GTPlanet Hunger Games Simulation

  • Thread starter TB
Day 9

@JASON_ROCKS1998, @TenEightyOne, @AnthonyD1993, and @Leadfoot530 hunt for other tributes.
@DurWinning practices his archery.
@aarror runs away from @Beeblebrox237.
@Downhill Dino, @Siren, @Niku Driver HC, and @The Bman hunt for other tributes.
@Danny, @W3HS, @Apok, and @Jet Badger raid @TB's camp while he is hunting.
@RedDragon constructs a shack.
@BRRT_Angel stalks @nascarfan1400.

Fallen Tributes 9

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 2

District 11

District 7

District 9

District 3

Night 9

@Siren begs for @TenEightyOne to kill him. He refuses, keeping @Siren alive.
@DurWinning is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
@Downhill Dino fends @AnthonyD1993, @Niku Driver HC, and @RedDragon away from his fire.
@Danny fends @The Bman, @Apok, and @aarror away from his fire.
@nascarfan1400 sets up camp for the night.
@BRRT_Angel defeats @Jet Badger in a fight, but spares his life.
@Leadfoot530 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
@Beeblebrox237 attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
@TB thinks about home.
@JASON_ROCKS1998 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
@W3HS passes out from exhaustion.
Come on Dino, share that fire. Don't be (even more of) an egoistic tribute, fire isn't your IP! :irked:

Also, I guess that floof can't beat a black rose. Take lessons, everybody.
@Danny, @W3HS, @Apok, and @Jet Badger raid @TB's camp while he is hunting.

@Danny fends @The Bman, @Apok, and @aarror away from his fire.

Oh I see how it is @Danny. First you're all like: ''let's get @TB 's stuff, I really don't like him because he smells'' (Actual thing he said TB, totally Legit), but then you don't even share a fire so we can roast the marshmallows we raided from his camp?
Last time I'm working with you... maybe. I'm really not sure what happens next. :lol:
Day 10

@Jet Badger receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
@Leadfoot530 sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
@nascarfan1400 sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
@AnthonyD1993 practices his archery.
@TB stalks @RedDragon.
@JASON_ROCKS1998 makes a wooden spear.
@Downhill Dino receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
@aarror makes a slingshot.
@W3HS receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
@The Bman and @BRRT_Angel fight @Beeblebrox237 and @Danny. @Beeblebrox237 and @Danny survive.
@Apok steals from @Siren while he isn't looking.
@TenEightyOne and @Niku Driver HC work together for the day.
@DurWinning travels to higher ground.

Fallen Tributes 10

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

@The Bman
District 9

District 4

Night 10

@AnthonyD1993, @Leadfoot530, and @Niku Driver HC sleep in shifts.
@Apok and @aarror hold hands.
@TB and @Downhill Dino talk about the tributes still alive.
@Danny loses sight of where he is.
@TenEightyOne receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
@W3HS, @nascarfan1400, and @JASON_ROCKS1998 discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
@DurWinning passes out from exhaustion.
@RedDragon decapitates @Siren with a sword.
@Beeblebrox237 loses sight of where he is.
@Jet Badger tends to his wounds.
It's scenes like these that make me somewhat more glad to have my neck broken than get in a fight and get shrek'd by fellow district buddies.

Or that decapitation. :eek:
As Jack Black would say; "Decapitationnnnnnn!" Sorry, @Siren, looks like your time as a living tribute is over, in the most brutal fashion. :ill:

At least I got a tag partner for the day, so far so good... And of course, the RNG gods continue to favor Dino as the top dog of District 1. Come on, gimme some supplies already! Those thorns did a number on me too...
GTP Hunger Games Check List

Explosives: Check
Weapon: Check
Comrades: Check
Map showing the location of everyone's location: Check
Medical Supplies: Check