GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel
Harsh... At least most of us know not to trust Jimlaad in any way until 2014 though. :lol: He is the man at the center of GTP Whammings this year. But other than that, I think everyone is just currently so anti social due to the risk of George Michael spreading his audible filth in public. :P It's not until December that we can no longer avoid Wham!

I was close to a place where I would have been Whammed the other day, I was going past Burger King, and they have a TV that plays music videos all day, and guess what was playing when I went past? Yep, Last Christmas was playing in Burger King. Fortunately I was too far away to hear it.
My wife and I went shopping tonight.

"Let's go to the mall. I want to look at a few things" she says.

"Alright" says I.

What. Was I. Thinking. I let my guard down for on second. I couldn't then say no because then she'd ask why not and I have to either lie or come clean about the Whamming! Fast forward the longest 2 hours (and 4 Christmas songs) ever and I'm wiping my brow, thankful for the disaster I'd averted.

Spray strong, Brothers Against Wham's Last chriStmas. Stay strong.
Wham made it to my "top sites" thanks to me visiting the URL so many times (muted of course). Oh boy.

*Sees link in @TB's sig*
*Turns volume to zero*
*Clicks on link*
Wham made it to my "top sites" thanks to me visiting the URL so many times (muted of course). Oh boy.

*Sees link in @TB's sig*
*Turns volume to zero*
*Clicks on link*
He's been clever, in that when you hover over it, it doesn't say Youtube. I think we're all going to know the youtube code for last christmas off by heart soon If it starts with "E8gm", you know you're in trouble if you click it.
Guess you can't trust even your closest friends. We were listening a christmas songs playlist on Spotify last night, and initially I had a close call with the Billie Piper cover of Last Christmas. Then two songs later, guess what started to play? Yep, you guessed it, the original Wham! version.
Oh, it's not the bus, but it's my friends mom and I don't want to be rude and say "turn off the radio" or something:scared:
I guess this will be a test of my luck. So far I've survived 2 days of it.

I was afraid you'd say this. :scared: You've gone from bad to worse. At least there were so many ways to block out the world in a bus, but sticking one's fingers in one's ears when given a courtesy ride is definitely not good form. You're probably going to be the first to go.
How about an excuse that you're allergic to music? Gives you a headache before school?
'Tis the season of lying!

I'm starting to get dream-Whammed! This is a problem, but I haven't been Whammed in real life yet.

:lol: Yesh! One can never escape the Third Law of Motion. The Universe is taking revenge on you, whamifested in your dreamlife.

I was close to a place where I would have been Whammed the other day, I was going past Burger King, and they have a TV that plays music videos all day, and guess what was playing when I went past? Yep, Last Christmas was playing in Burger King. Fortunately I was too far away to hear it.

*adjusts spotlight and peers into Skython's face.

How far away were you?
How did you know it was Last Christmas?
How long did you watch it? Did you stop and stare?
Did you experience anything remotely connected to tinnitis?

Was it a dream?

My wife and I went shopping tonight.

"Let's go to the mall. I want to look at a few things" she says.

"Alright" says I.

What. Was I. Thinking. I let my guard down for on second. I couldn't then say no because then she'd ask why not and I have to either lie or come clean about the Whamming! Fast forward the longest 2 hours (and 4 Christmas songs) ever and I'm wiping my brow, thankful for the disaster I'd averted.
Spray strong, Brothers Against Wham's Last chriStmas. Stay strong.

:lol: Agreeing to be somewhere, or go somewhere, and then realising it's a whamfield you are heading into is a terrifying experience; you cannot say anything, you appear jumpy, people get suspicious because you keep cocking your head this way and that, jerking like a scalded cat anytime you hear bells jingle . . .
And if you sometimes tell them why, it seems like a lame excuse, a cover up for something far more suspicious in nature.

"Whaddya mean you don't want to get whammed?"

Or even worse:

"Hm. Ah. Hm. Wham!, eh?" (This usually is said with an evil smile.)

He's been clever, in that when you hover over it, it doesn't say Youtube. I think we're all going to know the youtube code for last christmas off by heart soon If it starts with "E8gm", you know you're in trouble if you click it.

Don't ever doubt TB's computer skills. He's not on the staff just because he talks pretty; he's a wizard behind the keyboard. I don't trust him further than I can throw the Titanic. But at least the shenanigans are out in the open now.
Plus it'll be worse if he, or Jimlaad, gets whammed anytime soon - whambies so like to get their revenge; misery loves company.

Still haven't heard a single Christmas song. Something's rotten, and not just in the State of Denmark. I'm looking forward to that moment when I first hear 'Driving Home for Christmas' a usually magical moment, the other extreme of being needlessly whammed.


Driving home for Christmas
Oh, I can't wait to see those faces
I'm driving home for Christmas, yea
Well I'm moving down that line
And it's been so long
But I will be there
I sing this song
To pass the time away
Driving in my car
Driving home for Christmas

It's gonna take some time
But I'll get there
Top to toe in tail-lights
Oh, I got red lights on the run
But soon there'll be a freeway
Get my feet on holy ground

So I sing for you
Though you can't hear me
When I get through
And feel you near me
I am driving home for Christmas
Driving home for Christmas
With a thousand memories

I take look at the driver next to me
He's just the same
Just the same

Top to toe in tail-lights
Oh, I got red lights on the run
I'm driving home for Christmas, yea
Get my feet on holy ground
So I sing for you
Though you can't hear me
When I get trough
And feel you near me
Driving in my car
Driving home for Christmas
Driving home for Christmas
With a thousand memories

Find a link to it - there are the words to sing along with. 👍 It'll get rid of the other earwham.

Be on guard - The Whampire Strikes Back.

Edit: Damn! Just got news that Darren was whammed - first whambie, poor fellow.

*gets out Bugle and sounds Taps mournfully.
Plus it'll be worse if he, or Jimlaad, gets whammed anytime soon - whambies so like to get their revenge; misery loves company.

Yeah, no-one will be sad if I get Whammed! :lol:
I kinda deserve it after the underhand tactics I played when we started in the funny picture thread, but I'll still plug on and try to not be caught. I must admit to clicking on TB's link, but closed the tab quickly enough to counter the loading time.
Guess you can't trust even your closest friends. We were listening a christmas songs playlist on Spotify last night, and initially I had a close call with the Billie Piper cover of Last Christmas. Then two songs later, guess what started to play? Yep, you guessed it, the original Wham! version.

A moment of silence, for a fallen comrade. The first Wham! casualty.
Yeah, no-one will be sad if I get Whammed! :lol:
I kinda deserve it after the underhand tactics I played when we started in the funny picture thread, but I'll still plug on and try to not be caught.

It would be some strange sort of luck if you keep escaping - but Good Luck! anyway. All in the spirit of the game. :lol: 👍

I must admit to clicking on TB's link, but closed the tab quickly enough to counter the loading time.

All these comments of "I was almost whammed . . ." are making me suspicious. Deeply suspicious. There seems to be a lot of Shrodinger's Wham in here . . . :rolleyes:

Are you guys dead or alive? Confess your sins!


I always mute stuff before clicking on a link.

Only problem is that it goes in my Youtube history. If I'm listening to music from my history, and I don't notice it coming up in the playlist...

Just think, if I was a billionaire, I could pay random tv shows to just play the song unexpectedly during a broadcast.

A second of Wham! during the start of an F1 race perhaps.:mischievous:
I hope you gentlemen know, that I plan on winning this year and nothing will take that away from me even after three failed years.
I haven't heard any Christmas songs here just yet. They tend to wait a bit until December at least.
Also, TB's link was about as obvious as a Christmas light and decoration filled store with posters of George Michael wishing you a merry Christmas on the facade, so I clicked on it with muted speakers and commended myself on my own cleverness.
It's so tempting to click on that link, however I suspect it's Wham! Can anyone tell me? :nervous:

I'm becoming paranoid.

Considering it was made in 2007, then no, it's not Wham!.

Also, this thread is a safe area, so even if it was hidden, you'd be reinstated.
For some reason all the stations seem to be holding back on the Christmas Music.

This poses a huge math conundrum to me; if the maximum possible times Last Christmas can be played per year is the same . . . and the time is compressed . . . how frequently are we going to (not) hear it?
For some reason all the stations seem to be holding back on the Christmas Music.

They're on to us. They're probably planning a massive assault on us when we drop our guard.
Also, TB's link was about as obvious as a Christmas light and decoration filled store with posters of George Michael wishing you a merry Christmas on the facade
At no point have I ever claimed to be clever. :lol:

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