GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel
Back. No sign of Wham!, Last Christmas or Jerk Michael, I mean George Michael, yet.
We don't really need a rundown of the goings on every time you leave the house. ;)
I'm almost intentionally trying to Wham myself to relieve the stress. I'm watching ads at full volume and I have a YT playlist with Wham covers.

Attempted Whamicide? Don't people get fined for doing that? You better watch out. :P

Mine points to tinyurl, not youtube.

Though I do think that people are too distracted (or frightened) by your avatar to check your sig. You sort of just need a picture of a moderator with a slightly transparent arrow pointing towards your sig.
Does hearing some 20-year-old girl singing it count? Because I wasn't aware of a cover version, and I dare not search.

If so, damn you Miami! Your traffic blows and the rain and ghetto I'm working in and airport hotel I'm staying at is the epitome of work sucks.
  • Only the original song eliminates you. Covers (such as Taylor Swift's or Glee's) and remixes (such as Whamnam Style) don't count.
You're safe. :)👍
for now...
Another one for the Whamtionary.
God Wham! it - The exclamation that follows a devious and clever Whamurder.
I'm not playing but I would have had a cruel wham last night. was playing MineCraft with a friend chatting on Skype and in the background I heard Wham playing on his TV. His brother was listening to Christmas songs
Just a warning. If you're on YouTube and an ad plays with Now That's What I Call Christmas, you may get Whammed before you can skip the ad.
YouTube's mobile site doesn't display any ad on my Lumia, and so does the app on my old E72. Not sure about other devices/OSs, I'll have to check.
Casualties begin to increase.
Even though I work in a warehouse, that damn speaker does its job all too well and just plays every song perfectly. I should find a way of disabling it.

All in all, I'm hoping to make it at least until Christmas. After that, every day will be a bonus round!

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