RooOuch. If you can invest in a cabinet and have the space, do so - it's dust free, and keeps the models out of harms' way.
A sign on your door should do the trick too. "DO NOT - THAT'S NOT - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVEN IF THEY ARE A BIT DUSTY, TOUCH THE MODEL CARS. EVER. By order." Try it. It might work
Fortunatly for me, my mum knows better than to venture into my bedroom, never mind go poking the cars.
some advice if you cant buy it from a local store and throughly check it out i would serious suggest not to buy one online due to the problems ive had with both of mineMustangSVTAnd I was considering getting a CMR SLR
kylehnatI don't think most people realize the value of these models. They are not toys, and have very delicate parts. I don't let a duster ever come near my models. I just use a slightly damp paper towel to dust.
kylehnatI don't think most people realize the value of these models. They are not toys, and have very delicate parts. I don't let a duster ever come near my models. I just use a slightly damp paper towel to dust.
becareful though you can easily get into a bidding war,dont bid till about 30 seconds before the endCCXive been begging my dad to get paypal sorted out and alll. should have it done soon, so i can bid for models!
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