night 11

@Downhill Dino, @AnthonyD1993, and @W3HS sleep in shifts.
@DurWinning loses sight of where he is.
@JASON_ROCKS1998 sets @Leadfoot530 on fire with a molotov.
@Niku Driver HC, @Apok, and @TB sleep in shifts.
@Danny and @RedDragon run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
@nascarfan1400 tries to treat his infection.
@Beeblebrox237 and @TenEightyOne tell stories about themselves to each other.
@Jet Badger receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Day 11: Ok maybe fighting Apok while I was still exhausted wasn't the best idea. Still so far so good, for now.

Night 11: WHERE AM I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You were all lucky i died.

It could be much much *pays RNGesus a bundle of cash* much much much much *pays RNGesus my kidney* much much *offers soul to RNGesus* much much worse if SPD set foot on these later days without a broken neck.