GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel
I remember joining this like a year ago or something but I forgot to check in and all.

I'll try taking this a little more seriously. Count me in. It's still November anyway :lol:
I'm in again.
I hope I'll be luckier this year, as in 2012 I've been Whammed not only once, but twice!
Any suggestion on how to fight a Mum in a festive mood? I'd avoid homicide, making her deaf and/or burning all of her christmas cds (or else I'd have to abscond for quite a bit of time).

I'm trying, Coach, I'm trying. :D

Updated to this point, @Daniel.

👍 As always: thanks for keeping things going, TB.

I'm 🤬 loving this @ tag business, @Jordan. 👍

100% with you on that. Jordan is a Webmaster quite perceptive to not only the needs of the community, but also to the trending styles of communication. A Man of the Times. :lol:


So far, not one single 'Christmas Song' has been played by the local media. Whatever you want to call it - Seasonal Music, Holiday Tracks, Carols, Hymns, X'mas ditties . . . nothing.

It's a whamspiracy. The calm before the Stwham. :nervous:
I just came back from school (yes, at 18:24) and I wanted to check up on you guys… What? Two more Whambies? It's starting…

I'm still alright. I fear that I may get whammed on Dec 20, as that is my last day at school and the teachers will play Christmas songs… Oh well. It's a bit too early to worry about late December :P
The mini-mall in the town wherein I attend uni has already put up Christmas decorations.

Also, today is the anniversary of my last Whamming!
The mini-mall in the town wherein I attend uni has already put up Christmas decorations.

Also, today is the anniversary of my last Whamming!

Happy Whammiversary! DK. You're finally cured. It's the start of a New Year - so stay safe, and hope you last wham-free for the rest of your life. Or at least for the next few weeks.
I'm in again.
I hope I'll be luckier this year, as in 2012 I've been Whammed not only once, but twice!
Any suggestion on how to fight a Mum in a festive mood? I'd avoid homicide, making her deaf and/or burning all of her christmas cds (or else I'd have to abscond for quite a bit of time).
Just hide the CD. Simple.
I heard the sound of George Michael's voice today.

Luckily he was just talking about having faith.
Knock yourself out. Just make sure it absolutely is what you think it is first.
Nice try. Fortunately when I clicked on the link in your sig (I'm actually very interested to know what goes on in the mod forum), I had my speakers off and my headphones unplugged. Of course, the video never even got a chance to load before I closed the page, so if it's actually something else I wouldn't know.

EDIT: I compared video codes (again, the video didn't even get a chance to load) and I'm pretty sure the one in your sig is the same as the one in the OP.
Mine points to tinyurl, not youtube.

I clicked on it (speakers and headphones OFF) waited for the YT page itself to load, quickly read the relevant part of the URL, and clicked out while the video itself was still loading.
I'm almost intentionally trying to Wham myself to relieve the stress. I'm watching ads at full volume and I have a YT playlist with Wham covers.
I just came back from school (yes, at 18:24) and I wanted to check up on you guys… What? Two more Whambies? It's starting…

I'm still alright. I fear that I may get whammed on Dec 20, as that is my last day at school and the teachers will play Christmas songs… Oh well. It's a bit too early to worry about late December :P
I'd be amazed if I got whammed that day, I'm going to see Black Sabbath :lol: