GTPlanet Hunger Games Simulation

  • Thread starter TB
Killed by a plant? :grumpy:

Congratulations on becoming District 1's very first casualty, by the way. Hardly a glorious death, but what can you do. We had to lose a person eventually, so I guess now was the time for you to test the might of a spiky plant. Too bad you lost that one... :lol:

Also, insert Unreal Tournament 2003's "Double Kill" sound clip. You kno who are the targets of that one.

And another thing; I can build a shack (hell yeah) but I can't start a fire? The hell? I didn't ask for an accurate rendition of my awkwardness towards fire, dangnammit! :irked: :lol:
Day 6: Update

Day 7

@Niku Driver HC stalks @Wiegert.
@The Bman sprains his ankle while running away from @GTracer98.
@Apok overhears @DurWinning and @miata13B talking in the distance.
@nascarfan1400 tends to @Danny's wounds.
@W3HS attacks @Siren, but he manages to escape.
@JASON_ROCKS1998, @TenEightyOne, @TB, and @AnthonyD1993 hunt for other tributes.
@Smurfybug makes a slingshot.
@Downhill Dino tries to spear fish with a trident.
@Barra333 defeats @aarror in a fight, but spares his life.
@RedDragon camouflauges himself in the bushes.
@Beeblebrox237 diverts @Leadfoot530's attention and runs away.
@BRRT_Angel steals from @Jet Badger while he isn't looking.
@FireEmblem10 injures himself.

Fallen Tributes 7

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

District 5

Night 7

@Barra333 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
@TB cries himself to sleep.
@Apok and @BRRT_Angel tell stories about themselves to each other.
@Leadfoot530 tends to his wounds.
@Downhill Dino and @FireEmblem10 talk about the tributes still alive.
@Wiegert loses sight of where he is.
@Beeblebrox237 quietly hums.
@JASON_ROCKS1998, @Jet Badger, @Niku Driver HC, and @Danny sleep in shifts.
@The Bman sees a fire, but stays hidden.
@AnthonyD1993 destroys @DurWinning's supplies while he is asleep.
@RedDragon, @TenEightyOne, @nascarfan1400, and @aarror tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
@Siren defeats @miata13B in a fight, but spares his life.
@W3HS tends to his wounds.
@Smurfybug passes out from exhaustion.
@GTracer98 falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
@AnthonyD1993 be careful. That act that you pulled isn't wise in the long run. As you now have officially awoken the fire in my heart and the hatred in my eyes. Watch yourself, I'm coming for you.
@Beeblebrox237 Y U DO DIS?!?!?

Anyhow, wounds? What wounds? Did I cut myself with my hatchet, or poke my eye out with my wooden spear, or what? This thing really doesn't understand what details are.
Yeah, the lake and a prickle bush have the highest death count so far, right?
Since we all know that at least 40 of us will die in this, telling you that 28 of the 40+ are murders won't spoil anything, right?